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Inconsistent xlink:href link definition accross Production KLICs #68

Closed adam-ludera-intive closed 3 years ago

adam-ludera-intive commented 5 years ago

There are two approaches in how xlink:href are defined in Production KLICs. This makes the processing of those KLICs inconsistent with many connections or attributes being broken.

one: <net:inNetwork xlink:href="nl.imkl-KL1011.UNET_telecommunications_1"> with the "xlink" defined in general scope, in the beginning of the file as: xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"

second: <net:inNetwork xmlns:n1="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" n1:href="nl.imkl-KL1051.geulen">

Sample KLIC Number: 19G457749

FuatAkdeniz commented 5 years ago

We controleren niet of de netbeheerder zich houdt aan de aanbeveling om voorgedefinieerde afkorting voor namespaces te gebruiken. De netbeheerder is hier reeds op gewezen.