kagemomiji / airsonic-advanced

GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug]: can't manage podcasts, throws 500 #526

Closed jamesiri closed 2 months ago

jamesiri commented 3 months ago

What happened?

I am running in docker and using docker pull ghcr.io/kagemomiji/airsonic-advanced:latest to get my image.

if I try to delete or download a podcast from an rss feed I get the following error:

Status  500
Error   Internal Server Error
Path    /airsonic/podcastChannel.view
Time    Fri Jun 28 23:20:04 UTC 2024
Java version    Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.10
Operating system    Linux 5.10.0-28-amd64
Memory  Used 134 of 256 MB
Stack trace     

org.springframework.beans.InvalidPropertyException: Invalid property 'episodes[1000]' of bean class [org.airsonic.player.command.PodcastChannelCommand]: Index of out of bounds in property path 'episodes[1000]'
    at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getPropertyValue(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:711)
    at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getNestedPropertyAccessor(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:856)
    at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getPropertyAccessorForPropertyPath(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:831)
    at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.setPropertyValue(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:256)
    at org.springframework.beans.AbstractPropertyAccessor.setPropertyValues(AbstractPropertyAccessor.java:104)
    at org.springframework.validation.DataBinder.applyPropertyValues(DataBinder.java:1220)
    at org.springframework.validation.DataBinder.doBind(DataBinder.java:1112)
    at org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder.doBind(WebDataBinder.java:235)
    at org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestDataBinder.bind(ServletRequestDataBinder.java:169)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor.bindRequestParameters(ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor.java:168)
    at org.springframework.web.method.annotation.ModelAttributeMethodProcessor.resolveArgument(ModelAttributeMethodProcessor.java:153)
    at org.springframework.web.method.support.HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite.resolveArgument(HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite.java:122)
    at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.getMethodArgumentValues(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:224)
    at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.invokeForRequest(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:178)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle(ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.java:118)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod(RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.java:926)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal(RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.java:831)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle(AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.java:87)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:1089)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(DispatcherServlet.java:979)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:1014)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(FrameworkServlet.java:914)
    at jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:590)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(FrameworkServlet.java:885)
    at jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:658)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:195)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:51)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.airsonic.player.filter.MetricsFilter.doFilter(MetricsFilter.java:30)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.airsonic.player.filter.ResponseHeaderFilter.doFilter(ResponseHeaderFilter.java:49)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.airsonic.player.filter.RequestEncodingFilter.doFilter(RequestEncodingFilter.java:45)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.airsonic.player.filter.ParameterDecodingFilter.doFilter(ParameterDecodingFilter.java:64)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.airsonic.player.filter.BootstrapVerificationFilter.doFilter(BootstrapVerificationFilter.java:63)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:108)
    at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.lambda$doFilterInternal$3(FilterChainProxy.java:231)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$FilterObservation$SimpleFilterObservation.lambda$wrap$1(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:479)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$AroundFilterObservation$SimpleAroundFilterObservation.lambda$wrap$1(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:340)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator.lambda$wrapSecured$0(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:82)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:128)
    at org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.AuthorizationFilter.doFilter(AuthorizationFilter.java:100)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter.java:126)
    at org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter.java:120)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.java:100)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.rememberme.RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.java:110)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.rememberme.RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.java:101)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.servletapi.SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter.java:179)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.savedrequest.RequestCacheAwareFilter.doFilter(RequestCacheAwareFilter.java:63)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:221)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.www.BasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilterInternal(BasicAuthenticationFilter.java:181)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:221)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.logout.LogoutFilter.doFilter(LogoutFilter.java:107)
    at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.logout.LogoutFilter.doFilter(LogoutFilter.java:93)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.csrf.CsrfFilter.doFilterInternal(CsrfFilter.java:131)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter.doFilterInternal(CorsFilter.java:91)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doHeadersAfter(HeaderWriterFilter.java:90)
    at org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doFilterInternal(HeaderWriterFilter.java:75)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextHolderFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextHolderFilter.java:82)
    at org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextHolderFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextHolderFilter.java:69)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter.doFilterInternal(WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter.java:62)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.session.DisableEncodeUrlFilter.doFilterInternal(DisableEncodeUrlFilter.java:42)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$AroundFilterObservation$SimpleAroundFilterObservation.lambda$wrap$0(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:323)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:224)
    at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137)
    at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilterInternal(FilterChainProxy.java:233)
    at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:191)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:113)
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.HandlerMappingIntrospector.lambda$createCacheFilter$3(HandlerMappingIntrospector.java:195)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:113)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:74)
    at org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebMvcSecurityConfiguration$CompositeFilterChainProxy.doFilter(WebMvcSecurityConfiguration.java:230)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:352)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:268)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter.doFilterInternal(RequestContextFilter.java:100)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.FormContentFilter.doFilterInternal(FormContentFilter.java:93)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.HiddenHttpMethodFilter.doFilterInternal(HiddenHttpMethodFilter.java:91)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.ServerHttpObservationFilter.doFilterInternal(ServerHttpObservationFilter.java:107)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal(CharacterEncodingFilter.java:201)
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:167)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:90)
    at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:482)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:115)
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:93)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:74)
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:344)
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:389)
    at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:63)
    at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:904)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1741)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:52)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1190)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:659)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:63)
    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1000 out of bounds for length 1
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBoundsCheckIndex(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.checkIndex(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.util.Objects.checkIndex(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
    at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getPropertyValue(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:659)
    ... 175 more

As far as I can tell this isn't a permissions problem on the local system and docker so I don't know why this is being thrown.

Steps to reproduce

  1. navigate to the podcast tab
  2. select any podcast
  3. attempt to delete an episode from the feed or download an episode
  4. error is thrown


11.1.4-SNAPSHOT (Edge)

Version Detail


Operating System


Java Version

ava 17.0.10



DB Detail

hsql 2.7.3

Configuration paramter

Airsonic preferences. NOTE: This file is automatically generated. Do not modify while application is running

EncryptionKeyPassword=[redacted] EncryptionKeySalt=[redacted] SettingsChanged=1712816856408 JWTKey=[redacted] IndexString=A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z(XYZ) IgnoredArticles=The El La Los Las Le Les GenreSeparators=; Shortcuts=New Incoming Podcast PlaylistFolder=/var/playlists MusicFileTypes=mp3 ogg oga aac m4a m4b flac wav wma aif aiff ape mpc shn mka opus alm 669 mdl far xm mod fnk imf it liq wow mtm ptm rtm stm s3m ult dmf dbm med okt emod sfx m15 mtn amf gdm stx gmc psm j2b umx amd rad hsc flx gtk mgt mtp wv VideoFileTypes=flv avi mpg mpeg mp4 m4v mkv mov wmv ogv divx m2ts webm CoverArtFileTypes2=cover.jpg cover.png cover.gif folder.jpg jpg jpeg gif png CoverArtSource=FILETAG CoverArtConcurrency=4 CoverArtQuality=90 SortAlbumsByYear=true GettingStartedEnabled=false WelcomeTitle= WelcomeSubtitle= WelcomeMessage2= LoginMessage=Don't fuck anything up. server.servlet.session.timeout=30m Theme=midnight_darkreader LocaleLanguage=en LocaleCountry= LocaleVariant= PodcastUpdateInterval=24 PodcastEpisodeRetentionCount=-1 PodcastEpisodeDownloadCount=1 DownloadBitrateLimit=0 UploadBitrateLimit=0 LdapEnabled=false LdapUrl=ldap://host.domain.com:389/cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=com LdapSearchFilter=(sAMAccountName={0}) LdapManagerDn= LdapAutoShadowing=false SmtpServer= SmtpEncryption=None SmtpPort=25 SmtpUser= SmtpFrom=airsonic@airsonic.org CaptchaEnabled=false ReCaptchaSiteKey=[redacted]

Proxy Server

nginx but this happens when I hit the server directly as well

client detail

firefox, edge, chrome



Relevant log output

Status 500 Error Internal Server Error Message
Path /airsonic/podcastChannel.view Time Fri Jun 28 23:20:04 UTC 2024 Exception
Java version Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.10 Operating system Linux 5.10.0-28-amd64 Memory Used 134 of 256 MB Stack trace

org.springframework.beans.InvalidPropertyException: Invalid property 'episodes[1000]' of bean class [org.airsonic.player.command.PodcastChannelCommand]: Index of out of bounds in property path 'episodes[1000]' at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getPropertyValue(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:711) at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getNestedPropertyAccessor(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:856) at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getPropertyAccessorForPropertyPath(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:831) at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.setPropertyValue(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:256) at org.springframework.beans.AbstractPropertyAccessor.setPropertyValues(AbstractPropertyAccessor.java:104) at org.springframework.validation.DataBinder.applyPropertyValues(DataBinder.java:1220) at org.springframework.validation.DataBinder.doBind(DataBinder.java:1112) at org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder.doBind(WebDataBinder.java:235) at org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestDataBinder.bind(ServletRequestDataBinder.java:169) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor.bindRequestParameters(ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor.java:168) at org.springframework.web.method.annotation.ModelAttributeMethodProcessor.resolveArgument(ModelAttributeMethodProcessor.java:153) at org.springframework.web.method.support.HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite.resolveArgument(HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite.java:122) at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.getMethodArgumentValues(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:224) at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.invokeForRequest(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:178) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle(ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.java:118) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod(RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.java:926) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal(RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.java:831) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle(AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.java:87) at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:1089) at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(DispatcherServlet.java:979) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:1014) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(FrameworkServlet.java:914) at jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:590) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(FrameworkServlet.java:885) at jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:658) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:195) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:51) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.airsonic.player.filter.MetricsFilter.doFilter(MetricsFilter.java:30) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.airsonic.player.filter.ResponseHeaderFilter.doFilter(ResponseHeaderFilter.java:49) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.airsonic.player.filter.RequestEncodingFilter.doFilter(RequestEncodingFilter.java:45) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.airsonic.player.filter.ParameterDecodingFilter.doFilter(ParameterDecodingFilter.java:64) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.airsonic.player.filter.BootstrapVerificationFilter.doFilter(BootstrapVerificationFilter.java:63) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:108) at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.lambda$doFilterInternal$3(FilterChainProxy.java:231) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$FilterObservation$SimpleFilterObservation.lambda$wrap$1(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:479) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$AroundFilterObservation$SimpleAroundFilterObservation.lambda$wrap$1(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:340) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator.lambda$wrapSecured$0(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:82) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:128) at org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.AuthorizationFilter.doFilter(AuthorizationFilter.java:100) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter.java:126) at org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter.java:120) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.java:100) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.rememberme.RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.java:110) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.rememberme.RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(RememberMeAuthenticationFilter.java:101) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.servletapi.SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter.java:179) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.savedrequest.RequestCacheAwareFilter.doFilter(RequestCacheAwareFilter.java:63) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:221) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.www.BasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilterInternal(BasicAuthenticationFilter.java:181) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:221) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.logout.LogoutFilter.doFilter(LogoutFilter.java:107) at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.logout.LogoutFilter.doFilter(LogoutFilter.java:93) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.csrf.CsrfFilter.doFilterInternal(CsrfFilter.java:131) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter.doFilterInternal(CorsFilter.java:91) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doHeadersAfter(HeaderWriterFilter.java:90) at org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doFilterInternal(HeaderWriterFilter.java:75) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextHolderFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextHolderFilter.java:82) at org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextHolderFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextHolderFilter.java:69) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter.doFilterInternal(WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter.java:62) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:227) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.session.DisableEncodeUrlFilter.doFilterInternal(DisableEncodeUrlFilter.java:42) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.wrapFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:240) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$AroundFilterObservation$SimpleAroundFilterObservation.lambda$wrap$0(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:323) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$ObservationFilter.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:224) at org.springframework.security.web.ObservationFilterChainDecorator$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(ObservationFilterChainDecorator.java:137) at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilterInternal(FilterChainProxy.java:233) at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:191) at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:113) at org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.HandlerMappingIntrospector.lambda$createCacheFilter$3(HandlerMappingIntrospector.java:195) at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:113) at org.springframework.web.filter.CompositeFilter.doFilter(CompositeFilter.java:74) at org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebMvcSecurityConfiguration$CompositeFilterChainProxy.doFilter(WebMvcSecurityConfiguration.java:230) at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:352) at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:268) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter.doFilterInternal(RequestContextFilter.java:100) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.springframework.web.filter.FormContentFilter.doFilterInternal(FormContentFilter.java:93) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.springframework.web.filter.HiddenHttpMethodFilter.doFilterInternal(HiddenHttpMethodFilter.java:91) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.springframework.web.filter.ServerHttpObservationFilter.doFilterInternal(ServerHttpObservationFilter.java:107) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal(CharacterEncodingFilter.java:201) at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:116) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:164) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:140) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:167) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:90) at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:482) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:115) at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:93) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:74) at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:344) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:389) at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:63) at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:904) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1741) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:52) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1190) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:659) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:63) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1000 out of bounds for length 1 at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(Unknown Source) at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBoundsCheckIndex(Unknown Source) at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.checkIndex(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.util.Objects.checkIndex(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) at org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getPropertyValue(AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.java:659) ... 175 more

jamesiri commented 3 months ago

I double checked the logs and there isn't any additional data in there.

