There are two approaches in how xlink:href are defined in Production KLICs. This makes the processing of those KLICs inconsistent with many connections or attributes being broken.
<net:inNetwork xlink:href="nl.imkl-KL1011.UNET_telecommunications_1">
with the "xlink" defined in general scope, in the beginning of the file as:
We controleren niet of de netbeheerder zich houdt aan de aanbeveling om voorgedefinieerde afkorting voor namespaces te gebruiken. De netbeheerder is hier reeds op gewezen.
There are two approaches in how xlink:href are defined in Production KLICs. This makes the processing of those KLICs inconsistent with many connections or attributes being broken.
<net:inNetwork xlink:href="nl.imkl-KL1011.UNET_telecommunications_1">
with the "xlink" defined in general scope, in the beginning of the file as:xmlns:xlink=""
<net:inNetwork xmlns:n1="" n1:href="nl.imkl-KL1051.geulen">
Sample KLIC Number: 19G457749