k0lter / autopostgresqlbackup

Automated tool to make periodic backups of PostgreSQL databases
52 stars 17 forks source link

No backup for one of the DBs #33

Closed sse450 closed 4 months ago

sse450 commented 4 months ago

PostgreSQL: 15.7 AutoPostgreSQLBackup: 2.0

I have 3 DBs. autopostgresqlbackup backups all except one.


How could it be possible?

k0lter commented 4 months ago

@sse450 Could you run the script with the -d option and paste the output (remove and/or hide sensitive content).

sse450 commented 4 months ago
postgres=# \l
                                                   List of databases
    Name     |   Owner    | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | ICU Locale | Locale Provider |   Access privileges   
 onxxxx2024  | noraxxxxxx | UTF8     | tr_TR.UTF-8 | tr_TR.UTF-8 |            | libc            | 
 openproject | postgres   | UTF8     | tr_TR.UTF-8 | tr_TR.UTF-8 |            | libc            | 
 postgres    | postgres   | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | 
 template0   | postgres   | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | =c/postgres          +
             |            |          |             |             |            |                 | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1   | postgres   | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            | libc            | =c/postgres          +
             |            |          |             |             |            |                 | postgres=CTc/postgres
 winxxxx2024 | noraxxxxxx | UTF8     | tr_TR.UTF-8 | tr_TR.UTF-8 |            | libc            | 
(6 rows)

./autopostgresqlbackup -d -c postgresql.conf

^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Loading config 'postgresql.conf'
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|AutoPostgreSQLBackup version 2.0
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Homepage: https://github.com/k0lter/autopostgresqlbackup
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup of Database Server (postgresql) - cloud: (socket)
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup Start: Tue May 14 10:33:13 AM +03 2024
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Running command: psql -t -l -A -F:
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Automatically found databases: onxxxx2024 openproject postgres template0 template1
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Excluded databases: template0
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Database(s) to be backuped: onxxxx2024 openproject postgres template1 postgres_globals
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup of Database (daily) 'onxxxx2024'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Dumping (onxxxx2024) +compress to '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/onxxxx2024/onxxxx2024_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Running command: pg_dump 'onxxxx2024' --port 5432 --username postgres
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Compressing using 'bzip2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Fixing permissions (600) on '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/onxxxx2024/onxxxx2024_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup of Database (daily) 'openproject'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Dumping (openproject) +compress to '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/openproject/openproject_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Running command: pg_dump 'openproject' --port 5432 --username postgres
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Compressing using 'bzip2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Fixing permissions (600) on '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/openproject/openproject_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup of Database (daily) 'postgres'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Creating Backup DB directory '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/postgres'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Dumping (postgres) +compress to '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/postgres/postgres_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Running command: pg_dump 'postgres' --port 5432 --username postgres
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Compressing using 'bzip2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Fixing permissions (600) on '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/postgres/postgres_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup of Database (daily) 'template1'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Creating Backup DB directory '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/template1'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Dumping (template1) +compress to '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/template1/template1_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Running command: pg_dump 'template1' --port 5432 --username postgres
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Compressing using 'bzip2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Fixing permissions (600) on '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/template1/template1_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup of Database (daily) 'postgres_globals'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Dumping (postgres_globals) +compress to '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/postgres_globals/postgres_globals_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Running command: pg_dumpall --globals-only --port 5432 --username postgres
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Compressing using 'bzip2'
^[[0;96m debug^[[0m|Fixing permissions (600) on '/var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql/daily/postgres_globals/postgres_globals_2024-05-14_10h33m.sql.bz2'
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Backup End: Tue May 14 10:33:20 AM +03 2024
^[[0;94m  info^[[0m|Total disk space used for /var/lib/autodbbackup/postgresql: 5.0M

DB winxxxx2024 is missing.

k0lter commented 4 months ago

@sse450 Thanks for your feedback (very appreciated). It should be fixed with with last commit. Could you check if it's OK?

sse450 commented 4 months ago

It works now.

Thank you.

k0lter commented 4 months ago

Perfect. Thanks for your feedback.