kagemomiji commented 3 months ago


Could you share me a podcast channel view source? You can obtain the source using the following steps:

  1. navigate to the podcast tab
  2. select any podcast
  3. right click on the list of episodes
  4. then click View Frame Source (If you use Firefox, This Frame -> View Frame Source)
jamesiri commented 3 months ago

I am going to have to split it up across a few posts

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The AD-FREE Version of the iFanboy Pick of the Week Podcast, only for supporting Patrons on Patreon!
84 episodesCompleted

jamesiri commented 3 months ago
jamesiri code3 ```html
jamesiri commented 3 months ago
jamesiri code 4 ```html
Episode Duration Published Status Description
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Pick of the Week #934 – Zatanna: Bring Down The House, Book One Jun 30, 2024, 10:00:08 AM Completed But what does any of this have to do with UCSB Professor Dick Hebdige?Running Time: 01:02:54Pick of the Week:00:02:40 – Zatanna: Bring Down The House, Book OneComics:00:13:01 – Grommets #200:19:50 – Blood Hunt #400:24:02 – Void Rivals #1000:31:57 – Superman #1500:35:07 – Rook: Exodus #300:37:05 – The Sacrificers #9Patron Pick:00:39:49 – Zatanna: Bring Down The House, Book OnePatron Thanks:00:40:35 – EricListener Mail:00:42:26 – Jaden K. is a new listener who wants to know what draws the iFanboys to a comic and what makes a comic purposeful.00:49:39 – Socrates from Chattanooga, Tennessee wonders if the Patreon went away, would the show(s) go away too.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“Magic”Mick Smiley
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Booksplode #62 – The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 Jun 27, 2024, 7:00:03 PM Completed Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode!This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at…The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore, Kevin O’Neill, Ben Dimagmaliw, & Bill Oakley!Running Time: 00:39:20What’s a Booksplode? It’s a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don’t have time to do on the regular show.Music:“More Adventurous”Rilo Kiley
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Pick of the Week #933 – Batman #149 Jun 23, 2024, 10:00:08 AM Completed If a sloth farts in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? No, and you’ll learn why that is as you also learn about this week in comics!Running Time: 01:06:58Pick of the Week:00:02:20 – Batman #149Comics:00:12:23 – Nightwing #11500:15:17 – The Invincible Iron Man #669 (19)00:20:06 – Self Help #100:24:22 – The Sensational She-Hulk #187 (9)00:28:20 – Uncanny Valley #300:30:13 – Destro #100:33:50 – Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #28Patron Pick:00:38:07 – Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime #1Patron Thanks:00:51:56 – Joe BurkelListener Mail:00:53:38 – Jordan B. was excited that The Bell came back in episode 926! But can one have too much of a good thing? (Yes.)00:57:41 – Morgan B. wants to know the dirty secret about sloth farts (or lack there of).Please fill out a brief audience demographic survey!Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“Say Hey (The Willie Mays Song)”The Treniers
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Mediasplode #48 – Old Men on Old Movies: Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) Jun 20, 2024, 7:00:05 PM Completed Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 01:16:28This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:01:43 – Ron’s enthralled by LOLLA: The Story of Lollapalooza and Ripley. But Star Wars: The Acolyte?00:12:54 – Josh managed to catch a rare cinematic showing of Frank Miller: American Genius, and Furiosa: A Mad Max Movie.00:26:21 – Conor headed back north for a revisit of Northern Exposure. and then over to Presumed Innocent.Appetizer of Current Movies:00:32:49 – Ron saw Hit Man. Conor saw everything.Old Men on Old Movies:00:43:19 – Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Peggy Sue”Buddy Holly
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Pick of the Week #932 – The Avengers #781 Jun 16, 2024, 10:00:11 AM Completed It's... it's not great, Bob. It's so not great that we achieve the mythic four-email-scenario. Honestly, we can hardly believe it ourselves. And yet, a good time was had, and heartily so.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:09:55Pick of the Week:00:02:20 - The Avengers #781 (15)Comics:00:11:28 - Fantastic Four #714 (21)00:18:02 - G.O.D.S. #800:23:59 - Lawful #100:26:54 - Ultimate X-Men #4Patron Pick:00:29:32 - Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #1Patron Thanks:00:40:27 - Sheldon AntleListener Mail:00:42:54 - Aaron from Houston, Texas wants some QR code recaps.00:47:02 - Bob from Dacula, Georgia is thinking about long publishing gaps.00:51:42 - Cory from Cleveland, Ohio asks about 100 page spectacular issues, but the whole thing morphs.00:55:50 - Ken from the Great White North brings it home with old comics mail order inquiries.Listen to Conor talk about one of his all-time favorite films on Movie of the Year: 1984 - Ghostbusters!Listen to Ron talk about his career (including iFanboy) on Techsploder with Jason Howell!Please fill out a brief audience demographic survey!Brought To You By:• Shopify - This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period and take your business to the next level.• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got thirteen designs!Music:"Just Like Frank"Less Than Jake
Pick of the Week #931 – Scarlett #1 Jun 9, 2024, 10:00:07 AM Error Failed to download Podcast from https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-media/p/post/105831567/4559436222e048d7ae8df14fa31092d8/eyJhIjoxLCJwIjoxfQ%3D%3D/1.mp3?token-time=1718668800&token-hash=S20ME--mocmSaeUDL4A-aDTN4jUjLscU2SgZcHoPcqQ%3D. Status code: 403
Pick of the Week #930 – Death Ratio'd Jun 2, 2024, 10:00:07 AM Deleted Many divergences show up early, but professionals keep it tight. We talked to some, and they walked us through it. The week's release list was short, but not on content. Plus, there's the elasticity of time, and how it vexes us.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:11:27Pick of the Week:00:02:29 - Death Ratio'dComics:00:14:58 - Avengers: Twilight, Book Six00:19:28 - Batman: Dark Age, Book Three00:24:04 - Grommets #100:34:55 - Drawing Blood #200:39:43 - Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #100:42:26 - Pine & Merrimac #500:44:39 - Friday #9Patron Pick:00:48:27 - William of Newbury #1Patron Thanks:00:54:51 - DanroListener Mail:00:56:56 - Morgan wants to clear up the Anti-Shorts agenda question01:01:42 - Doug, the Alarm Raiser™, wants to know if comic readers would be more or less freaked out by a real manifestation of super powers.Listen to Conor talk about one of his all-time favorite films on Movie of the Year: 1984 - Ghostbusters!Please fill out a brief audience demographic survey!Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got thirteen designs!Music:"Don't Do Me Like That"J. Mascis
Mediasplode #47 – iFanboy at the Movies and Remembering Steve Albini May 30, 2024, 7:00:06 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 00:50:20This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:02:40 – Josh has been watching nothing but the NBA playoffs. (And Conor and Ron have been watching baseball.)00:08:08 – Ron watched Bronx Zoo ’90: Crime, Chaos, and Baseball and Fallout.00:13:59 – Conor has been enjoying this season of Survivor and played the Pilot Challenge.Discussion:00:17:34 – Remembering Steve Albini (1962-2024)iFanboy at the Movies:00:29:03 – Civil War00:32:37 – Challengers00:38:39 – The Fall Guy00:45:01 – The Ministry of Ungentlemanly WarfareSPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Squirrel Song”Shellac
Pick of the Week #929 – The Amazing Spider-Man #944 May 26, 2024, 10:00:07 AM Deleted Much like Norman Osborn Josh lets his alts out to help The Jamokes™ and itinerant Dr. Haupt discuss this week in comics as quickly as possible!Running Time: 01:18:34Pick of the Week:00:01:39 – The Amazing Spider-Man #944 (#50)Comics:00:12:39 -The Sensational She-Hulk #186 (#8)00:18:31 – Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #600:23:30 – Nightwing #11400:27:32 – Cobra Commander #500:32:04 – Blood Hunt #2The Bell:00:39:18 – The Bell Returns!00:41:45 – The Bat-Man: First Knight, Book Three00:42:05 – Predator: The Last Hunt #400:42:27 – Void Rivals #900:42:43 – Union Jack: Ripper – Blood Hunt #100:43:01 – The Holy Roller #600:43:18 – X-Men ’97 #300:43:36 – Sanction #100:43:55 – Blow Away #200:44:11 – Ultimate Black Panther #400:44:29 – Wonder Woman #900:44:47 – Black Widow & Hawkeye #300:45:04 – The Butcher’s Boy #100:45:22 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #2700:45:40 – Blue Book: 1947 #400:45:57 – Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #120Comics:00:46:33 – Black Widow & Hawkeye #3 (Redux)Patron Pick:00:47:12 – Archie Comics: Judgement Day #1Patron Thanks:00:55:35 – Joe CannonListener Mail:00:58:11 – Patrick from Maine wants to know what happened to Free Comic Book Day?01:03:45 – Sam P. from South London, England has issues with Free Comic Book Day and wants to know if creative teams transitioning to event books are exciting or nerve-wracking?Please fill out a brief audience demographic survey!Check out Conor on Movie of the Year: 1984 discussing Ghostbusters!Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Best”Gracie Abrams
Talksplode #111 - Tom King May 23, 2024, 1:00:11 PM Deleted Thanks to iFanboy Patrons, it's Talksplode time.Your old pal and ours, superstar writer and OG iFanbase member, Tom King comes back to talk about comics. No real specific comics, mind you. But Josh and Tom did talk on and on. If you're a fan of the man's writing and the love of the craft, you're in for a treat. Plus there's a nice Alex Toth lesson included.Oh yeah, Tom is currently writing a lot of comics, like Wonder Woman, Animal Pound, Helen of Wyndhorn, Penguin, and even an Archie book.Total Running Time: 01:43:10Music:“Tommy Gets His Tonsils Out"The Replacements
Pick of the Week #928 – Uncanny Valley #2 May 19, 2024, 10:00:05 AM Deleted It’s a weird week! Not a lot of books leads to an unusually superhero-lite rundown. Plus, about half way through the show one of the hosts starts to lose his voice! All that plus a Dreadnok Diversion! Balls.Running Time: 00:54:20Pick of the Week:00:02:58 – Uncanny Valley #2Comics:00:10:38 – G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #30600:18:13 – Alien: Black, White and Blood #400:21:25 – Aliens: What If…? #300:22:36 – Redcoat #200:26:48 – Dark Ride #1200:29:29 – Briar #500:31:39 – The Displaced #4Patron Pick:00:34:00 – Doom #1Patron Thanks:00:39:35 – Tom RoseNews:00:40:53 – 2024 Eisner Award NominationsAudience Question:00:44:30 – Tim Y. has a very technical and specific question about the G.I. Joe theme song.00:47:56 – Tom D. from Vermont has a correction for the latest Booksplode.Brought To You By:• Shopify – This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period and take your business to the next level.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“On the Road Again (Live)”Willie Nelson
Special Edition – Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Two May 16, 2024, 7:00:03 PM Deleted The iFanboy Animation Brain Trust — Conor Kilpatrick, Paul Montgomery, and Ryan Haupt — discuss the latest release from the DC Universe Animated Original Movie line… Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Two! Plus, looking ahead to Part Three (and Watchmen), and are we close to the end for this line of animated films that began in 2007?Running Time: 00:39:00 Music:“Psycho Killer”Talking Heads
jamesiri commented 3 months ago
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Pick of the Week #937 - Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #6 May 12, 2024, 10:00:09 AM Completed Comics continue to surprise us, over and over, week after week, year after year, and it is glorious. This week is no different. Plus, enjoy the return of an age old question we're forced to revisit once again.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:16:33Pick of the Week:00:02:08 - Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #6Comics:00:11:59 – The Avengers #780 /Blood Hunt comics!00:22:48 – Transformers #800:27:21 – Ain't No Grave #100:30:41 – The Boy Wonder, Book One00:33:42 – Fantastic Four #713Patron Pick:00:35:46 - Mugshots #1Patron Thanks:00:44:20 - Pachyderm (James Siri)Listener Mail:00:47:59 - Tyler F. rekindles the age old Top 5 question.00:55:51 - Greg from Philly is thinking about superhero movie costumes.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got twelve designs!Music:"Stinking Drunk"Big Black
