kaicataldo / material.vim

🎨 A port of the Material color scheme for Vim/Neovim
MIT License
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Markdown #53

Closed lmlorca closed 4 years ago

lmlorca commented 4 years ago

Change to update markdown to current Material version, and adds support for popular plugins. None of these changes affect "-community" variants. The changes consist in three things.

1) Changes the default markdown groups to be as close as possible to the current Material Theme. 2) Adds support for plasticboy/vim-markdown , and by extension, for vim-polyglot. These are widely used and add cool syntax features, such as using syntax highlight inside code blocks. 3) Adds support for vimwiki.

Some screenshorts showing how it looks

Markdown markdown

plasticboy/vim-markdown || sheerun/vim-polyglot plasticboy-markdown

vimwiki (with markdown syntax) vimwiki-markdown

Additionally, for those who use the default vimwiki syntax, this changes also add support, trying to mimic the look of material theme:

vimwiki (with vimwiki syntax) vimwiki-syntax