kanors-emr / Veda2.0-Installation

Veda2.0 is a data handling system for The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System (TIMES) - a bottom-up optimization model for energy-environment systems
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update excel function failed ( #13

Closed ZhangShuTHU closed 11 months ago

ZhangShuTHU commented 11 months ago

I just tried updating from 2.15 to 2.16 and everything was working fine before. In the 2.16 version, after clicking to update excel, it freezes for about ten seconds, but it does not enter the automatic program of updating the form.

ravindersinghchauhan commented 11 months ago

Please verify whether any recent error log files have been generated in the logs folder of VEDA. Kindly share the error log and provide a screenshot of the specific issue, particularly the point where the application freezes.

ZhangShuTHU commented 11 months ago

I didn't see useful information in the veda error list.

Name : Veda.Common.KanLogger {} Time : 2023-07-26 19:50:37.4828 Type : TRACE Machine / User : ZHANGSHU-LAB / ZHANGSHU-LAB\44728 StackTrace : Program.Main Message : Windows information logging.

Name : Veda.Common.KanLogger {} Time : 2023-07-26 19:51:06.1234 Type : TRACE Machine / User : ZHANGSHU-LAB / ZHANGSHU-LAB\44728 StackTrace : Program.Main Message : Windows information logging.

Name : Veda.Common.KanLogger {} Time : 2023-07-26 20:17:40.3443 Type : TRACE Machine / User : ZHANGSHU-LAB / ZHANGSHU-LAB\44728 StackTrace : Program.Main Message : Windows information logging.

ZhangShuTHU commented 11 months ago

I found this to be an occasional problem, and I tried 4 times in a row, and on the fourth time, I managed to activate the automatic update program

ravindersinghchauhan commented 11 months ago

I have confirmed that this functionality is functioning properly(in with small tables (row counts > 2500). However, with larger tables (row counts < 2500), it may take more time to process and update the files. Please be patient when dealing with larger tables.

I recommend trying this feature with a smaller table to see if the issue still persists. If you encounter any further problems, please let us know.

ZhangShuTHU commented 11 months ago

Thanks! Windows 11 today's automatic update is the culprit, I rolled back the update and everything is working fine

ravindersinghchauhan commented 11 months ago

Great! Thanks for the update.