Booksplode #61 – Avengers: Kree/Skrull War May 9, 2024, 7:00:05 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode!This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at…Avengers: Kree/Skrull War by Roy Thomas, Neal Adams, Sal Buscema, John Buscema, Tom Palmer, Sam Gainger, George Roussos, Alan Weiss, Sam Rosen, Art Simek, & Mike Stevens. (Art & Color Reconstruction in the Gallery Edition by Tom Mullin, Michael Kelleher, Wil Glass & All Thumbs Creative.)Running Time: 00:48:55What’s a Booksplode? It’s a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don’t have time to do on the regular show.Music:“Changes”Jimi Hendrix
Pick of the Week #926 – X-Men #34 May 5, 2024, 10:00:06 AM Deleted This week it’s an early morning record time and words are sometimes hard to come by. Plus, it was a weird week of comics.Running Time: 01:03:28Pick of the Week:00:03:00 – X-Men #34Comics:00:13:50 – Blood Hunt #100:23:52 – Superman: House of Brainiac Special #100:32:12 – Crave #600:33:55 – Space Ghost #100:35:34 – Harley Quinn 2024 Annual #1Patron Pick:00:36:28 – Get Fury #1Patron Thanks:00:43:26 – Kal LisListener Mail:00:45:03 – Brad P. thinks that the listener mail segment deserves more respect.00:53:14 – Dan C. from New Jersey is being driven mad by the usage of “bi-monthly.”Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Scat Sandwich”Space Ghost, Brak, and Zorak
Pick of the Week #925 – Ultimate Spider-Man #4 Apr 28, 2024, 10:00:10 AM Deleted It’s a “yes and” kind of show, or will the “no buts” finally have their day in iFancourt? Tune in and find out along with this week in comics!Running Time: 01:17:41Pick of the Week:00:03:04 – Ultimate Spider-Man #4Comics:00:17:12 – Batman: Dark Age, Book 200:24:25 – Drawing Blood #100:30:59 – The Avengers #77900:43:02 – Duke #500:46:59 – Blade #1000:50:25 – Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #119Patron Pick:00:54:05 – Universal Monsters: Creature from the Black Lagoon Lives! #1Patron Thanks:01:03:18 – Jarrod PatrickBrought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Elevate [feat. Denzel Curry & YBN Cordae & SWAVAY & Trevor Rich]”DJ Khalil
Pick of the Week #924 - Avengers: Twilight, Book Five Apr 21, 2024, 10:00:05 AM Deleted It's time for that G.O.S.H.* feeling, as the onslaught of beautifully crafted comics wash over us just in time for our weekly comic book/self-care/therapy hour (and change) show. Conor manages to swing a couple shows together and we're back on track. Will they get pizza right in comics this week? You know we'll explore it.*Good Old Super HeroNote: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:13:02Pick of the Week:00:02:30 - Avengers: Twilight, Book FiveComics:00:15:18 - The Fall of the House of X #400:19:05 - John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America, Book Four00:25:24 - Wonder Woman #800:30:55 - Batman: Offworld #400:35:30 - Black Widow & Hawkeye #200:38:57 - Batman/Superman: World's Finest #2600:42:02 - Helen of Wyndhorn #200:44:47 - Nightwing #300Patron Pick:00:55:02 - Blow Away #1Patron Thanks:01:03:11 - Jeff ShayBrought To You By:• Shopify - This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period and take your business to the next level.• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got thirteen designs!Music:"Spit on a Stranger"Pavement
Mediasplode #46 – Dune: Part Two and the What Should We Watch Next Challenge Apr 18, 2024, 7:00:07 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 00:54:52This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:01:06 – Ron and Josh have been watching Shōgun and Manhunt. (And Josh just started Franklin.)00:10:26 – Josh finally watched Baby Driver.00:13:47 – Conor went to the revival theater see Holiday and watched the finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm.The “What Should We Watch Next?” Challenge:00:18:42 – Last month, two of the hosts picked a show for the third to watch from their “to watch” list. Now everyone reports back!Review:00:34:55 – Dune: Part Two.SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“I Get Around”The Beach Boys
Pick of the Week #923 – Fantastic Four #712 Apr 14, 2024, 10:00:03 AM Deleted Conor Kilpatrick’s back! Again! This week Josh Flanagan thinks they won’t have enough to talk about in the listener mail segment but you’d think after all of these years he’d know better. Plus, there was a major flukey technical screw-up that nearly derailed the show near the end but through the magic of editing you won’t hear it. But they will always remember it.Running Time: 01:00:40Pick of the Week:00:03:04 – Fantastic Four #712Comics:00:12:19 – Action Comics #106400:16:36 – Transformers #700:21:50 – Dark Spaces: Dungeon #500:26:17 – Green Lantern #1000:29:12 – Napalm Lullaby #200:32:00 – The Amazing Spider-Man #94100:35:08 – Alien: What If…? #2Patron Pick:00:38:02 – Uncanny Valley #1Patron Thanks:00:46:43 – Alan AlvarezAudience Question:00:48:32 – Peter S. from Cape Coral, Florida asks about all-time G.O.S.H.-iest comic book series.
Pick of the Week #922 - Usagi Yojimbo #275 Apr 7, 2024, 10:00:09 AM Deleted Left alone, Josh takes the wheel, and goes a little bit mad. So many forgotten details, and lessons given, but in the end, he still manages to go long with the show. He cannot help but speak. Conor even makes a guest appearance. Sort of.Running Time: 01:15:05Pick of the Week:00:01:53 - Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow #1 (#275)Comics:00:10:21 - Star Wars #4500:16:46 - Alien: Black, White & Blood #300:21:40 - Void Rivals #800:27:02 - X-Men #3300:32:50 - Captain America #75800:34:37 - Crave #500:37:46 - Geiger #100:43:05 - Rook: Exodus #1Patron Pick:00:48:06 - Redcoat #1Patron Thanks:00:55:22 - Tom MikulskiAudience Questions:00:57:17 - Anonymous Canadian asks about a mid life creative crisis.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got thirteen designs!Music:"Milktoast"Helme
Pick of the Week #921 – The Amazing Spider-Man #940 Mar 31, 2024, 10:00:06 AM Deleted Conor’s back! But for how long? Plus, somehow a listener question about double-page spreads leads to a deep rabbit hole about old TV watching.Running Time: 01:07:40Pick of the Week:00:02:27 – The Amazing Spider-Man #940Comics:00:12:36 – Ultimate Spider-Man #300:16:25 – Duke #400:20:06 – The Goon: Them That Don’t Stay Dead #100:29:46 – G.O.D.S. #600:32:39 – Thunderbolts #400:35:15 – Newburn #1600:38:25 – Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #5Patron Pick:00:40:48 – Batman: Dark Age, Book OnePatron Thanks:00:46:59 – Don MynackAudience Questions:00:49:21 – Dan B. has a big problem with digital double-page spreads.00:57:03 – Ben H. makes a Booksplode request.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Centerfield”John Fogerty
Booksplode #60 – Homicide: The Graphic Novel, Part One (and Two) Mar 28, 2024, 7:00:05 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we're proud to present another Booksplode!This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at...Homicide: The Graphic Novel, Part One (and Part Two) by Phillipe Squarzon, based on the book by David Simon.Running Time: 00:26:56What's a Booksplode? It's a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don't have time to do on the regular show.Music:"Homicide: Life on the Street Theme Song"Lynn F. Kowal
Pick of the Week #920 – Dutch #2 Mar 24, 2024, 10:00:04 AM Deleted While Conor is on an apparent rumspringa, cousin Jim Viscardi from comicbook.com comes to visit. The two inveterate soda addicts try to figure out just what is so good, or what is so not good, about a bunch of weekly comics.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:18:54Pick of the Week:00:02:37 - Dutch #2Comics:00:13:11 - G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #30500:18:17Me - X-Men Forever #100:25:07 - The Invincible Iron Man #66600:30:40 - Vengeance of the Moon Knight #300:34:35 - Superman #85500:38:03 - Wonder Woman #80700:40:09 - Nacellaverse #0Patron Pick:00:47:37 - Man's Best #1Patron Thanks:00:55:39 - Joseph IsraelAudience Questions:00:58:56 - Jordan from Alabama wonders if there are creators you don't love who did something you love.01:06:02 - Jason wants to know if comic reading conditions affect comic enjoyment.Brought To You By:• Shopify - This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period and take your business to the next level.• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got twelve designs!Music:"Antioch Waltz"Joe Casey
Talksplode #110 - Rob Williams Mar 21, 2024, 9:44:29 PM Deleted Thanks to iFanboy Patrons, it’s Talksplode time.Your patience will be rewarded with a fantastic conversation with comic book writer, Rob Williams. Most recently, Rob and Pye Parr have been building glorious and run worlds of race car robots, with Petrol Head from Image Comics. 2000 A.D. fans will surely recognize Rob’s name from his work with Judge Dredd over the last couple of decades, among many many other series from the major publishers.Josh and Rob talk about how this comics career came to be, and how the writer develops his sense of story and the craft of storytelling in the comic book context.Find out more at Rob’s website. Total Running Time: 01:14:04Music:“Killer Cars”Radiohead
Pick of the Week #919 – Fables #162 Mar 17, 2024, 10:00:06 AM Deleted It’s not just a show, it’s a conversation. A conversation about comics. Gene Hackman may also be listening.Running Time: 01:19:25Pick of the Week:00:03:04 – Fables #162Comics:00:13:37 – Alien: Black, White & Blood #200:22:56 – Avengers: Twilight, Book Four00:29:56 – Napalm Lullaby #100:38:04 – Dark Spaces: Dungeon #400:40:38 – Blue Book: 1947 #200:48:18 – Black Widow & Hawkeye #100:49:46 – Power Rangers: The Return #2Patron Pick:00:51:57 – Helen of Wyndhorn #1Patron Thanks:00:58:03 – Christopher DuranAudience Questions:01:00:39 – Cory from Cleveland, Ohio wants to know what we think would happen to artists who mostly do covers if the Big 2 gave up on publishing loads and loads of variant covers?Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Storybook Hero”Eric Bibb
Mediasplode #45 – The 2024 Oscars Reaction and What Should We Watch Next? Mar 14, 2024, 7:00:06 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we're proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 00:54:47This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss...What We've Been Enjoying:00:01:38 - Conor went to the revival theater, a lot, and saw Casablanca, Before Sunset, It Happened One Night, The Awful Truth, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.00:06:28 - Josh is watching Shōgun and finally finished We Own This City.00:17:28 - Ron finished the third season of Slow Horses and the first season of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and went to see Dune: Part Two.Discussion:00:19:49 - The 96th Annual Academy Awards.Musical Interlude:00:25:47 - Ron has a lot of thoughts on upcoming music festivals, and music festivals in general.The "What Should We Watch Next?" Challenge:00:38:04 - Each host talks about the shows on their "to-watch" list and the other two hosts pick which one they have to watch next. They will all report back next month!SPOILERS ABOVE!What's a Mediasplode? It's a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It's like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Music:"I'm Just Ken"Ryan Gosling
Pick of the Week #918 – The Bat-Man: First Knight, Book One Mar 10, 2024, 10:00:05 AM Deleted Verbal stumbles and an embarrassing lapse of classic cinema memory do not slow down the tide of varied and intriguing comics that cross our paths this week. But first, let's go back to 1939...Running Time: 01:08:16Pick of the Week:00:02:11 - The Bat-Man: First Knight, Booke OneComics:00:18:29 - X-Men #3200:26:10 - Birds of Prey #700:31:46 - Captain America #75700:37:18 - Aliens: What If...? #100:40:10 - Blue Beetle #700:41:47 - Doctor Strange #43900:43:42 - The Spectacular Spider-Men #1Patron Pick:00:45:49 - Ultimate X-Men #1Patron Thanks:00:55:55 - Jesse JohnstonAudience Questions:00:59:40 - Malcolm has a lot of questions about Illyana Rasputin, and we may or may not have any answers.Brought To You By:• Better Help - This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got thirteen designs!Music:"If I Didn't Care"The Ink Spots
