kallookoo / wp-color-picker-alpha

Overwrite Automattic Iris for enabled Alpha Channel in wpColorPicker
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Bug with hue mode #26

Closed vulinhpc closed 3 years ago

vulinhpc commented 5 years ago

When I use color picker alpha script in customizer together with twentynineteen theme, it causing js bug. I found that the theme has hue color option:

    new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
            'description' => __( 'Apply a custom color for buttons, links, featured images, etc.', 'twentynineteen' ),
            'section'     => 'colors',
            'mode'        => 'hue',

http://prntscr.com/mvqlq4 and It seem bug when mode is hue(it works without 'mode' =>'hue') // Create a color picker which only allows adjustments to the hue. if ( self.options.type === 'hue' ) { return self._createHueOnly();


the bug come when return self._createHueOnly();

Please check, Thank you!

kallookoo commented 5 years ago

Hi @vulinhpc It should work, it will not be because of what you mention #25

kallookoo commented 3 years ago

Closed, now it checks if it is valid and does nothing if it is not.