kaisermann / svelte-i18n

Internationalization library for Svelte
MIT License
1.23k stars 79 forks source link

Ideas to slim down the library #37

Open cibernox opened 4 years ago

cibernox commented 4 years ago

First of all, thanks for the great library. It worked like a charm for me.

That said, i've noticed that the app is bigger than I expected it to be, around 12KB after gzip. Part of the problem is that svelte has spoiled me when it comes to the size of the bundles, if this was an angular or ember library I wouldn't bat an eye at the size.

However, it couldn't avoid notice that my 17kb gzipped app grew to 29kb app after adding svelte-i18n and ~20 translations, which is a 70% increase.

Just listing some low hanging fruit to make the library smaller, checking if you think it's worth to pursue them. I might help actually.

Are you interested in investigating any of the above? The last one fits very well with svelte's compiler philosophy.

kaisermann commented 4 years ago

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹ Thanks for your interest in making the lib better (and smaller, which is always better) ๐ŸŽ‰ First of all, I think it's important to notice that we're possibly talking about breaking-changes here.

Anyway, thanks again for the interest in helping the lib ๐Ÿ˜

cibernox commented 4 years ago

Example of what I mean:

  "nearby": "Find places near your location",
  "kilometer": "{count} {count, plural, =1 {kilometer} other {kilometers}}",

could be parsed as

import { plural } from 'helpers'; 
export default {
  "nearby": "Find places near your location",
  "kilometer": count => `${count} ${plural(count, { 1: "kilometer", other: "kilometers"})}",

As you can imagine, after minification that code will be

import { p } from 'helpers'; 
export default {
  "nearby": "Find places near your location",
  "kilometer": v => `${v} ${p(v,{1:"kilometer",other:"kilometers"})}"

As you see the overhead is typically small. You app has to have a lot of entries with special plurals and stuff for the overhead to surpass the weight of the library.

kaisermann commented 4 years ago

I started taking a look into linguijs which is not only much smaller (1.4kb) than intl-messageformatter, it better supports compiling the messages at build-step. I didn't went to far, since I don't have much free time right now, but will definitely continue to tackle this ๐Ÿ˜

If we supposedly switched to lingui, for what I saw we would need/be able to do:

Or, if we want to take another route, we can use the intl-message-parser (6.5kb vs 8.6kb) instead, which is lighter and prevent some of the unused deps and code paths of intl-messageformat to end up on the lib. Or any other ICU syntax parser which is well maintained and up to date.

One of the things that is important to decide is what kind of responsibility the lib should have. Do we want to only delegate some methods and configurations to the underlying i18n lib? Or do we doing things at a lower level, i.e what I mentioned about using the parser instead of the ready-to-use formatter? I like having more control of what the lib is doing, but I'm open to feedbacks.

cibernox commented 4 years ago

I also discovered that what I suggested is already possible and done in react-intl: https://github.com/formatjs/react-intl/blob/master/docs/Advanced-Usage.md#pre-parsing-messages

It compiles, however, to the AST, which is a bit more verbose than the approach based in functions, and it still requires intl-messageformat (but would spare us from shipping intl-messageformat-parser).

I'm going to play a bit more with the idea of compiling translations to either ASTs or functions.

kaisermann commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I know! I found your issue on their repo ๐Ÿ˜†

I'll play around with the compilation step whenever possible, but for now there is #39 ๐Ÿ˜. Released as v2.2.3 ๐ŸŽ‰

Not much, but after removing dlv and deepmerge we're down from 38.7kb -> 37.1kb minified and 11.4kb -> 10.9kb.

cibernox commented 4 years ago

I also did a proof of concept for a babel plugin that takes the translations and converts them into functions: https://github.com/cibernox/babel-plugin-precompile-icu

Check the tests, but the tl;dr; is that it knows how to compile things like:

export default {
  nearby: "Find places near your location",
  kilometer: "{count} {count, plural, =1 {kilometer} other {kilometers}}"


import { plural } from "helpers";
export default {
  nearby: "Find places near your location",
  kilometer: count => `${count} ${plural(count, {1: "kilometer", other: "kilometers"})}`