Pick of the Week #917 – Avengers: Twilight, Book Three Mar 3, 2024, 11:00:06 AM Deleted This week, dark secrets are revealed when the curtain is pulled back at the top of the show. Plus, tales of childhood sexual development and internet doppelgängers.Running Time: 01:03:01Pick of the Week:00:02:25 – Avengers: Twilight, Book ThreeComics:00:11:31 – Duke #300:17:11 – Room Service #000:20:58 – The Penguin #700:29:48 – Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1000:31:27 – Phantom Road #900:33:23 – Green Arrow #9Star Wars Corner:00:36:44 – Star Wars: Thrawn Alliance #2Patron Pick:00:38:32 – The Savage Sword of Conan #1Patron Thanks:00:46:44 – CormacAudience Questions:00:48:56 – Matteo A. has reached his breaking point with the pronunciations of Italian names on the show.00:52:18 – Karl C. is upset about a perceived double standard on the show.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“I Need Never Get Old”Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats
Pick of the Week #916 – Alien: Black, White & Blood #1 Feb 25, 2024, 11:00:08 AM Deleted Eventually, Josh makes a bold, entitled statement about a connection between G.I. Joe and This is Spinal Tap, and he gets it mixed. The management would like to apologize for his ineptitude and disciplinary steps have been initiated. That had nothing to do with what was otherwise a perfectly fine episode of this program. They talk about comics. Again.Running Time: 01:16:29Pick of the Week:00:02:19 – Alien: Black, White & Blood #1Comics:00:14:54 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #2400:21:38 – Ultimate Spider-Man #200:29:28 – Nightwing #11100:35:01 – Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #100:39:30 – The Holy Roller #400:42:28 – The Six Fingers #100:46:26 – G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #304Patron Pick:00:52:05 – Animal Pound #2Patron Thanks:01:04:25 – Matt JohnsonAudience Questions:01:06:17 – Greg M. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania brings a whole new Watchmen question to the game. Follow along!Brought To You By:• Shopify – This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period and take your business to the next level.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“Bloodstains”Agent Orange
Pick of the Week #915 – Petrol Head #4 Feb 18, 2024, 11:00:06 AM Deleted As the show begins a friendship unravels and by the end temporal foundations are shattered. In between, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick find another excuse to talk about old G.I. Joe comics even though they are definitely not on the rundown.Running Time: 01:06:11Pick of the Week:00:02:02 – Petrol Head #4Comics:00:11:32 – Dutch #100:16:08 – Transformers #500:23:38 – The Displaced #100:30:56 – Usagi Yojimbo #27400:33:27 – Blue Book: 1974 #100:36:23 – Fire Power #3000:39:04 – Red Hood: The Hill #1Patron Pick:00:43:39 – Sinister Sons #1Patron Thanks:00:51:36 – John LaunderAudience Questions:00:53:56 – Former iFanboy columnist Jeff Reid is looking for suggestions about what to read next.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“No Cars Go”The Arcade Fire
Mediasplode #44 – Ranking the Academy Award Best Picture Nominees Feb 15, 2024, 8:00:06 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 00:51:45This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We've Been Enjoying:00:01:40 - Slow Horses00:02:39 - Monsieur Spade00:08:06 - Feud: Capote vs. The Swans00:10:50 - Mr. and Mrs. Smith00:17:04 - Curb Your Enthusiasm00:19:37 - True Detective: Night Country00:24:20 - Masters of the Air00:30:53 - Lawmen: Bass Reeves00:33:37 - For All MankindDiscussion:00:39:45 - Ranking the 2024 Academy Award Best Picture nominees.SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Fast Car”Tracy Chapman
Pick of the Week #914 – Fantastic Four #710 Feb 11, 2024, 11:00:07 AM Deleted Many stories come to an end, but in comics, all ends are just beginnings. Keep the client on the Ferris Wheel, and it goes, the park is open twenty-four-seven, three-six-five. Every decade, every goddamn century. That’s it. Name of the game.Running Time: 01:09:47Pick of the Week:00:02:14 - Fantastic Four #710 (17)Comics:00:18:38 - Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #300:22:42 - Birds of Prey #600:27:55 - DC's How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #100:32:47 - Dark Spaces: Dungeon #300:34:56 - The Space Between #400:36:35 - Captain America #756 (6)00:40:17 - Crave #3Patron Pick:00:43:52 - Ultimate Black Panther #1Patron Thanks:00:53:55 - Douglas EdwardsAudience Questions:00:56:25 - Kwilli asks about Josh about glowing car emblems. But it makes sense in context.01:01:35 - Bearded Comic Bro from Columbus, Ohio wants to know about organization systems.Brought To You By:• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:"Time Bomb"Rancid
Pick of the Week #913 – Duke #2 Feb 4, 2024, 11:00:06 AM Deleted This unit may be lacking in leadership, discipline, and military prowess, but they know comics, and knowing is half the battle. Go… THIS WEEK IN COMICS!Running Time: 01:02:25Pick of the Week:00:02:23 – Duke #2Comics:00:12:59 – Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #400:19:49 – Avengers: Twilight, Book Two00:27:23 – Local Man #900:31:38 – Batman: Off-World #300:33:23 – Jill and the Killers #1Patron Pick:00:35:51 – Moon Man #1Patron Thanks:00:42:42 – Dayna DoskocilAudience Questions:00:44:56 – Justin L. from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania wants to know if we agree or disagree that retcons are a necessary evil for the big two to keep their lines fresh.00:54:38 – Ken J. from the Great White North asks for our favorite “Elseworlds” versions of Batman.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Seven Nation Army”The White Stripes
Special Edition – Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part One Feb 1, 2024, 8:00:07 PM Deleted The iFanboy Animation Brain Trust — Conor Kilpatrick, Paul Montgomery, and Ryan Haupt — discuss the latest release from the DC Universe Animated Original Movie line… Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part One! Plus, wait, this is a trilogy? Also, is this the end of the Tomorrowverse and possibly the DC Animated Original Films themselves?Running Time: 00:50:10Music:“Back in Time”Huey Lewis & The News
Pick of the Week #912 – Batman: The Brave and The Bold #9 Jan 28, 2024, 11:00:07 AM Deleted You’d think on such a light week the Jamokes would be hurting for things to talk about and the show would be shorter than normal but, as it turned out, that assumption was wrong.Running Time: 01:06:32Pick of the Week:00:03:24 – Batman: The Brave and The Bold #9Comics:00:15:01 – The Penguin #600:18:40 – G.O.D.S. #400:22:04 – Newburn #1400:26:29 – Damn Them All #1200:28:15 – The Holy Roller #3Patron Pick:00:31:33 – Ghost Machine #1Patron Thanks:00:39:05 – EddieListener Mail:00:42:29 – Ben F. from Erie, Pennsylvania asks these questions three: 1) Favorite comic-related merchandise? 2) How can comics events recapture that Civil War feeling? 3) Are there comics telling Master and Commander-like stories?Brought To You By:• Shopify – This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period and take your business to the next level.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“Brand New Key”Melanie
Booksplode #59 – Classic G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Vol. 1 Jan 25, 2024, 8:11:58 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode!This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at…Classic G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Vol. 1 by Larry Hama, Herb Trimpe, Steven Grant, Don Perlin, Mike Vosburg, Bob McLeod, Jack Abel, Jon D’Agostino, Mike Esposito, Chic Stone, Glynis Wein, Bob Sharon, George Roussos, Stan Goldberg, Christi Scheele, Andy Yanchuns, Jim Novak, Diana Albers, Rick Parker, Janice Chiang, Joe Rosen, & Digital Chameleon.What’s a Booksplode? It’s a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don’t have time to do on the regular show.Running Time: 00:51:17Music:“G.I. Joe (Theme Song)”Jonathan Kimmel
Pick of the Week #911 – Avengers: Twilight, Book One Jan 21, 2024, 6:29:09 PM Deleted An old trick can still work with the right application, but does a visit to the underground snake side of things threaten to bring down this whole affair? Of course it can’t.Running Time: 01:11:34Pick of the Week:00:01:12 – Avengers: Twilight, Book OneComics:00:13:08 – James Bond: 007 #100:16:53 – John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #100:25:37 – The Enfield Gang Massacre #600:28:43 – Creepshow, Vol. 2 #500:32:25 – Fantastic Four #709 (16)00:34:52 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #23G.I. Joe Corner:00:38:15 – Cobra Commander #100:44:16 – G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #303Patron Pick:00:50:30 – Avengers: Twilight, Book OnePatron Thanks:00:51:33 – Chris MalloyListener Mail:00:53:26 – Greg M. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has a game for us.00:59:11 – Matt in Connecticut wonders, if Josh were to hit the high seas, what would that look like?Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“911 is a Joke”Public Enemy
Mediasplode #43 – What We Watched Over the Holidays Jan 18, 2024, 8:00:05 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 00:52:48This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:01:48 – Ron and Conor watched Maestro.00:07:08 – Ron went to the theater and saw Poor Things.00:10:08 – Ron watched Beckham.00:11:23 – Ron watched season one of Drops of God.00:16:58 – Ron watched (and Conor re-watched) season one of Slow Horses.00:23:56 – Josh went to the theater and saw Wonka.00:27:22 – Josh is re-watching G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero.00:31:33 – Josh has mostly been watching NBA games instead of scripted TV.00:31:46 – Josh is watching BoJack Horseman.00:35:04 – Conor watched Anatomy of a Fall, Saltburn, and Past Lives.00:36:11 – Conor went to the theater and saw American Fiction.00:37:57 – Ron finally saw Barbie.00:38:44 – Conor watched The Gold.00:39:43 – Conor watched Archie.00:40:25 – Conor watched the final episode of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.00:41:50 – Conor listened to Who Killed JFK? with Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien.SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Winter Winds”Mumford & Sons
Pick of the Week #910 – Action Comics #1061 Jan 14, 2024, 11:00:04 AM Deleted Was it a weird week of comics? Maybe! But Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick (and their inner children) had a hell of a good time reading them. Also, it might be time to ask: is Image fully back?Running Time: 01:02:44Pick of the Week:00:02:23 – Action Comics #1061Comics:00:11:47 – Transformers #400:19:12 – Petrol Head #300:24:07 – Swan Song #600:28:53 – Bloodrik #200:31:23 – The Sensational She-Hulk #182 (4)00:34:28 – Masterpiece #2Patron Pick:00:36:52 – Ultimate Spider-Man #1Patron Thanks:00:46:46 – Jason WessonListener Mail:00:48:08 – Karl C. wonders if the Big Two need a ’70s-style DC Implosion.00:52:33 – Ryan S. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania asks about the continuity status of The Killing Joke.Brought To You By:• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“One After 909”Willie Nelson
Pick of the Week #909 – Beware the Planet of the Apes #1 Jan 7, 2024, 11:00:07 AM Deleted The Jamokes™ are back in town! Feeling better and not worse, at long last. The great salve is always wonderful comics, and for that we are thankful that there were many, you damn dirty apes.Running Time: 01:06:31Pick of the Week:00:04:42 – Beware the Planet of the Apes #1Comics:00:10:18 – Fall of the House of X #100:18:37 – Captain America #755 (5)00:25:23 – Fantastic Four #708 (15)00:33:28 – The Amazing Spider-Man #935 (41)00:37:06 – Thanos #200:38:05 – Birds of Prey #500:41:04 – Shazam! #7Star Wars Corner:00:42:56 – Star Wars: Darth Vader #42Patron Pick:00:46:22 – Pine & Merrimac #1Patron Thanks:00:53:25 – Gabriel JosephAudience Questions:00:56:22 – Scott H. from Portland, Oregon wants us to get pedantic. Mission accomplished.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Show your support for the show today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“No Distance Left to Run”Blur
