Closed andy840119 closed 9 months ago
And note that the romanization conversion is not implemented because conversion logic is complex and hard to maintain. Will start implement if user request.
Here's the sample conversion made before:
private static IEnumerable<Tuple<RomanizationInfo, TimeTag?>> getRomanizationInfos(Lyric lyric)
const string space = " ";
var timeTags = lyric.TimeTags;
int startCanterTextIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < timeTags.Count; i++)
var currentTimeTag = timeTags[i];
var nextTimeTag = timeTags.GetNext(currentTimeTag);
if (nextTimeTag == default)
yield break;
// get the center text index.
bool hasEmptySpace = i != 0 && currentTimeTag.FirstSyllable;
int startCenterTextIndex = startCanterTextIndex + (hasEmptySpace ? 1 : 0);
var romanizationInfo = createRomanizationInfo(startCenterTextIndex, currentTimeTag, nextTimeTag);
yield return new Tuple<RomanizationInfo, TimeTag?>(romanizationInfo, currentTimeTag);
startCanterTextIndex += romanizationInfo.RomanizedSyllable.Length;
if (!nextTimeTag.FirstSyllable)
// should add extra space if the next time tag is the first syllable.
var newRomanizationInfo = new RomanizationInfo
RomanizedSyllableStartCharIndex = startCanterTextIndex,
RomanizedSyllableEndCharIndex = startCanterTextIndex + space.Length,
RomanizedSyllable = space,
yield return new Tuple<RomanizationInfo, TimeTag?>(newRomanizationInfo, null);
startCanterTextIndex += newRomanizationInfo.RomanizedSyllable.Length;
yield break;
static RomanizationInfo createRomanizationInfo(int startIndex, TimeTag currentTimeTag, TimeTag nextTimeTag) =>
RomanizedSyllableStartCharIndex = startIndex,
RomanizedSyllableEndCharIndex = startIndex + currentTimeTag.RomanizedSyllable?.Length ?? 0,
OriginLyricStartCharIndex = TextIndexUtils.ToCharIndex(currentTimeTag.Index),
OriginLyricEndCharIndex = TextIndexUtils.ToCharIndex(nextTimeTag.Index),
RomanizedSyllable = currentTimeTag.RomanizedSyllable ?? string.Empty,
private struct RomanizationInfo
public int RomanizedSyllableStartCharIndex { get; set; }
public int RomanizedSyllableEndCharIndex { get; set; }
public int OriginLyricStartCharIndex { get; set; }
public int OriginLyricEndCharIndex { get; set; }
public string RomanizedSyllable { get; set; }
private static IEnumerable<TextIndexWithGapIndex> getGapIndexes(Lyric lyric)
var timeTags = lyric.TimeTags;
int startCanterTextIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < timeTags.Count; i++)
var timeTag = timeTags[i];
var nextTimeTag = timeTags.GetNext(timeTag);
if (nextTimeTag == default)
yield break;
// get the center text index.
bool hasEmptySpace = i != 0 && timeTag.FirstSyllable;
int startCenterTextIndex = startCanterTextIndex + (hasEmptySpace ? 1 : 0);
int endCenterTextIndex = startCenterTextIndex + timeTag.RomanizedSyllable?.Length ?? 0;
// get the gap index that
int startGapIndex = TextIndexUtils.ToGapIndex(timeTag.Index);
int endGapIndex = TextIndexUtils.ToGapIndex(nextTimeTag.Index);
yield return new TextIndexWithGapIndex
TimeTag = timeTag,
RomanizedSyllableStartCharIndex = startCenterTextIndex,
RomanizedSyllableEndCharIndex = endCenterTextIndex,
OriginLyricStartGapIndex = startGapIndex,
OriginLyricEndGapIndex = endGapIndex,
startCanterTextIndex = endCenterTextIndex;
private struct TextIndexWithGapIndex
public TimeTag TimeTag { get; set; }
public int? RomanizedSyllableStartCharIndex { get; set; }
public int? RomanizedSyllableEndCharIndex { get; set; }
public string RomanizedSyllable => TimeTag.RomanizedSyllable ?? string.Empty;
public int OriginLyricStartGapIndex { get; set; }
public int OriginLyricEndGapIndex { get; set; }
先這樣 Config 之後可能需要調整,或許根據不同的歌曲會有不同設定 或是轉換成 mod (mod 會比 config 容易設定,並且也可以從遊玩去猜出 user 是不是本地人)
What's the benefit of this change: