karelia / iMedia

The Karelia iMedia Browser, framework and application for browsing media on Mac OS X
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Large iPhoto library hanging; need some lazier approach #45

Open danwood opened 12 years ago

danwood commented 12 years ago

From a user's library of 275,000 photos. Yikes. Somehow we need to consider a more lazy approach here.

danwood commented 12 years ago
Sampling process 292 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling iMedia Browser (pid 292) every 1 millisecond
Call graph:
  2390 Thread_7199  DispatchQueue_1: com.apple.main-thread (serial)
   2390 start
    2390 main
     2390 NSApplicationMain
      2390 -[KSApplication run]
       2390 -[NSApplication run]
        2390 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
         2390 _DPSNextEvent
          2390 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
           2390 ReceiveNextEventCommon
            2390 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
             2390 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
              2390 __CFRunLoopRun
               2390 __CFRunLoopDoSources0
                2390 __NSThreadPerformPerform
                 2390 -[IMBLibraryOperation doReplacement]
                  2390 -[IMBLibraryController _replaceNode:withNode:parentNodeIdentifier:]
                   2390 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverNotification) didChangeValueForKey:]
                    2390 NSKeyValueDidChange
                     2390 NSKeyValueNotifyObserver
                      2390 -[NSTreeControllerTreeNode observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]
                       2390 -[NSTreeControllerTreeNode updateChildNodesForKeyPath:affectedIndexPaths:]
                        2390 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverNotification) didChangeValueForKey:]
                         2390 NSKeyValueDidChange
                          2390 NSKeyValueNotifyObserver
                           2390 -[NSTreeController observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]
                            2390 -[NSController observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]
                             2390 -[NSController _notifyObserversForKeyPath:change:]
                              2390 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingPrivate) _notifyObserversForKeyPath:change:]
                               2390 NSKeyValueNotifyObserver
                                2390 -[NSKeyValueObservance observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]
                                 2390 -[NSKeyValueObservance observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]
                                  2390 -[NSArrayDetailBinder _refreshDetailContentInBackground:]
                                   2390 -[NSArrayController setContent:]
                                    2390 -[NSArrayController _arrangeObjectsWithSelectedObjects:avoidsEmptySelection:operationsMask:useBasis:]
                                     2390 -[IMBObjectArrayController arrangeObjects:]
                                      2383 -[IMBiPhotoParser loadMetadataForObject:]
                                       2028 +[NSImage(iMedia) imb_metadataFromImageAtPath:checkSpotlightComments:]
                                        1543 CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex
                                         1542 _CGImageSourceGetPropertiesAtIndexInternal
                                          1485 _BindToPlugin
                                           1468 _CGImagePluginIdentifyJPEG
                                           17 _BindToPlugin
                                          57 makeImagePlus
                                           56 _CGImagePluginInitJPEG
                                            55 initImageJPEG
                                             41 readExifData
                                              41 readTiffPropsFromData
                                               41 readProps
                                                35 readProps
                                                 19 readMakerNoteProps
                                                  14 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                   5 readCIFFPropsFromPath
                                                    5 CFStringFind
                                                     5 CFStringFindWithOptions
                                                      5 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale
                                                   3 _CFRelease
                                                    3 __CFArrayReleaseValues
                                                     2 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                      1 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                      1 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                     1 _CFRelease
                                                      1 szone_free
                                                       1 tiny_free_list_add_ptr
                                                   3 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                    3 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                     2 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                      1 CFDictionaryCreateMutable
                                                       1 __CFDictionaryCreateGeneric
                                                        1 bcmp
                                                      1 CGImageReadGetBytesAtOffset
                                                       1 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                     1 CGImageReadGetBytesAtOffset
                                                      1 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                   2 readRawTiffProps
                                                    2 readRawTiffProps
                                                     2 readRawTiffProps
                                                      2 readRawTiffProps
                                                       1 readRawTiffProps
                                                        1 readCIFFPropsFromPath
                                                         1 CFDictionarySetValue
                                                          1 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                                           1 __CFBasicHashReplaceValue
                                                       1 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                        1 readRawTiffPropsFromPath
                                                         1 CGImageReadGetBytesAtOffset
                                                   1 CGImageReadGetBytePointer
                                                  5 dlsym
                                                   3 LockHelper::LockHelper()
                                                    3 __spin_lock
                                                   2 dlsym
                                                    1 ImageLoader::findExportedSymbolInImageOrDependentImages(char const*, ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader const**) const
                                                     1 ImageLoader::findExportedSymbolInDependentImagesExcept(char const*, ImageLoader const**, ImageLoader const**&, ImageLoader const**, ImageLoader const**) const
                                                      1 ImageLoaderMachO::findExportedSymbol(char const*, bool, ImageLoader const**) const
                                                       1 ImageLoaderMachOCompressed::findExportedSymbol(char const*, ImageLoader const**) const
                                                    1 getPerThreadBufferFor_dlerror(unsigned int)
                                                     1 pthread_getspecific
                                                 7 readPropShort
                                                  4 CFArrayAppendValue
