kakawait / picocli-spring-boot-starter

Spring boot starter for Picocli command line parser that will simplify your CommandLineRunner
MIT License
51 stars 6 forks source link

WIP Remove any existing customizations and refactor #13

Open kakawait opened 5 years ago

kakawait commented 5 years ago


  1. ExitStatus now use IParseResultHandler instead
  2. HelpAwarePicocliCommand now user mixinStandardHelpOptions = true
  3. PicocliCommand not really relevant now

In addition I created new properties

picocli.command-line-version = 1.0.0
picocli.class-hierarchy-scanning = true

(class-hierarchy-scanning default value may change in futur)

And finally, I refactor most of customization inside specific class + ability to override implementation using your on @Bean definition