kakysha / HonorSpy

World of Warcraft: Classic HonorSpy addon
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No Data #199

Closed tftracy closed 2 years ago

tftracy commented 2 years ago

Hi, hope you are well. My honor spy is comepletely blank. I use cureforge usually but have even tried to re - install from downloading directly from get. Ive tried to dump my cache wtf and all addons folder. Pretty sure I have curse forge not saving settings. This problems has persisted for 2 weeks now and I though well maybe next week after reset and honor rolls over on Wednesday. Nothing has worked still got nothing in my database. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Godmatik commented 2 years ago

Confirmed - latest version isn't populating any data

kakysha commented 2 years ago

What are the servers you playing on?

tftracy commented 2 years ago

I play on the season of mastery server Jom Gabbar. I know other peoples are working, but I don't know what version of HonorSpy they are using. I always update my add-ons.

Godmatik commented 2 years ago

Also play on Jom Gabbar, a few of my guildies reported similar issues with the newest version of no data being populated.

You can download an older version from a couple of weeks ago and it works and picks up data, however it also has saved data from ~2 weeks ago that don't clear from the table, so the results are not accurate regardless

kakysha commented 2 years ago

@Slivo-fr @teelolws can you guys look into this?

teelolws commented 2 years ago

Looks like Silvo forgot to account for realms that have spaces in their names. I've fixed this with: https://github.com/kakysha/HonorSpy/pull/200

@kakysha can we get an urgent pull and release on this

tftracy commented 2 years ago

You guys are the best thank you for all your work on the addon I'm using the older build for now will grab new build when available.

teelolws commented 2 years ago

The fix is up on Curseforge now. Better to use that as communication between old/new versions won't work.

Slivo-fr commented 2 years ago

Hmm yeah this is the validation regex we've been working on together Teelo ! Tbh I had no clue there was servers with space in their names I've suscribed to issues, I'll be notified next time

Godmatik commented 2 years ago

Just downloaded and tested 1.8.8 on Jom Gabber, issue resolved, data is being populated, can be closed.


tftracy commented 2 years ago

There are a few things still broken. Wish I understood the code to be able to help, but I only know a little of python and arduino stuff. So, maybe I can list them here.

  1. Adding random friends with the note honorspy testing
  2. wont show players kills on the HonorSpy Standings window nor estimated rank and % that kind of info is gone. Report button will still show it.
  3. /hs search requires you to input more than just character name. (maybe not a bug but the format and length of proper character name is annoying)

I know others on my server had mentioned other things but I'm drawing a blank on them now. Let me know if better to just stop feedback.

Best, T

Slivo-fr commented 2 years ago

Feedback is always valuable, however it would be easier to handle each problem if you open a new dedicated issue for each imo

teelolws commented 2 years ago

My fix in #200 introduced a new bug: the UI thinks its a different realm now and shows the realm name:


PR for fix in https://github.com/kakysha/HonorSpy/pull/204