And even things more complex like:

export default {
  nearby: "Find places near your location",
  kilometer: "This year { gender, select,male {he made {count, plural,=0 {no kilometres} one {one kilometre} other {{count} kilometres}}} female {she made {count, plural,=0 {no kilometres} one {one kilometre} other {{count} kilometres}}}ย other {they made {count, plural,=0 {no kilometres}ย one {one kilometre}ย other {{count} kilometres}}}}"


import { select, plural } from "helpers";
export default {
  nearby: "Find places near your location",
  kilometer: (count, gender) => `This year ${select(gender, {
    male: `he made ${plural(count, {
      0: "no kilometres",
      1: "one kilometre",
      other: `${count} kilometres`
    female: `she made ${plural(count, {
      0: "no kilometres",
      1: "one kilometre",
      other: `${count} kilometres`
    other: `they made ${plural(count, {
      0: "no kilometres",
      1: "one kilometre",
      other: `${count} kilometres`

As you see the overhead in size is minimal. Infact, after minification, you save space. And the more complex the message is, the more you save:

- "This year { gender, select,male {he made {count, plural,=0 {no kilometres} one {one kilometre} other {{count} kilometres}}} female {she made {count, plural,=0 {no kilometres} one {one kilometre} other {{count} kilometres}}}ย other {they made {count, plural,=0 {no kilometres}ย one {one kilometre}ย other {{count} kilometres}}}}"
+ (c,g)=>`This year ${d(g,{male:`he made ${p(c,{0:"no kilometres",1:"one kilometre",other:`${c} kilometres`})}`,female:`she made ${p(c,{0:"no kilometres",1:"one kilometre",other:`${c} kilometres`})}`,other:`they made ${p(c,{0:"no kilometres",1:"one kilometre",other:`${c} kilometres`})}`})}`

For now I only implemented the transformation of plural and select, but it won't be complicated to implement similar compilation for the rest of the syntax.

The next step would be to implement the helpers that I'm importing that don't yet exist, which is where I'd copy-paste from some existing library like intl-message-format, but implement the functionality as functions that rollup/webpack can tree-shake.

cibernox commented 4 years ago

Now I managed to write a rollup plugin that compiles the json files and imports the helpers from https://github.com/cibernox/icu-helpers

Now that the translations are functions that take arguments, the only thing that svelte-i18n would have to do, is exposes methods to register the translations and configure the preferences.

$t("my.key", { values: { count: 3 } }) should basically do

lookupLocation("my.key")({count: 3})

I think we're not too far from that.

kaisermann commented 4 years ago

@cibernox That's great! I'm going to check both repos soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

I just created the v3 branch to start playing with some of the things mentioned here. The first things I changed were removing the casing utilities and separating the date, time and number formatters from the message one: https://github.com/kaisermann/svelte-i18n/pull/40/files#diff-31df54a9a51bd3da26df362832cc1c9fR28. Not sure if $formatDate, $formatNumber, $formatTime are too verbose... ๐Ÿค” could be $date, $number, $time, but maybe that's too generic?


Made getClientLocale tree-shakeable too on the PR above.

hmaesta commented 3 years ago

When running rollup-plugin-analyzer, icu-messageformat-parser is one of the heaviest parts of my bundle.

Screen Shot 2021-05-13 at 18 09 27

A diet would be nice, indeed. Any update here?

cibernox commented 3 years ago

@hmaesta I recently released a library implementing some of this ideas: https://github.com/cibernox/svelte-intl-precompile

It has an API that I think it's almost 100% compatible with svelte-i18n. The docs say it's for SvelteKit but it will work on any rollup-based svelte app. If shouldn't occupy more than 2/3 kb after minification and compression.

I presented it on a lighting talk in svelte summit a few days ago: https://youtu.be/fnr9XWvjJHw?t=10004

kaisermann commented 3 years ago

Hey @hmaesta and @cibernox (loved the talk ๐Ÿ˜!)

Unfortunately, this is not something that I can invest much time in right now. I'm open to all kinds of contribution ๐Ÿ‘€

@cibernox if you're (still) interested in "merging" the libraries, we can think about a v4 for svelte-i18n. It would be great to keep the same API and functionalities if possible though.

hmaesta commented 3 years ago

This page has been open for 26 days in my computer as a pinned tab, just waiting for the time when I could try @cibernox's approach. ๐Ÿ˜…

After a little struggle with Rollup, I was able to test it and save ~100 KB. ๐ŸŽ‰

Thanks for the help. I hope it can be merged to this repository, since the name is more friendly and already have some audience.