                                                   4 _CFArrayReplaceValues
                                                    3 _CFArrayReplaceValues
                                                    1 memmove
                                                  3 CFDictionarySetValue
                                                   3 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                                    3 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                     3 __CFBasicHashRehash
                                                      2 szone_free
                                                      1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                                 6 readPropRtnl
                                                  2 CGImageReadGetBytesAtOffset
                                                   1 __memcpy
                                                   1 __spin_lock
                                                  1 CFDictionarySetValue
                                                   1 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                                    1 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                     1 __CFDictionaryCallback
                                                  1 CFMutableDictAddProperty
                                                   1 CFDictionaryGetValue
                                                    1 CFBasicHashFindBucket
                                                     1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                                      1 CFHash
                                                  1 CFNumberCreate
                                                   1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                                                    1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                     1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                      1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                                  1 readPropRtnl
                                                 2 readExifVers
                                                  1 CFArrayAppendValue
                                                   1 _CFArrayReplaceValues
                                                    1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                     1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                      1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                                       1 tiny_free_list_add_ptr
                                                  1 _CFRelease
                                                 1 CFStringCreateWithCString
                                                  1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3
                                                   1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                                                    1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                     1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                      1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                                1 CFDictionaryAddValue
                                                 1 CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                  1 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                   1 __CFStringCollectionCopy
                                                    1 CFStringCreateCopy
                                                1 CFDictionarySetValue
                                                 1 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                                  1 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                   1 __CFBasicHashRehash
                                                    1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                                1 CFStringCreateWithCString
                                                 1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3
                                                  1 __memcpy
                                                1 readPropRtnl
                                                1 readProps
                                                1 szone_free_definite_size
                                             7 CGImagePlusSetImageBlockProc
                                              3 CFDictionarySet_size_t
                                               3 CFDictionarySetValue
                                                3 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                                 2 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                                  2 __CFStringHash
                                                 1 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                  1 __CFBasicHashRehash
                                              3 CGImageProviderCreate
                                               2 CGImageProviderCreate
                                               1 CGTypeCreateInstanceWithAllocator
                                                1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                                              1 CFDictionaryCreate
                                               1 __CFBasicHashRehash
                                                1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                 1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                             5 _cg_jpeg_read_header
                                              5 _cg_jpeg_consume_input
                                               5 consume_markers
                                                5 read_markers
                                                 3 fill_input_buffer
                                                  2 fill_input_buffer
                                                  1 CGImageReadSessionGetBytes
                                                   1 CGImageReadGetBytesAtOffset
                                                 1 read_markers
                                                 1 save_marker
                                             1 CGImagePluginSetImageBlockProc
                                              1 CGImagePlusSetGeometry
                                               1 CFDictionarySetValue
                                                1 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                                 1 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                                  1 __CFBasicHashRehash
                                             1 calloc
                                              1 malloc_zone_calloc
                                               1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                1 __bzero
                                            1 setjmp
                                             1 __sigaltstack
                                           1 CGImagePlusCreateWithSession
                                            1 CFDictionarySetValue
                                             1 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                              1 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                               1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                                1 __CFStringHash
                                         1 CFDictionaryCreateCopy
                                          1 CFBasicHashCreateCopy
                                           1 CFBasicHashGetTypeID
                                        449 _CFRelease
                                         449 _CGImageSourceFinalize
                                          448 _CFRelease
                                           448 __CFArrayReleaseValues
                                            448 _CFRelease
                                             445 _CGImagePlusFinalize
                                              445 _CFRelease
                                               445 _CGImageReadSessionFinalize
