kalessil / phpinspectionsea

A Static Code Analyzer for PHP (a PhpStorm/Idea Plugin)
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Flexible heredoc not recognized #1543

Open tacovandenbroek opened 4 years ago

tacovandenbroek commented 4 years ago
Subject Details
Plugin Php Inspections (EA Extended) version 4.0.3
Language level PHP 7.3

Current behaviour


Expected behaviour

I'd expect no warning for this valid regular expression.

Environment details

PhpStorm 2019.3

kalessil commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reporting @tacovandenbroek, I'll look into it.

kalessil commented 4 years ago

@tacovandenbroek : unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue. Would you please share an isolated code fragment where the issue appears?

tacovandenbroek commented 4 years ago

Sure! It seems to depend on the context. I couldn't trigger the inspection without wrapping the code in a function:

function doesMatch(string $subject): bool {
    $regex = <<< REGEX
    return (bool)preg_match($regex, $subject);
ausi commented 2 years ago

I think this issue is caused by leading white space (even though the heredoc example does not have the whitespace in the resulting string).

I was able to reproduce it with this simple test case:

preg_match(' /.+/', '');

Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-24 um 12 44 44
PhpStorm 2021.3.2, PHP Inspections (EA Extended)

Leading and trailing whitespace is supported in PCRE, see https://3v4l.org/Kvcqa

ausi commented 2 years ago

Maybe changing the lines from here https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea/blob/9bd52620388ca5f8f0d894d49ad5e921a6adf533/src/main/java/com/kalessil/phpStorm/phpInspectionsEA/inspectors/regularExpressions/NotOptimalRegularExpressionsInspector.java#L67-L71 to something like this (adding \s* to the beginning and end) could work?

matchers.add(Pattern.compile("^\\s*([^{<(\\[])(.*)(\\1)([a-zA-Z]+)?\\s*$", Pattern.DOTALL));
matchers.add(Pattern.compile("^\\s*(\\{)(.*)(\\})([a-zA-Z]+)?\\s*$", Pattern.DOTALL));
matchers.add(Pattern.compile("^\\s*(<)(.*)(>)([a-zA-Z]+)?\\s*$", Pattern.DOTALL));
matchers.add(Pattern.compile("^\\s*(\\()(.*)(\\))([a-zA-Z]+)?\\s*$", Pattern.DOTALL));
matchers.add(Pattern.compile("^\\s*(\\[)(.*)(\\])([a-zA-Z]+)?\\s*$", Pattern.DOTALL));