kalisio / kano

Map and weather forecast data explorer in 2D/3D
MIT License
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Allow to display meteorological radar data #21

Closed claustres closed 5 years ago

claustres commented 5 years ago

Linked to https://github.com/kalisio/kMap/issues/31 & https://github.com/kalisio/kargo/issues/11.

cnouguier commented 5 years ago

Here is an example of a GDAL script to apply on the source raster to simplify the visualization process:

for %%f in (*.tif) do (
  # Transform the dataset in GEO WGS84
  gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 %%f output/WGS84_%%f
  # Extract the 3rd band
  gdal_translate -b 3 -co COMPRESS=LZW output/WGS84_%%f output/%%f

LZW compression ensure to have an optimized raster that could be exposed using thredds

claustres commented 5 years ago

Waiting to be able to connect to Meteo France servers to download radar data in Thredds.