                                                445 _CFRelease
                                                 445 _CGImageReadFinalize
                                                  445 _CFRelease
                                                   445 __CFDataDeallocate
                                                    444 _mappedDeallocate
                                                     444 munmap
                                                    1 __CFDataDeallocate
                                             3 __CFBasicHashDrain
                                              3 __CFDictionaryCallback
                                               3 _CFRelease
                                                3 __CFBasicHashDrain
                                                 3 __CFDictionaryCallback
                                                  3 _CFRelease
                                                   1 _CFRelease
                                                   1 __CFArrayReleaseValues
                                                   1 __spin_lock
                                          1 CFArrayApplyFunction
                                           1 CGImagePlusReleaseUnusedImageProvider
                                            1 _CFRelease
                                             1 image_provider_finalize
                                              1 ImageProviderReleaseInfoCallback
                                               1 releaseInfoJPEG
                                        20 CGImageSourceCreateWithURL
                                         13 CGImageReadCreateWithFile
                                          4 __mmap
                                          3 fstat64
                                          3 open
                                          1 CFAllocatorCreate
                                          1 CGImageReadCreateWithData
                                           1 _CFRetain
                                            1 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt
                                          1 close
                                         5 _CGImageSourceGetTypeWithURLExtension
                                          3 CFURLCopyPathExtension
                                           2 CFURLCopyLastPathComponent
                                            1 CFStringCreateWithSubstring
                                             1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3
                                              1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                                               1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                 1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                            1 _rangeOfLastPathComponent
                                             1 CFStringFindWithOptions
                                              1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale
                                           1 CFStringCreateWithSubstring
                                            1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3
                                          2 CGImageSourceGetTypeWithExtension
                                           1 CFStringGetCString
                                            1 __CFStringEncodeByteStream
                                           1 strcasecmp_l
                                         2 _CGImageSourceCreate
                                          1 CFSetCreateMutable
                                           1 CFBasicHashCreate
                                            1 CFBasicHashGetTypeID
                                          1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                                           1 __bzero
                                        6 +[NSURL(NSURL) fileURLWithPath:]
                                         6 -[NSURL(NSURL) initFileURLWithPath:]
                                          6 -[NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:isDirectory:]
                                           6 _NSFileExistsAtPath
                                            5 lstat64
                                            1 NSAllocateObject
                                             1 _internal_class_createInstanceFromZone
                                              1 calloc
                                               1 malloc_zone_calloc
                                                1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                 1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                        3 +[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:]
                                         3 -[NSDictionary initWithDictionary:copyItems:]
                                          3 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]
                                           1 -[NSObject(NSObject) copy]
                                           1 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]
                                           1 CFDictionaryCreate
                                            1 CFBasicHashAddValue
                                             1 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1
                                        3 -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]
                                         2 CFDictionarySetValue
                                          2 CFBasicHashSetValue
                                           2 __CFBasicHashAddValue
                                            2 __CFBasicHashRehash
                                             1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                              1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                               1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                             1 szone_free
                                         1 objc_msgSend
                                        2 -[NSString uppercaseString]
                                         1 CFStringReplaceAll
                                          1 CFStringGetCharacters
                                         1 CFStringUppercase
                                        1 -[NSString(NSPathUtilities) pathExtension]
                                         1 objc_msgSend
                                        1 objc_msgSend_vtable0
                                       321 -[IMBAppleMediaParser metadataDescriptionForMetadata:]
                                        321 +[NSImage(iMedia) imb_imageMetadataDescriptionForMetadata:]
                                         303 -[NSString(iMedia) imb_exifDateToLocalizedDisplayDate]
                                          127 -[NSDateFormatter init]
                                           124 -[NSDateFormatter _regenerateFormatter]
                                            123 CFDateFormatterCreate
                                             116 __ResetUDateFormat
                                              112 udat_open
                                               108 icu::DateFormat::create(icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::Locale const&)
                                                54 icu::SimpleDateFormat::SimpleDateFormat(icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                 54 icu::SimpleDateFormat::construct(icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                  34 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeSymbols(icu::Locale const&, icu::Calendar*, UErrorCode&)
                                                   33 icu::DateFormatSymbols::initializeData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                    25 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                     25 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                      15 ures_openFillIn
                                                       4 ures_openDirect
                                                        2 malloc