2023 All Media Year End Roundup Dec 17, 2023, 11:00:06 AM Deleted It’s the eighteenth annual iFanboy All Media Year End Roundup! Conor Kilpatrick, Josh Flanagan, and special guest Ron Richards (who was battling a cold) discuss some of what they enjoyed in media in this, the weird year that was 2023. Movies, television, music, books, podcasts, and comics — it’s all here!(Disclaimer: Ron Richard’s opinions are his own and do not represent Marvel Entertainment or the Walt Disney Corporation.)Note: Timecodes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 02:55:09Movies:00:02:30 – Barbie00:09:15 – Oppenheimer00:13:29 – Killers of the Flower Moon00:17:11 – The Holdovers00:21:28 – The Killer00:24:08 – Flora and Son00:27:39 – Blackberry00:30:11 – Air00:31:51 – Asteroid City00:34:25 – Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game00:37:57 – Elemental00:40:53 – Fast X00:42:23 – Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny00:43:55 – Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves00:46:58 – Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning00:48:31 – The Top Films of the Year & The Theatergoing ExperienceTelevision:00:51:06 – The Bear00:53:48 – Perry Mason00:57:07 – Poker Face00:59:12 – Reservation Dogs01:01:35 – The Last of Us01:04:57 – The Gold01:08:47 – Bosch: Legacy01:11:23 – Justified: City Primeval01:13:05 – Star Trek: Strange New Worlds01:15:18 – Star Trek: Picard01:18:48 – For All Mankind01:22:25 – Jury Duty01:26:54 – Billions01:28:32 – Hijack01:30:55 – Welcome to WrexhamMusic:01:38:26 – Walter Schreifels (30th Anniversary of Slip by Quicksand/Rival Schools/Gorilla Biscuits) 01:41:44 – Moon Is by Heavy Blanket01:43:26 – Cheap Grills by Sincere Engineer01:44:54 – Would You Miss It? by Koyo01:45:45 – The Sleeping at Aura in Portland, Maine01:45:58 – Marathon by Mil-Spec01:46:42 – Tim (Let It Bleed Edition) by The Replacements01:49:43 – Lincoln/Samuel (Samuel SC) at St. Stephen’s in Washington, DCPodcasts:01:52:29 – Strike Force Five with Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, & John Oliver 01:55:59 – Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend with Conan O’Brien, Sona Movsesian, & Matt Gourley01:57:27 – The Town with Matthew Belloni02:00:14 – Pivot with Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway02:01:42 – Death on the Lot with Adam McKay02:04:54 – Plain English with Derek Thompson02:05:46 – The Watch with Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan02:07:07 – The Old Man and the Three with JJ Reddick and Tommy Alter02:09:19 – The Set with Zak LevittBooks:02:12:21 – The Last Devil to Die: A Thursday Murder Club Mystery by Richard Osman 02:13:52 – The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder by David Grann 02:15:43 – Hollywood: The Oral History by Jeanine Basinger and Sam Wasson02:18:16 – Rogues: True Stories of Grifters, Killers, Rebels and Crooks by Patrick Radden Keefe02:19:57 – The Yiddish Policemen’s Union: A Novel by Michael Chabon02:22:17 – Forever: A Novel by Pete Hamill02:24:13 – Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Yoyage by Alfred Lansing02:26:14 – A Roadie’s Tale by Civ02:27:51 – Spare by Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex02:28:51 – The Aubrey/Maturin Novels by Patrick O’Brian02:32:13 – Marvelous Manhattan: Stories of the Restaurants, Bars, and Shops That Make This City Special by Reggie Nadelson02:33:24 – Night Soldiers: A Novel by Alan FurstComics:02:35:24 – Fantastic Four02:36:44 – The Human Target02:38:00 – Immortal Sergeant02:38:53 – Traveling to Mars02:40:00 – The Amazing Spider-Man02:40:58 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest02:41:39 – She-Hulk / The Sensational She-Hulk02:42:57 – Clobberin’ Time02:44:11 – Wild’s End02:46:05 – Giant DaysFor More From Ron Richards:• Listen to Android Faithful!• If you’re into pinball, check out Scorbit!Brought To You By:• Miracle Made – Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to TryMiracle.com/iFanboy and use the code IFANBOY to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got TWELVE designs!Music:“Winter Wonderland”Willie Nelson
Talksplode #109 – Sina Grace Dec 14, 2023, 8:46:49 PM Deleted Thanks to iFanboy Patrons, it’s Talksplode time.Listeners might be sick of hearing about Josh being sick, but a conversation with a great comic creator is always the thing to perk one up. Sina has had a varied career in comics, starting as a Top Cow intern, working in comic shops, making his own indie comics like Not My Bag, Lil’ Depressed Boy, and more. He became the first editor for Robert Kirkman’s Skybound Entertainment, eventually ending up telling Bobby Drake’s story in Iceman, and has just now released a stellar YA Graphic Novel, Superman: The Harvests of Youth. There’s no one like Sina, in comics, and we’re all better off for itTotal Running Time: 01:24:43Music:“Sheena is a Punk Rocker”The Ramones
Pick of the Week #908 – X-Men #29 Dec 10, 2023, 11:00:05 AM Deleted Despite dual sickness and the Kindle app’s best efforts at sabotage, our stalwart Jamokes power through to talk about comics, as they must, as ever, in this, the final Pick of the Week show of the year!Running Time: 01:02:23Pick of the Week:00:02:06 – X-Men #29Comics:00:10:18 – The Invincible Iron Man #66300:13:58 – Bloodrik #100:19:52 – Petrol Head #200:23:55 – Shazam! #600:25:15 – The Hunger and the Dusk #400:30:00 – Hellboy: Winter Special – The Yule Cat00:32:29 – Creepshow Holiday Special 2023 #1Patron Pick:00:35:27 – Batman-Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1Patron Thanks:00:42:31 – Brent EcenbargerLooking Back at 2023:00:50:12 – Picks of the Week… By the Numbers!Brought To You By:• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Someday at Christmas”Stevie Wonder
Pick of the Week #907 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War First Strike #1 Dec 3, 2023, 11:00:05 AM Deleted Limping and wheezing into the end of the year, nothing can stop the mail. Slightly more can stop the Pick of the Week, but not this week. Plus we raise a glass to the sunsetting digital comics solution.Production Note: while our editing management department (eastern branch) did its level best, working day and night to eliminate all coughs, sniffles, dog barks, and other grunt-isms, we cannot guarantee the remnants of previous have not escaped the watchful editing of our dedicated staff. You have our apologies.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:13:58Pick of the Week:00:02:56 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War First Strike #1Comics:00:14:02 - Spider-Woman #100:20:40 - The Penguin #400:25:25- Batman: The Brave and the Bold #100:34:58 - Quest #400:37:36 - Crave #100:40:18 - What's the Furthest Place from Here? #1600:41:36 - Local Man #7Patron Pick:00:44:18 - Howard the Duck #1Patron Thanks:00:52:26 - Mike CartwrightAudience Questions:00:55:54 - Robert W. is wondering about retcons, then Conor gets bogged down in the literal interpretation of the term "retcon" and Josh starts crying. Again.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got twelve designs!Music:"Fairytale of New York"The Pogues
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Booksplode #58 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Books I-IV Nov 30, 2023, 11:17:59 PM Completed Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode!This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at…Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Books I, II, III, & IV by Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, Dave Sim and Gerhard, Michael Dooney, Ryan Brown, Ken Feduniewicz, Jim Lawson, Janice Cohen, & Steve Lavigne!!What’s a Booksplode? It’s a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don’t have time to do on the regular show.Running Time: 00:41:17Music:“Christmas in Hollis”Run-DMC
Pick of the Week #906 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #21 Nov 26, 2023, 11:00:05 AM Deleted Lock yourself in a bathroom to avoid family long enough to enjoy a rundown of the week in comics!Running Time: 01:03:16Pick of the Week:00:03:22 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #21Comics:00:09:33 – Batman: Off-World #100:13:29 – The Sensational She-Hulk #180 (2)00:18:44 – Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #11400:21:50 – Wonder Woman #803 (3)00:27:41 – Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #1Patron Pick:00:30:38 – The Holy Roller #1Patron Thanks:00:39:24 – ViewerBAudience Questions:00:42:05 – Greg M. from Philadelphia, PA wants to know the criteria that make for a really good villain?00:51:23 – Patrick K. from NC is perplexed by haphazard trade release schedules. Is there an ideal window for released collected editions?Brought To You By:• Uncommon Goods – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. They have the most meaningful, out-of-the-ordinary gifts anywhere. Go to uncommongoods.com/ifanboy for 15% off your next gift.• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)”Darlene Love
Pick of the Week #905 – G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #301 Nov 19, 2023, 11:00:04 AM Deleted With only four shows left this year, Conor Kilpatrick and Josh Flanagan are going to make you wait for the good stuff because first they have to tell stories that they’ve never told before (spoiler alert: one of them possibly admits to a felony).Running Time: 01:02:42Pick of the Week:00:04:13 – G.I Joe: A Real American Hero #301Comics:00:18:11 – Fantastic Four #706 (13)00:23:01 – Danger Street, Book Eleven00:28:45 – Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #200:35:01 – Big Game #500:37:07 – WildC.A.T.S. #1200:38:36 – Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #2Star Wars Corner:00:40:01 – Star Wars: Dark Droids #4Patron Pick:00:42:40 – Outsiders #1Patron Thanks:00:52:16 – Kyle Wade00:54:22 – Consider donating to T. Scott Benefield’s GoFundMeAudience Questions:00:55:27 – Kane T. asks how opinions have changed over the life of the show.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got thirteen designs!Music:“Logistics”Stefanie Joosten (feat. Giorgio Moroder)
Special Edition – The Marvels Nov 16, 2023, 8:00:02 PM Deleted Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe rolls on with the sequel (to a movie and two TV shows) that was four years in the making… The Marvels! Josh Flanagan, Conor Kilpatrick, and The Internet’s Paul Montgomery tell you all about it! Plus, the overall state of the MCU!Running Time: 00:46:27Music:“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”Elton John
Pick of the Week #904 – Shazam! #5 Nov 12, 2023, 11:00:05 AM Deleted Superb Hearing Allows Zany Audio Manifestations… SHAZAM! Or how to stop letting pantheons run your body and get your life back on track with this week’s rundown of comics!Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:05:10Pick of the Week:00:02:34 – Shazam! #5Comics:00:14:33 – Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain #100:17:42 – Punisher #100:25:31 – Batman #90400:33:15 – Thanos #100:35:16 – Transformers #200:41:07 – The Enfield Gang Massacre #400:45:02 – Groo in the World #400:46:42 – The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #12Patron Pick:00:48:15 – Petrol Head #1Patron Thanks:00:58:02 – Keith RobinsonBrought To You By:• Uncommon Goods – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. They have the most meaningful, out-of-the-ordinary gifts anywhere. Go to uncommongoods.com/ifanboy for 15% off your next gift.• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Lightning Strikes”Aceyalone
