karashiiro / MachinaServer

A simple Machina wrapper to send segments to an HTTP server for easy IPC.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to build the JsonWrapper #1

Closed Aerue closed 5 years ago

Aerue commented 5 years ago

I built a version of MachinaWrapperJSON and placed the ouput in the MachinaWrapper folder. But i think i missed something because i get majoritory some unknown message data on raw event.

For example the marketBoardItemListing event not work, but the readme say since IPC opcodes are updated for 5.0 MarketBoardItemListing = 0x013C, // updated 5.0 there should be no major break of the datas. The message event work since i log my own message in game in node.

Here that i did to built a version of MachinaWrapperJSON

  1. Cloned this repository
  2. Created a packages folder into the clone of this repos
  3. Downloaded the package of Machina.FFXIV https://www.nuget.org/packages/Machina.FFXIV/2.1.1 into packages
  4. Builded a version of this repos with msbuild
  5. Copied all the outputs files of MachinaWrapperJSON\MachinaWrapper\bin\Debug into node-machina-ffxiv/MachinaWrapper/

Can you explain me how to build the MachinaWrapperJSON or what i did wrong?

karashiiro commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, didn't get a notification for some reason :v

If you're only getting your own message events, you're likely only getting outbound packets, rather than inbound packets from the server. At the moment this requires admin elevation and an explicit firewall rule, but I'm working on removing the firewall rule requirement this week.

Aerue commented 5 years ago

Ok i managed to make it work !

But i needed to make a polyfill since i was using typescript and DataView.prototype.getBigUint64 not work at the moment : https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/esnext/#typescript3_6corejs3

I gonna make a pull request on your other repos for this polyfill.

karashiiro commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much! 🙂