                                                         2 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                          2 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                           1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                           1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                                        2 ures_getUTF8String
                                                         1 __spin_lock
                                                         1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                          1 icu::Locale::getAvailableLocales(int&)
                                                       3 strcpy
                                                       3 u_UCharsToChars
                                                       2 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                        1 strchr
                                                        1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                         1 strcmp
                                                       1 __memcpy
                                                       1 strcmp
                                                       1 strlen
                                                      8 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       4 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                        3 strcmp
                                                        1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       3 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       1 strchr
                                                      1 dyld_stub_strchr
                                                      1 strcmp
                                                    3 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     3 ures_openFillIn
                                                      2 malloc
                                                       2 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                        2 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                         1 __cpu_number
                                                         1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                                      1 ures_openFillIn
                                                    2 icu::DateFormatSymbols::setLocalPatternChars(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                     1 icu::DateFormatSymbols::setLocalPatternChars(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                      1 malloc
                                                     1 ures_getStringByIndex
                                                    1 icu::operator+(icu::UnicodeString const&, icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                     1 icu::Replaceable::~Replaceable()
                                                    1 szone_free_definite_size
                                                     1 tiny_free_list_remove_ptr
                                                    1 ures_open
                                                     1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                   1 malloc
                                                    1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                     1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                  16 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeCalendar(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                   16 icu::Calendar::createInstance(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                    12 ures_getFunctionalEquivalent
                                                     6 ures_open
                                                      4 ures_getUTF8String
                                                       3 ures_getUTF8String
                                                        2 ures_getUTF8String
                                                         1 __bzero
                                                         1 uhash_get
                                                          1 ures_resetIterator
                                                           1 dyld_stub_strlen
                                                        1 strcmp
                                                       1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                      1 uloc_getDisplayName
                                                       1 uloc_openKeywordList
                                                        1 uprv_asciitolower
                                                      1 ures_open
                                                     3 ures_getByKey
                                                      3 ures_openFillIn
                                                       1 __bzero
                                                       1 strcpy
                                                       1 ures_resetIterator
                                                        1 __spin_lock
                                                     1 u_UCharsToChars
                                                     1 u_strlen
                                                     1 ures_getStringByKey
                                                      1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                    3 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                     3 icu::Calendar::setWeekCountData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&)
                                                      3 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                       2 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                        2 ures_openFillIn
                                                         1 pthread_mutex_unlock
                                                         1 ures_resetIterator
                                                          1 __spin_lock
                                                       1 ures_open
                                                        1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                         1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                          1 strncmp
                                                    1 icu::OlsonTimeZone::getStaticClassID()
                                                     1 icu::SimpleTimeZone::~SimpleTimeZone()
                                                      1 icu::SimpleTimeZone::deleteTransitionRules()
                                                  4 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                   3 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                    2 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                     1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                     1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 strcmp
                                                    1 dyld_stub_pthread_mutex_unlock
                                                   1 ures_open
                                                    1 uloc_getDisplayName
                                                50 icu::SimpleDateFormat::SimpleDateFormat(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                 26 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeSymbols(icu::Locale const&, icu::Calendar*, UErrorCode&)
                                                  26 icu::DateFormatSymbols::initializeData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                   20 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                    20 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     12 ures_openFillIn
                                                      7 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       4 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                        3 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                        1 strcmp
                                                       2 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       1 strchr
                                                      1 __bzero
                                                      1 free
                                                      1 strcpy
                                                      1 u_UCharsToChars
                                                      1 ures_resetIterator
                                                       1 dyld_stub__spin_lock
                                                     3 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     3 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      2 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       2 strcmp
                                                      1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                     1 icu::Locale::getAvailableLocales(int&)
                                                     1 strcmp
                                                   2 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                    1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                    1 ures_openFillIn
                                                     1 ures_resetIterator
                                                      1 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                   2 ures_getStringByIndex
                                                   1 ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback
                                                    1 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     1 ures_openFillIn
                                                      1 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
                                                   1 ures_resetIterator
                                                    1 umtx_lock
                                                 14 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initialize(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                  14 icu::NumberFormat::makeInstance(icu::Locale const&, icu::NumberFormat::EStyles, UErrorCode&)
                                                   10 icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::initialize(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                    4 ucurr_forLocale
                                                     2 ucsdet_setText
                                                      2 uloc_getCountry
                                                     1 ures_getByKey
                                                      1 ures_openFillIn
                                                       1 __memcpy
                                                     1 ures_openDirect
                                                      1 malloc
                                                       1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                        1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                         1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                                    3 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     1 strncpy
                                                     1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 strcmp
                                                     1 ures_openFillIn
                                                      1 __memcpy
                                                    2 ucurr_countCurrencies
                                                     2 ucurr_getName
                                                      1 ures_getByKey
                                                       1 ures_openFillIn
                                                        1 strcpy
                                                      1 ures_open
                                                       1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                        1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                         1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                          1 uhash_get
                                                           1 ures_resetIterator
                                                    1 icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::initialize(unsigned short const**, int*, int)
                                                     1 icu::UnicodeString::doReplace(int, int, unsigned short const*, int, int)
                                                      1 __memcpy
                                                   2 icu::DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(icu::UnicodeString const&, icu::DecimalFormatSymbols*, UErrorCode&)
                                                    2 icu::DecimalFormat::construct(UErrorCode&, UParseError&, icu::UnicodeString const*, icu::DecimalFormatSymbols*)
                                                     2 icu::DecimalFormat::applyPattern(icu::UnicodeString const&, signed char, UParseError&, UErrorCode&)
                                                      1 icu::DecimalFormat::applyPattern(icu::UnicodeString const&, signed char, UParseError&, UErrorCode&)
                                                      1 icu::UnicodeString::~UnicodeString()
                                                       1 icu::UnicodeString::releaseArray()
                                                   1 ures_getByKey
                                                    1 ures_openFillIn
                                                     1 ures_openFillIn
                                                   1 ures_open
                                                    1 uloc_getDisplayName
                                                     1 uloc_getISOCountries
                                                 10 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeCalendar(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                  10 icu::Calendar::createInstance(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                   8 ures_getFunctionalEquivalent
                                                    3 ures_open
                                                     3 ures_getUTF8String
                                                      3 ures_getUTF8String
                                                       2 ures_getUTF8String
                                                        2 uhash_get
                                                         2 uenum_unextDefault
                                                          1 uenum_unextDefault
                                                          1 ures_resetIterator
                                                           1 uhash_compareChars
                                                       1 strrchr
                                                    1 __bzero
                                                    1 uloc_getDisplayName
                                                     1 uloc_getISO3Language
                                                    1 ures_getByKey
                                                     1 ures_openFillIn
                                                    1 ures_getFunctionalEquivalent
                                                    1 ures_resetIterator
                                                     1 umtx_unlock
                                                   1 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                    1 icu::Calendar::setWeekCountData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&)
                                                     1 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                      1 ures_open
                                                       1 malloc
                                                        1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                         1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                          1 __cpu_number
                                                   1 malloc
                                                    1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                     1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                      1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                                3 icu::SimpleDateFormat::~SimpleDateFormat()