Mediasplode #42 – The End of the Year Mailbag! Nov 9, 2023, 8:00:04 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 01:00:00This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:01:32 – Ron watched Flora and Son, and is watching The Gold, and Lessons in Chemistry.00:08:02 – Conor has started Lawmen: Bass Reeves, finished the third season of Lupin, and listened to Strike Force Five.00:11:09 – Josh also listened to Strike Force Five, and is rewatching The Sopranos, and rewatched The IT Crowd and Black Books.Mail Bag:00:18:03 – Owen M. from Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland wants to know what the guys think about “Now and Then.”00:23:14 – Scott H. from Portland, Oregon is looking to identify the titles in the iFanboy Film Canon.00:26:49 – John-Joseph J. from Brooklyn, New York is curious about Josh’s return to skateboarding.00:30:18 – Nick B. from Melbourne, Australia is dipping his toe into David Lynch fandom.00:33:04 – Ryan S. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania wonders if iFanboy was to ever do another movies by minute podcast, what would the movie be? And also what are the guys’ Top 3 Scorcese pictures?00:35:56 – Marcus V. has been trying to watch Once Upon a Time in America but is stuck in the middle and doesn’t know if he should finish.00:37:01 – Aaron A. from Houston, Texas doesn’t understand why the guys love Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood so much.00:41:45 – Brian C. from Cincinnati, Ohio is exasperated with how Disney has been managing The Muppets and thinks the solution for success is obvious.00:45:05 – Greg M. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania wants to know which other holiday classic film should get the Muppet treatment.00:47:08 – Dave C. from Buffalo, New York has a grab bag of holiday media (and non-media) questions.SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Rainbow Connection”Kermit the Frog
Pick of the Week #903 - The Space Between Nov 5, 2023, 11:00:05 AM Deleted Where one is for, another is against. A Jamoke House™ divided against itself cannot stand! That's not actually true. It was fine. No trigger warning needed for this week's Patron Power and the indie books make their presence known.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:11:03Pick of the Week:00:01:27 - The Space Between #1Comics:00:13:19 - Ultimate Universe #100:20:52 - X-Men #2800:25:58 - The Return of Superman: 30th Anniversary Edition #100:33:20 - Red Light #100:35:47 - The Sacrificers #400:26:09 - Traveling to Mars #9Patron Pick:00:41:51 - Canary #1Patron Thanks:00:52:40 - MattAudience Question:00:55:47 - Scott H. is wondering about modern creators who push the form of the comic book page.01:00:40 - Jimi John L. asks if Damian Wayne is acceptable in the Morrison Batman and Robin form.Brought To You By:• Uncommon Goods - This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. They have the most meaningful, out-of-the-ordinary gifts anywhere. Go to uncommongoods.com/ifanboy for 15% off your next gift.• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got twelve designs!Music:"Time and Space"Turnstile
Talksplode #108 – Jason Aaron Nov 2, 2023, 8:27:21 PM Deleted Thanks to iFanboy Patrons, it’s Talksplode time.There has certainly been a bit of a reunion theme to the Talksplode episodes lately. But that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. And so, Josh welcomes Jason Aaron back to the program. Known for defining characters for new eras in Thor and The Avengers, as well as his creator-owned masterpiece, Scalped, and his recent series, Once Upon a Time at the End of the World, Jason is set to do his first DC work in many years, after being exclusive to Marvel. We talk about making comics and making a career around comics, and how he does it.You can find out more about Jason hereTotal Running Time: 01:18:39Music:“It’s Nice to Know You Work Alone”Silversun Pickups
Pick of the Week #902 – Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1 Oct 29, 2023, 10:00:04 AM Deleted The Jamokes™ are loose and limber this week despite their being several reminders or their age and/or mortality. Perhaps it was the return of The Bell that put everyone in a good mood? Ding!Running Time: 01:02:46Pick of the Week:00:01:49 – Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1Comics:00:09:33 – Dead Spaces: Dungeon #100:13:40 – I Hate Fairyland #1000:17:19 – Wonder Woman #80(2)00:23:34 – The Penguin #200:26:09 – Paladin of AxesThe Bell:00:29:27 – The Bell Returns!00:31:30 – Fire Power #2800:31:56 – What’s the Furthest Place from Here? #1500:32:15 – Batman: The Brave and the Bold #600:32:42 – Action Comics #105800:33:06 – Green Arrow #500:33:26 – Captain America #75(2)00:33:49 – Uncanny Spider-Man #200:33:09 – Alpha Flight #300:34:33 – Uncanny Avengers #300:34:54 – Captain Marvel #(1)8500:35:15 – Jean Grey #300:35:35 – The Amazing Spider-Man #930 (36)00:35:58 – The Flash #80(2)00:36:19 – Star Wars: Dark Droids – D Squad #200:36:42 – The Immortal Thor #764 (3)00:37:06 – Marvel Zombies: Black, White and Blood #100:37:26 – Unstoppable Doom Patrol #700:37:47 – Universal Monsters: Dracula #100:38:10 – Void Rivals #5Comics:00:38:32 – Captain Marvel #(1)85 (Redux)Patron Pick:00:40:18 – Giant Robot Hellboy #1Patron Thanks:00:50:23 – Mike BosticAudience Question:00:52:04 – Dan C. relays a question from his LCS owner and the guys feel attacked.Brought To You By:• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Spoonman”Soundgarden
Mediasplode #41 – Killers of the Flower Moon and Does Any Movie NEED to Be Three Hours Long? Oct 26, 2023, 7:27:46 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 01:00:00This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:02:02 – Conor has been immersed in the Major League Baseball post-season.00:05:32 – Ron went to see The State Live.00:11:37 – Josh is watching the third season of Wu-Tang: An American Saga and finished 1883.Discussion:00:18:00 – Killers of the Flower Moon00:40:19 – Does any movie need to be three hours long?SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Wildwood Flower”The Carter Family
Pick of the Week #901 - Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #1 Oct 22, 2023, 11:25:37 AM Deleted Conor is deep in training for Special Ops duty in the European Theater, so iFanboy veteran and scholar, Paul Montgomery joins Josh for the weekly comic review. We must warn you, there's a great deal of deep (meandering) thought (guessing). Top it off with some creepy comics, and an even creepier Patron power, and in the end, you have a show.Running Time: 01:15:34Pick of the Week:00:01:56 - Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #1Comics:00:15:54 - The Sensational She-Hulk #170 (1)00:23:10 - Swan Songs #400:30:36 - Coda #200:36:52 - Wild's End #500:41:16 - Jay Garrick: The Flash #100:43:57 - The Forged #500:47:47 - Rumpus Room #2Patron Pick:00:52:37 - Hack/Slash: Back to School #1Patron Thanks:01:00:49 - James E. McGillAudience Questions:01:02:53 - Dave asks about the books from that stack that don't make the show.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got twelve designs!
Pick of the Week #900 – The Amazing Spider-Man #929 (35) Oct 15, 2023, 10:00:04 AM Deleted iFanboy celebrates its 900th episode with a triple-sized all listener e-mail spectacular! Josh Flanagan, Conor Kilpatrick, and special guest Ryan Haupt asked you, the iFanbase, to send them e-mails… and you delivered! Plus, a surprise appearance from an old friend!Running Time: 03:06:15Pick of the Week:00:02:56 – The Amazing Spider-Man #929 (35)Patron Pick:00:11:38 – Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1Audience Questions:00:20:48 – The tradition continues as we field questions from the loyal iFanbase for over three hours! Listen as the hosts slowly fall apart, either from drink or exhaustion talking comics and ephemera to the very bitter end. But first! What are the hosts drinking? Jason R. from Colorado Springs, Colorado is looking for the most influential comic book published since 1990. Morgan B. wants to know if, as a casual Star Trek: The Next Generation fan, he should watch Picard and he wants to know, since he listens to the show at 1.2x speed, would we sound weird to him if we met in real life. Jason S. misses the recurring comedy bits on the show. Greg M. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania asks which dish the hosts cook better than anyone else. Jackie from Queens, New York has two Top Five questions: lightsaber battles and Mark Waid stories. Scott H. from Portland, Oregon wants to know the biggest change in the craft of comic book storytelling since the show began. Chris L. just watched Halt and Catch Fire and wants to know which characters match with the iFanboys. Michael L. from Maryland is curious why Josh prefers Superman: The Animated Series to Batman: The Animated Series. Marcus V. from London, England, United Kingdom asks which comic book the iFanboys have reread the most. Edward A. is confused by the modern usage of the term “anti-hero.” Marco S. from South Africa asks which artist is the best at drawing eating food and which series iFanboy wishes had reached issue 900. Aldwin D. wants to know what iFanboy thinks about Grant Morrison’s assessment of the ending of The Killing Joke. Chris T. wonders if iFanboy has had any good snacks lately. Wes A. asks which recent series Josh thinks would have worked as Vertigo books in the salad days. Stephen H. from Wrexham, Wales, United Kingdom wants to know what advice the iFanboys would give themselves back when they started the show. Chris from the iFanboy Data Analytics Department presents his annual report on Patron Powers. Ethan J. wants to know how the world would change if people had tails like dogs. Sam P. from London, England, United Kingdom asks, if outside forces dictated the end of the show, what Josh and Conor would do next. Brad G. from Exeter, California wants to know what everyone’s favorite comic book collectible is. Ethan D. from Vermont is curious if the iFanboy ever bought anything from a comic book advertisement. Ryan M. from Cincinnati, Ohio asks if comic book numbering should stay with the title or the character. Monica M. desperately wants a television show about the history of comic books. Jason M. thinks that it’s long past time to add a new “Age” to the pantheon of Comic Book Ages. Kyle W. is curious if anyone else composes a music score in their head while reading comics. Jonathan S. from Olympia, Washington is looking for juicy stories about podcast sponsorships. Francisco J. is curious how different The West Wing would be if it premiered today. Ilan P. from South Africa wants to know which five non-superhero graphic novels iFanboy would recommend to get someone to appreciate the art form. Patrick K. from North Carolina wants to know which villain organization the iFanboys would want to join. Eduardo R. is curious which canceled/ended series the iFanboys would bring back for 10-12 issues. Patrick A. thinks that the recent success of Transformers disproves iFanboy’s notion that creators no longer move the needle. Teemu R. from Helsinki, Finland is curious what iFanboy thinks about the recent Brubaker/Phillips books and wants to know if Josh still has love for Queen & Country. Sergio H. is not familiar with indie comics from the 90s and wants some recommendations. Justice S. wants to know if there is a moment from the show that is especially memorable for each host. Dan G. has three relationship questions vis a vis nerd fandom. Colm A. from Cork, Ireland is new to comics and new to the show and wants clarification on how and why the major publishers are different from each other. Micah L. sends Captain America through time and wants to know what historical people and events iFanboy would want him to interact with. Erik F. wants to reread the Hickman Era X-Men books and wants to know what the highlights are. Cory T. from Cleveland, Ohio asks which DC stories the iFanboys want to see get animated. Gabe A. from Los Angeles, California demands to know more about the time iFanboy almost pivoted to become a print magazine. Socrates A. from Tennessee wants to know, if the right offer came along, would iFanboy sell, walk away, and allow other people to keep the show and brand going. Edward G. knows why he still reads comic book and asks why iFanboy still reads comic books. Louis K. wants to know if the iFanboys think that they will read comic books for the rest of their lives. Bryan R. is curious if plans are already afoot for episode 1,000.Patron Thanks:01:23:01 – James E. McGillBrought To You By:• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Back and To The Left”
Pick of the Week #899 – Transformers #1 Oct 8, 2023, 10:00:03 AM Deleted An 80s nostalgia-fueled episode exposes failing middle aged brains while we look ahead to episode 900!Running Time: 01:03:42Pick of the Week:00:02:25 – Transformers #1Comics:00:13:23 – Fantastic Four #705 (12)00:18:15 – Shazam! #400:21:05 – Sins of the Salton Sea #500:28:57 – Peacemaker Tries Hard!, Book Six00:30:07 – Tear Us Apart #200:34:02 – The Sacrificers #3Patron Pick:00:36:37 – G.O.D.S. #1Patron Thanks:00:46:38 – Mark MillerAudience Questions:00:48:55 – David B. wants to know iFanboy’s favorite artists who aren’t considered all-time greats.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy”Kenny Chesney
