karancode / kustomize-github-action

:european_castle: Github action for kustomize
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[BUG] Kustomize build invalid format for kustomize_build_output when using runner v2.306.0 #45

Open JulesLalu opened 11 months ago

JulesLalu commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug Since the github runner was upgraded to v2.306.0, our kustomize-github-action fails with invalid format for the kustomize_build_output. This could be linked to the merging of following PR on the github runner repository : https://github.com/actions/runner/pull/2627 I assume the way to solve this would be to update the job to follow Github Action multiline string convention : https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#multiline-strings

To Reproduce I haven't had the occasion to try the job with different kustomize build outputs, so it's hard to know if our workflow being broken is linked to the content of the output. Parameters used are

    kustomize_version: 4.5.2
    kustomize_build_dir: ${kustomize_dir}
    kustomize_comment: true
    kustomize_install: 1
    enable_alpha_plugins: 0
    TF_VAR_github_token: ***

Expected behavior The kustomize output is correctly handled, and the workflow succeeds.

Screenshots/Actions log

Error: Unable to process file command 'output' successfully.
Error: Invalid format 'kustomize_build_output=...

Thanks in advance for your help !