                                                 3 icu::DateFormatSymbols::~DateFormatSymbols()
                                                  3 icu::DateFormatSymbols::dispose()
                                                   1 free
                                                    1 szone_size
                                                   1 icu::DateFormatSymbols::dispose()
                                                   1 szone_free_definite_size
                                                    1 tiny_free_list_remove_ptr
                                                1 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeDefaultCentury()
                                                 1 icu::GregorianCalendar::defaultCenturyStartYear() const
                                               3 icu::TimeZone::createTimeZone(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                3 icu::TimeZone::createSystemTimeZone(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                 1 icu::OlsonTimeZone::getStaticClassID()
                                                  1 ures_getByIndex
                                                   1 ures_openFillIn
                                                 1 icu::TimeZone::getGMT()
                                                 1 szone_free_definite_size
                                               1 icu::Locale::Locale(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)
                                                1 icu::Locale::init(char const*, signed char)
                                                 1 uloc_getDisplayName
                                              1 CFLocaleGetValue
                                              1 CFStringCreateWithCharacters
                                              1 CFStringGetCString
                                              1 CFStringGetCharacters
                                             6 CFTimeZoneCopyDefault
                                              5 _CFAutoreleasePoolPush
                                               5 pthread_setspecific
                                              1 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop
                                             1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                                              1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                               1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                            1 -[NSDictionary(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKey:]
                                             1 -[NSCFString characterAtIndex:]
                                              1 _CFStringCheckAndGetCharacterAtIndex
                                           2 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithCapacity:]
                                            1 CFDictionaryCreateMutable
                                             1 CFBasicHashCreate
                                              1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
                                               1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                1 __spin_lock
                                            1 __CFBasicHashRehash
                                             1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                              1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                               1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
                                           1 -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]
                                            1 objc_msgSend
                                          121 -[NSDateFormatter _regenerateFormatter]
                                           110 CFDateFormatterCreate
                                            110 __ResetUDateFormat
                                             104 udat_open
                                              98 icu::DateFormat::create(icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::Locale const&)
                                               75 icu::SimpleDateFormat::SimpleDateFormat(icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                75 icu::SimpleDateFormat::construct(icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::DateFormat::EStyle, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                 55 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeSymbols(icu::Locale const&, icu::Calendar*, UErrorCode&)
                                                  55 icu::DateFormatSymbols::initializeData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                   40 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                    39 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     19 ures_openFillIn
                                                      6 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       4 strchr
                                                       1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                        1 strcmp
                                                      5 ures_resetIterator
                                                       2 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                       1 __spin_lock
                                                       1 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
                                                       1 umtx_lock
                                                      2 strcpy
                                                      2 u_UCharsToChars
                                                      2 ures_openFillIn
                                                       1 ures_openFillIn
                                                       1 ures_resetIterator
                                                        1 __spin_lock
                                                      1 __bzero
                                                      1 pthread_mutex_unlock
                                                     11 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      6 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                       3 strcmp
                                                       3 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      2 strchr
                                                      2 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 dyld_stub_strcmp
                                                     5 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     2 strcmp
                                                     1 dyld_stub_memset
                                                     1 ures_resetIterator
                                                    1 szone_free_definite_size
                                                   4 icu::DateFormatSymbols::setLocalPatternChars(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                    2 icu::UnicodeString::setTo(signed char, unsigned short const*, int)
                                                    1 icu::DateFormatSymbols::setLocalPatternChars(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                    1 icu::DateFormatSymbols::setLocalPatternChars(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                     1 icu::UnicodeString::UnicodeString()
                                                   2 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                    1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                     1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                    1 ures_openFillIn
                                                     1 __bzero
                                                   2 ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback
                                                    2 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     2 ures_openFillIn
                                                      1 strcpy