Pick of the Week #898 – Action Comics #1057 Oct 1, 2023, 10:00:07 AM Deleted It has been longer than you think since the Two Jamokes™ did a regular Pick of the Week show together. And it turns out that there’s almost just too much to say about the books, because saying things about the books is what we do best.Plus, don’t you just wanna eat some chips with Superman?Running Time: 01:13:44Pick of the Week:00:03:34 – Action Comics #1057Comics:00:20:52 – The Avengers #500:26:31 – The Penguin #200:31:30 – The Invincible Iron Man #660 (20)00:36:51 – Void Rivals #400:40:31 – Batman: The Brave and the Bold #500:45:35 – Usagi Yojimbo: Ice and Snow #1Patron Pick:00:47:17 – The Flash #1Patron Thanks:00:59:29 – Jon AllenBrought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Touch Me I’m Sick”Mudhoney
Mediasplode #40 – The HBO Show! The End of ‘Winning Time’, the Future of the Brand, and Our All-Time Favorite Original Series! Sep 28, 2023, 7:06:44 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 00:59:20This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:02:38 – Conor mourns the cancelation of Heels.00:05:40 – Ron is watching This Fool.00:08:25 – Josh and Ron went to Riot Fest in Chicago.HBO Discussion:00:20:36 – Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty was canceled after season two.00:38:19 – Greg M. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania asks if the end of Succession marks the end of HBO’s incredible run of original programming that began in the early 90s.00:49:12 – Greg also asks the guys’ to list their All-Time Top Three HBO Original Series.SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Music:“Song for the Dead”Queens of the Stone Age
Pick of the Week #897 – Superman #6 Sep 24, 2023, 10:01:00 AM Deleted Is this the week where one of the Jamokes gets canceled? And yet the show must go on in discussing this week in comics!Running Time: 01:16:55Pick of the Week:00:03:01 – Superman #6Comics:00:10:47 – Rumpus Room #100:16:09 – Captain America #751 (1)00:24:42 – Jack Kirby’s Starr Warriors: The Adventures of Adam Starr and The Solar Legion00:36:41 – Uncanny Spider-Man #100:39:36 – Fishflies #200:44:10 – Hey Kids! Comics! Vol. 3 #6Patron Pick:00:47:38 – Wonder Woman #801 (1)Patron Thanks:00:57:31 – Joel RodriguezAudience Questions:01:00:19 – Ken J. from the Great White North has paradoxical pet peeves regarding time travel in comics and wants to know what others are perpetually peeved about?Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Superman”Lazlo Bane
Booksplode #57 – The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Sep 22, 2023, 4:38:20 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode!This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at…The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition by Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Louis Simonson, Roger Stern, Jon Bogdanove, Tom Grummett, Jackson Guice, Brett Breeding, Rick Burchett, Doug Hazlewood, Dennis Janke, Denis Rodier, Bill Sienkiewicz, Gene D’Anegelo, Glenn Whitmore, Hi-Fi, Brian Miller, John Costanza, Albert DeGuzman, Bill Oakley, Willie Schubert, & John Workman!What’s a Booksplode? It’s a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don’t have time to do on the regular show.Running Time: 00:37:17Music:“Don’t Fear the Reaper”Blue Oyster Cult
Pick of the Week #896 – Daredevil #662 Sep 17, 2023, 10:00:04 AM Deleted Unofficial Old Home Month continues as old pal and former iFanboy columnist Jim Mroczkowski sits in for Josh Flanagan and joins Conor Kilpatrick in this weirdly light week of comics that nevertheless yielded three solid Pick of the Week candidates.Running Time: 00:54:10Pick of the Week:00:02:25 – Daredevil #662 (1)Comics:00:11:57 – Danger Street, Book Nine00:16:44 – From the World of Minor Threats: The Alternates #100:20:11 – The Incredible Hulk #785 (4)00:24:06 – Saint John #100:27:46 – Green Lantern #300:29:32 – Werewolf by Night #1Patron Pick:00:31:35 – Avengers Inc. #1Patron Thanks:00:40:22 – Ray CookAudience Questions:00:42:10 – Mike H. from Buffalo, New York thinks that Jonathan Hickman is villainizing the Marvel Universe.Brought To You By:• Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“St. Jimmy”Green Day
Pick of the Week #895 – Birds of Prey #1 Sep 10, 2023, 10:00:05 AM Deleted Paul Montgomery returns to the fold this week, and what a week of great books it was. Like really great. You just wouldn’t believe how great it was. You might think other weeks have been great, but that’s just peanuts compared to this week. Also, please enjoy the end of the show, where neither host can recall any relevant names. This is going to be a problem.Running Time: 01:11:59Pick of the Week:00:02:30 – Birds of Prey #1Comics:00:14:07 – Star Wars #38/Dark Droids #200:26:05 – Swan Songs #300:34:22 – Fantastic Four #70400:40:37 – The Sacrificers #200:45:42 – Tear Us Apart #100:49:18 – Shazam! #3Patron Pick:00:50:40 – Birds of Prey #1Patron Thanks:00:54:12 – Ras FletcherAudience Questions:00:56:33 – Chris wants to know what we mean when we say something looks “European”.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Divide and Conquer”Hüsker Dü
Pick of the Week #894 – Marvel Age #1000 Sep 3, 2023, 10:00:03 AM Deleted Hot dog talk leads to contention but you can still rely on the Jamokes and Dr. Haupt to help you ketchup on this week’s comics!Running Time: 01:17:59Pick of the Week:00:02:33 – Marvel Age #1000Comics:00:20:14 – Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Battle Lines #100:26:21 – Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #100:34:17 – Local Man: Gold00:38:20 – Action Comics Presents: Doomsday Special #100:41:37 – The Hunger and the Dusk #200:44:42 – Blade #2Patron Pick:00:48:07 – Marvel Age #1000Patron Thanks:00:50:30 – Kenneth DerrickAudience Questions:00:53:31 – Mike H. from Buffalo, New York wants to know how noisy the Green Lantern Corps is?00:59:29 – Dan B. pits the nerds against the jocks asking which type of trivia is more useless?01:05:54 – Pete B. asks how the Jamokes would run a Metropolis-based hot dog cart.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Margaritaville”Jimmy Buffett
Mediasplode #39 – The 80s Comedy Draft! Aug 31, 2023, 7:00:04 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 01:13:23This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:01:40 – Ron has been watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.00:07:25 – Josh has been catching up on The Crown and 1883.00:13:24 – Conor has been watching Minx, Justified: City Primeval, Reservation Dogs, Only Murders in the Building, Heels, Billions, and Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (and he forgot to mention Dark Winds!), and mourning the end of Riverdale. Game Time:00:17:03 – The 80s Comedy Draft!SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Here I Go Again (20th Anniversary Remaster)”Whitesnake
Pick of the Week #893 – The Penguin #1 Aug 27, 2023, 10:00:04 AM Deleted Let iFanboy enhance your pleasure this week while the show goes long and a painful decision is made that hasn’t had to be made in a while.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:04:45Pick of the Week:00:02:06 – The Penguin #1Comics:00:12:09 – The Invincible Iron Man #659 (9)00:18:54 – Dark Knights of Steel #1200:23:32 – Dead Romans #600:32:34 – The Amazing Spider-Man #926 (32)00:36:21 – Big Game #200:39:25 – Marvel Unleashed #100:41:41 – Jean Grey #1Patron Pick:00:47:38 – The Immortal Thor #762 (1)Patron Thanks:00:54:49 – Wayne McNicolBrought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season)”The Byrds
Talksplode #107 – Rick Remender Aug 24, 2023, 10:47:24 PM Deleted Thanks to iFanboy Patrons, it’s Talksplode time.Rick Remender, writer, artist, TV showrunner, teacher, story factory, father, punk rock skateboard kid, old man, and a long time friend of this podcast returns to Talksplode for a record seventh appearance over a fifteen year span. But not one of those chats was Rick and Josh alone, and they get into it.Where does this creative drive come from? Did comics almost lose him? How did he know to stay on this uncharted path of self determined comic book and story creation? Will we be able to come back and talk about The Scumbag a lot more? With his imprint, Giant Generator set to release a new spate of varied stories, like The Sacrificers and The Holy Roller, Rick gives his first long form interview in 3 years, and we’re very happy with it.Total Running Time: 01:16:55Music:“Generator”Bad Religion
Pick of the Week #892 – Void Rivals #3 Aug 20, 2023, 10:01:00 AM Deleted Do they like it? Do they not? Why not? Is this all just whining? And what about the dentist? All these questions and more are proposed, answered and also not answered, but know that Groo is hungry and Puck is short. That might be it.Running Time: 01:13:04Pick of the Week:00:02:26 – Void Rivals #3Comics:00:16:26 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #1800:24:50 – Groo in the Wild #200:29:54 – Wild’s End #3Krakoa Corner:00:34:26 – Uncanny Avengers #100:40:37 – Alpha Flight #100:43:12 – Dark X-Men #1Patron Pick:00:46:13 – The Cull #1Patron Thanks:00:56:16 – Tony the Disney DadAudience Questions:00:58:04 – Greg from Philly has a fun little comic book game for us.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Into the Void”Black Sabbath
Special Edition – Justice League: Warworld Aug 17, 2023, 7:34:03 PM Deleted The iFanboy Animation Brain Trust — Conor Kilpatrick, Paul Montgomery, and Ryan Haupt — discuss the latest release from the DC Universe Animated Original Movie line… Justice League: Warworld ! Plus, the second half of the show is a messy free for all as we look ahead to Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths and Watchmen and back at Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and The Flash and discuss the rewatchability of the entire line of films, and the travesty of WB’s seeming obsession with romantically linking Bruce Wayne And Barbara Gordon!Running Time: 00:31:25Music:“All Around the World”Oasis
Pick of the Week #891 – The Enfield Gang Massacre #1 Aug 13, 2023, 10:01:00 AM Deleted The Jamokes go so far down memory lane it turns into a boulevard.Running Time: 01:00:00Pick of the Week:00:02:19 – The Enfield Gang Massacre #1Comics:00:11:43 – The Amazing Spider-Man #92500:20:36 – Danger Street, Book Eight00:22:31 – WildC.A.T.S. #1000:25:56 – Mech Cadets #100:27:55 – Superman 2023 Annual #100:30:54 – Barnstormers #200:32:52 – Immortal X-Men #1400:34:44 – Swan Songs #2Patron Pick:00:36:08 – The Enfield Gang Massacre #1Patron Thanks:00:36:56 – James DarlingAudience Questions:00:42:34 – Aaron B. was thinking about his own personal Comic Book Ages and wants to know about the iFanboys’ Comic Book Ages.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!
Pick of the Week #890 – Fantastic Four #703 Aug 6, 2023, 10:00:04 AM Deleted Blood donations! Formal storytelling! Time dilation! Gruesome uses of mutant abilities! And more from Dr. Ryan Haupt and Josh Flanagan this week. Get yourself a free cookie and have yourself a read and then a listen.Running Time: 01:16:03Pick of the Week:00:02:42 – Fantastic Four #703Comics:00:11:59 – Doctor Strange #43200:20:40 – X-Men #2500:24:47 – Star Wars: Dark Droids #100:31:54 – Sins of the Salton Sea #300:36:41 – Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #600:39:25 – Hey Kids! Comics! vol. 3 #500:40:36 – Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1957 — From BelowPatron Pick:00:42:51 – The Sacrificers #1Patron Thanks:00:57:14 – Steven T. SifertAudience Questions:01:01:08 – Scott from OR asks about comic convention memories and experiences.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Tequila”The Champs
Pick of the Week #889 – Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor, Book One Jul 30, 2023, 2:59:29 PM Deleted Don’t let the theory of gravity keep you down, it is only a theory after all. Feel lighter by listening to the jamokes and some manner of scientician discuss the week in comics, and the relative entertainment merits of improv technique.Running Time: 01:23:09Pick of the Week:00:01:15 – Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor, Book OneComic00:15:57 – She-Hulk #17800:20:40 – The Invincible Iron Man #65800:24:08 – Avengers #76900:33:20 – The Incredible Hulk #78300:37:00 – Ultimate Invasion #200:39:08 – The Ribbon Queen #100:42:13 – Traveling to Mars #7Patron Pick:00:43:48 – X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1Patron Thanks:00:57:57 – Justin LudwigAudience Questions:01:03:07 – Francisco J. wants to know what’s going on with Saga and why nobody’s talking about it… or are they?01:09:34 – Jay H. is getting married in 2 months and wants some advice for the day.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“My Own Worst Enemy”Lit
