For version 0.4.0, if the local part of an email address contains a '+' sign, an error is raised, as can be seen below.
iex(1)> BambooSes.Encoding.prepare_address {nil, ""}
** (exit) {:bad_label, {:alabel, 'The label "alovedalongthe+TH" is not a valid A-label: ulabel error={bad_label,\n {context,\n "Codepoint 43 not allowed (\'DISALLOWED\') at position 5 in \\"alovedalongthe+th\\""}}'}}
(idna 6.1.1) bamboo_ses/deps/idna/src/idna.erl:281: :idna.alabel/1
(idna 6.1.1) bamboo_ses/deps/idna/src/idna.erl:149: :idna.encode_1/2
(bamboo_ses 0.4.0) lib/bamboo/adapters/message/encoding.ex:57: BambooSes.Encoding.encode_address/1
I am not sure if this page is up-to-date, by my understanding is that the '+' sign, and perhaps other special characters, is allowed in the local part of the email address.
For version 0.4.0, if the local part of an email address contains a '+' sign, an error is raised, as can be seen below.
I am not sure if this page is up-to-date, by my understanding is that the '+' sign, and perhaps other special characters, is allowed in the local part of the email address.