                                                      1 ures_openFillIn
                                                   1 icu::DateFormatSymbols::initializeData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                   1 icu::UnicodeString::UnicodeString(char const*, int, icu::UnicodeString::EInvariant)
                                                    1 icu::UnicodeString::cloneArrayIfNeeded(int, int, signed char, int**, signed char)
                                                   1 icu::UnicodeString::copyFrom(icu::UnicodeString const&, signed char)
                                                   1 icu::UnicodeString::setTo(signed char, unsigned short const*, int)
                                                    1 icu::UnicodeString::releaseArray()
                                                   1 malloc
                                                    1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                     1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                      1 __cpu_number
                                                   1 ures_open
                                                    1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                     1 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                   1 ures_resetIterator
                                                    1 ures_resetIterator
                                                     1 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                 9 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initialize(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                  9 icu::NumberFormat::makeInstance(icu::Locale const&, icu::NumberFormat::EStyles, UErrorCode&)
                                                   7 icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::initialize(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                    2 ucurr_forLocale
                                                     1 ures_getByIndex
                                                      1 ures_openFillIn
                                                     1 ures_openDirect
                                                      1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                       1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                        1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                         1 uhash_get
                                                          1 ures_resetIterator
                                                           1 uhash_hashChars
                                                    2 ures_open
                                                     2 ures_getUTF8String
                                                      2 ures_getUTF8String
                                                       2 ures_getUTF8String
                                                    1 __spin_lock
                                                    1 ucurr_countCurrencies
                                                     1 ucurr_getName
                                                      1 ures_open
                                                       1 uloc_getDisplayName
                                                    1 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                     1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 strcmp
                                                   1 icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::DecimalFormatSymbols(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                    1 icu::UnicodeString::UnicodeString()
                                                   1 ures_getByKey
                                                    1 ures_openFillIn
                                                     1 ures_resetIterator
                                                      1 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                 9 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeCalendar(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                  9 icu::Calendar::createInstance(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                   5 ures_getFunctionalEquivalent
                                                    2 ures_getByKey
                                                     1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 strcmp
                                                     1 ures_openFillIn
                                                      1 memmove
                                                    2 ures_open
                                                     2 uloc_getDisplayName
                                                      2 uloc_openKeywordList
                                                       1 uloc_openKeywordList
                                                       1 uprv_asciitolower
                                                    1 __strcpy_chk
                                                     1 strlen
                                                   3 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                    2 icu::Calendar::setWeekCountData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&)
                                                     1 ures_getLocaleByType
                                                     1 ures_resetIterator
                                                      1 ures_resetIterator
                                                       1 pthread_mutex_lock
                                                    1 icu::TimeZone::createDefault()
                                                     1 icu::OlsonTimeZone::getStaticClassID()
                                                      1 icu::OlsonTimeZone::getStaticClassID()
                                                       1 icu::SimpleTimeZone::clone() const
                                                        1 malloc
                                                         1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                          1 __spin_lock
                                                   1 uloc_getKeywordValue
                                                    1 strchr
                                                 1 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                  1 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                   1 ures_openFillIn
                                                    1 __spin_lock
                                                 1 icu::MessageFormat::format(icu::UnicodeString const&, icu::Formattable const*, int, icu::UnicodeString&, UErrorCode&)
                                                  1 icu::MessageFormat::MessageFormat(icu::UnicodeString const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                   1 icu::MessageFormat::applyPattern(icu::UnicodeString const&, UParseError&, UErrorCode&)
                                                    1 icu::MessageFormat::makeFormat(int, icu::UnicodeString*, UParseError&, UErrorCode&)
                                                     1 icu::UnicodeString::~UnicodeString()
                                               22 icu::SimpleDateFormat::SimpleDateFormat(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                13 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeSymbols(icu::Locale const&, icu::Calendar*, UErrorCode&)
                                                 13 icu::DateFormatSymbols::initializeData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                  8 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                   8 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                    4 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                     1 dyld_stub_strcmp
                                                     1 strchr
                                                     1 strcmp
                                                     1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 strcmp
                                                    4 ures_openFillIn