Mediasplode #38 – Oppenheimer and The Summer Mailbag! Jul 27, 2023, 11:36:48 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 01:09:45This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been Enjoying:00:02:10 – Conor has been listening to The Set, is excited for the return of Minx and is watching Justified: City Primeval.00:06:42 – Ron fell down a rabbit hole and watched Myth of the Zodiac Killer and The Most Dangerous Animal of All.00:12:33 – Josh is watching Hijack and catching up on Luther.Discussion:00:15:49 – OppenheimerSummer Mailbag:00:33:26 – Dan G. from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania wants to know which Matthew Rhys character is the best.00:37:17 – Jason M. wonders if there’s a silver lining to the WGA/SAG strike.00:40:22 – Matteo A. thinks that a show on Hulu might cause the iFanboys to need to hire a lawyer.00:41:26 – Jack H. from London, England asks if the iFanboys are fans of Russell T. Davies and which live shows featuring band reunions they’ve enjoyed the most.00:47:17 – Jason F. wants to know which popular Beatles song is the worst.00:51:22 – Andrew M. from Colorado asks which spoilers have made the iFanboy MORE interested in a property.00:54:18 – David C. from Buffalo, New York calls in to ask which piece of media has helped the aging iFanboys better understand the young people.00:58:31 – Jake I. is starting to feel the generational media shift at work.01:01:31 – Corrin R. from Birmingham, England is about to have kids and has some questions.SPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Come Together”Joe Cocker
Pick of the Week #888 – Tales of the Titans #1 Jul 23, 2023, 10:00:06 AM Deleted A shockingly light week of new comics leads to a lot of in-depth discussion about things that may or may not have to do with any specific books and yet are still comic book related. Except for the tangent that kicks off the show. Look, we had to fill the hour somehow.Running Time: 01:05:38Pick of the Week:00:02:40 – Tales of the Titans #1Comics:00:12:54 – Void Rivals #200:17:38 – Hawkgirl #100:24:32 – Guardians of the Galaxy #18400:28:41 – Dead Romans #500:30:46 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #1700:34:58 – Blade #29Patron Pick:00:37:57 – Big Game #1Patron Thanks:00:46:00 – Brandon ThompsonAudience Questions:00:48:18 – Tony B. has a lot of thoughts about the evolution of the comic book cover.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:"Things Have Changed”Bob Dylan
Pick of the Week #887 - The Hunger and the Dusk #1 Jul 16, 2023, 10:00:05 AM Deleted Conor is presumably leaving the life of a born seaman, and our great pal, Jim Viscardi steps in to admirably fill up his air time. And as always, he brings inescapable Moon Knight discussion. There are ups and downs and surprises, and great art everywhere. In the comics. It seemed like we might save time talking about less books, but alas there was still so much to discuss.Running Time: 01:16:18Pick of the Week:00:02:20 - The Hunger and the Dusk #1Comics:00:12:16 - Amazing Spider-Man #92300:19:03 - Darth Vader #3600:26:10heard - Moon Knight #2500:36:39 - Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29000:39:06 - Knight Terrors #1Patron Pick:00:43:17 - The Hunger and the Dusk #1Patron Thanks:00:46:15 - David DunbarAudience Questions:00:50:52 - Neato Bazzeato wistfully remembers the spinner racks of yore.01:00:00 - Scott asks about artists who should have stopped it, and then did stop it.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons - Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch - Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We've got twelve designs!Music:"March of the Pigs"Nine Inch Nails
Booksplode #56 – It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth Jul 13, 2023, 7:01:00 PM Deleted Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode!This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at…It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth by Zoe Thorogood!What’s a Booksplode? It’s a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don’t have time to do on the regular show.Running Time: 00:38:15Music:“We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monáe)”.fun
Pick of the Week #886 – Barnstormers #1 Jul 9, 2023, 10:01:00 AM Deleted This week, Josh, his family, and his culture are personally attacked. But more importantly, what does Ronald Reagan’s former Secretary of Defense have to do with any of this?Running Time: 01:08:30Pick of the Week:00:02:22 – Barnstormers #1Comics:00:11:20 – Love Everlasting #900:15:33 – Swan Songs #100:20:14 – Fantastic Four #70200:24:37 – Clobberin’ Time #500:26:51 – Captain America #75000:30:29 – Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #100:35:00 – Sins of the Salton Sea #2Patron Pick:00:37:24 – Weird Work #1Patron Thanks:00:51:27 – Daniel JoslynAudience Questions:00:53:43 – Kenneth J. from The Great White North wants to know if Alan Moore sits alone at the top of the rankings and if one of iFanboy’s favorite writers is set to join him.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Looking at the World Through Rose Colored Glasses”Nick Lucas
Talksplode #106 – Howard Chaykin Jul 6, 2023, 4:39:58 PM Deleted Thanks to iFanboy Patrons, it’s Talksplode time.We gratefully welcome comic book writer and artist Howard Chaykin to the podcast, to discuss his half century engaged in the making of thoughtful, inventive, and wholly original comic books. His life in comics started with reading golden age comics, and continues to this very day with series like Hey Kids! Comics! and the brand new Sunshine Patriots. With the groundbreaking American Flagg kicking off a new phase in his career, Chaykin produced many volumes of sublime, challenging comic book stories that we are lucky enough to be able to read.Total Running Time: 01:15:28Music:“Hem of Your Garment”Cake
Pick of the Week #885 – She-Hulk #177 Jul 2, 2023, 10:00:05 AM Deleted If you made this show, you’d think the following things after it was recorded: 1) You probably shared too much. Again. 2) You really want to let the people who made the good comics know they’re doing great. 3) You should probably send an apology to the people who made the bad comics, because that was ruthless.Running Time: 01:07:19Pick of the Week:00:04:07 – She-Hulk #177Comics:00:12:50 – The Amazing Spider-Man #92200:20:59 – Action Comics #105600:28:51 – Batman: The Adventures Continue – Season 3 #600:32:20 – Green Arrow #300:37:45 – Brynmore #100:41:00 – Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #5Patron Pick:00:43:35 – The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1Patron Thanks:00:58:07 – JamesBrought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“Scoundrel”Sam Burchfield
Mediasplode #37 – The Series Finales of The Flash, Barry, Succession, and Ted Lasso! Jun 29, 2023, 7:35:30 PM Deleted NOTE: Due to scheduling issues we had to record this episode during the monthly Patron Hangout and in the past we have successfully recorded shows this way. However, this time there were a bunch of audio and connectivity issues, especially in the first 8 minutes, and we have salvaged the show as best we could.Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another episode of Mediasplode!Running Time: 01:03:00This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick are joined by their original Pick of the Week co-host Ron Richards to discuss…What We’ve Been “Enjoying”:00:02:20 – Ron has started the newest season of The Bear, and watched Air: Courting a Legend, BlackBerry, and Clerks III.00:08:01 – Josh has been listening to Death on the Lot, The Set, and Spellcaster: The Fall of Sam Bankman-Fried.00:10:54 – Conor has been watching a lot of sports, rewatched Justified, is almost done with The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and has started The Bear.The End:00:14:53 – A lot of “big” shows have ended around the same time.00:16:20 – The Flash00:18:26 – Barry00:26:32 – Succession00:41:23 – Ted LassoSPOILERS ABOVE!What’s a Mediasplode? It’s a monthly special edition show in which we talk about what we are enjoying in media outside of the realm of comic books. It’s like our All Media Year End Round-Up but in a shorter, monthly format.Music:“Don’t Dream It’s Over”Crowded House
Pick of the Week #884 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #16 Jun 25, 2023, 10:01:00 AM Deleted Hang your TV above a fireplace and when it stops working join a jamoke and a poop doctor to hear about this week’s comics!Running Time: 01:12:05Pick of the Week:00:01:38 – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #16Comics:00:11:28 – Superman #500:15:05 – Nightwing #10500:20:38 – Avengers #200:24:00 – The Incredible Hulk #100:29:03 – Wonder Woman #80000:30:28 – Titans #200:34:16 – Batgirls #19Patron Pick:00:37:11 – Ultimate Invasion #1Patron Thanks:00:53:07 – Benjamin GosneyAudience Questions:00:55:48 – Old Many Tony situated in the self-described hellscape of Phoenix, Arizona thinks of Grant Morrison as a writer who “swings for the fences” and wants to know which other creators might roughly fit that same bill.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“These Are Our Finest Day”Colin Hay
Special Edition – Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Jun 23, 2023, 9:16:08 PM Deleted Conor Kilpatrick, Josh Flanagan, and Paul Montgomery hop through the multiverse with Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse! Plus, Josh gives his very brief thoughts on Transformers: Rise of the Beasts!Running Time: 00:44:43Music:“Annihilate”Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne & OFFSET
Special Edition – The Flash Jun 23, 2023, 4:35:21 PM Deleted It’s the film nine years in the making! Conor Kilpatrick and Josh Flanagan talk about The Flash and the discussion might be as manic as the movie is!Running Time: 00:37:30Music:“Run”Collective Soul
iFanboy Pick of the Week #883 – Clobberin’ Time #4 Jun 18, 2023, 3:57:50 PM Deleted The Jamokes and the Skroce get in some of damn fine Doctor Doom, and a stack of fresh panels arranged in page order. Honestly, the Skroce is really only there in spirit, but he’s always ready to throw down. Watch out for actual spoilers on this one. We’re talking Kirkman. All that and a big time refresh of our Patreon program.Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.Running Time: 01:15:53Pick of the Week:00:01:55 – Clobberin’ Time #4Comics:00:10:22 – Captain Marvel #18400:19:10 – Green Lantern #200:25:38 – The Great British Bump-Off #300:40:37 – The Giant Kokju #300:42:41 – Second Coming: Trinity #300:44:43 – The Amazing Spider-Man #92100:47:06 – Xino #1Patron Pick:00:49:52 – Void Rivals #1Patron Thanks:01:01:21 – Ron SharpIn Memoriam:01:02:40 – We remember the legendary comic artist, John Romita Sr, and his contributions to comic book culture.Brought To You By:• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got twelve designs!Music:“I am a Rock”Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
kagemomiji commented 3 months ago

@jamesiri Thank you for providing the source.

To clarify, is it correct that when accessing podcast channel page and attempting actions like downloading or deleting via the checkboxes that appear, a 500 Internal Error is encountered?

Can I assume that this error does not occur with other buttons like 'lock/unlock'?

jamesiri commented 2 months ago

thanks for your patience, I went camping and am just getting back to this.

locking and unlocking seems to work just fine but manually trying to download episodes throws the same error. which is weird since it downloads new episodes automatically just fine.

kagemomiji commented 2 months ago

@jamesiri I have created fixed docker image. Could you try ghcr.io/kagemomiji/airsonic-advanced:pr-537.

jamesiri commented 2 months ago

You absolute rockstar of a human. That fixed it for me and I can manage my podcasts again! I am going to resolve this but know I really appreciate this fix!