                                                     2 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                      1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                     1 strcpy
                                                     1 ures_openFillIn
                                                  2 ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback
                                                   2 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                    1 ures_getByKeyWithFallback
                                                    1 ures_openFillIn
                                                     1 pthread_mutex_unlock
                                                  2 ures_open
                                                   1 dyld_stub___strcpy_chk
                                                   1 malloc
                                                    1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                     1 __spin_lock
                                                  1 icu::UnicodeString::UnicodeString()
                                                5 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initialize(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                 5 icu::NumberFormat::makeInstance(icu::Locale const&, icu::NumberFormat::EStyles, UErrorCode&)
                                                  2 icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::initialize(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&, signed char)
                                                   1 ucurr_forLocale
                                                    1 ures_openDirect
                                                     1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                      1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                       1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                        1 __bzero
                                                   1 ures_resetIterator
                                                    1 ures_resetIterator
                                                     1 umtx_lock
                                                  1 malloc
                                                   1 malloc_zone_malloc
                                                    1 szone_malloc_should_clear
                                                  1 szone_free_definite_size
                                                  1 ures_resetIterator
                                                   1 __spin_lock
                                                4 icu::SimpleDateFormat::initializeCalendar(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                 4 icu::Calendar::createInstance(icu::TimeZone*, icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                  3 ures_getFunctionalEquivalent
                                                   2 ures_open
                                                    2 ures_getUTF8String
                                                     1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                     1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                      1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                       1 __strcpy_chk
                                                        1 strlen
                                                   1 ures_getByKey
                                                    1 ures_getKeywordValues
                                                     1 strcmp
                                                  1 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                                   1 icu::Calendar::setWeekCountData(icu::Locale const&, char const*, UErrorCode&)
                                                    1 icu::GregorianCalendar::GregorianCalendar(icu::GregorianCalendar const&)
                                                     1 ures_open
                                                      1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                       1 ures_getUTF8String
                                                        1 strcpy
                                               1 icu::SimpleDateFormat::~SimpleDateFormat()
                                                1 icu::DateFormatSymbols::~DateFormatSymbols()
                                                 1 icu::DateFormatSymbols::dispose()
                                                  1 free
                                              4 icu::TimeZone::createTimeZone(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                               4 icu::TimeZone::createSystemTimeZone(icu::UnicodeString const&)
                                                3 icu::OlsonTimeZone::getStaticClassID()
                                                 1 icu::SimpleTimeZone::construct(int, signed char, signed char, signed char, int, icu::SimpleTimeZone::TimeMode, signed char, signed char, signed char, int, icu::SimpleTimeZone::TimeMode, int, UErrorCode&)
                                                  1 icu::SimpleTimeZone::decodeEndRule(UErrorCode&)
zykloman commented 12 years ago

From a user's iPhoto library of around 10,000 images:

Sampling process 516 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling Posterino (pid 516) every 1 millisecond
Process:         Posterino [516]
Path:            /Applications/Posterino.app/Contents/MacOS/Posterino
Load Address:    0x100000000
Identifier:      com.zykloid.Posterino
Version:         2.5.3 (1666)
Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [135]

Date/Time:       2012-02-03 09:20:15.429 -0500
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74)
Report Version:  7

Call graph:
    1791 Thread_33811   DispatchQueue_1: com.apple.main-thread  (serial)
    + 1791 start  (in Posterino) + 52  [0x100001d14]
    +   1791 NSApplicationMain  (in AppKit) + 867  [0x7fff9252280c]
    +     1791 -[NSApplication run]  (in AppKit) + 470  [0x7fff922a362d]
    +       1791 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]  (in AppKit) + 135  [0x7fff922a6cf5]
    +         1791 _DPSNextEvent  (in AppKit) + 659  [0x7fff922a73f1]
    +           1791 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode  (in HIToolbox) + 62  [0x7fff914684ca]
    +             1791 ReceiveNextEventCommon  (in HIToolbox) + 181  [0x7fff9146858f]
    +               1791 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode  (in HIToolbox) + 277  [0x7fff914613d3]
    +                 1791 CFRunLoopRunSpecific  (in CoreFoundation) + 230  [0x7fff8d70aae6]
    +                   1791 __CFRunLoopRun  (in CoreFoundation) + 905  [0x7fff8d70b1a9]
    +                     1791 __CFRunLoopDoSources0  (in CoreFoundation) + 253  [0x7fff8d6e43bd]
    +                       1791 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__  (in CoreFoundation) + 17  [0x7fff8d6e4b51]
    +                         1791 __NSThreadPerformPerform  (in Foundation) + 214  [0x7fff93c61e44]
    +                           1791 -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 61  [0x7fff8d765a1d]
    +                             1791 -[IMBLibraryOperation doReplacement]  (in iMedia) + 251  [0x10020361b]
    +                               1791 -[IMBLibraryController _replaceNode:withNode:parentNodeIdentifier:]  (in iMedia) + 2826  [0x10020729a]
    +                                 1791 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverNotification) didChangeValueForKey:]  (in Foundation) + 130  [0x7fff93c290fb]
    +                                   1791 NSKeyValueDidChange  (in Foundation) + 486  [0x7fff93c7c99b]
    +                                     1791 NSKeyValueNotifyObserver  (in Foundation) + 387  [0x7fff93c5b862]
    +                                       1791 -[NSTreeControllerTreeNode observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]  (in AppKit) + 231  [0x7fff929eafe1]
    +                                         1791 -[NSTreeControllerTreeNode updateChildNodesForKeyPath:affectedIndexPaths:]  (in AppKit) + 2416  [0x7fff929e9c51]
    +                                           1791 -[NSTreeControllerTreeNode updateChildNodesForKeyPath:affectedIndexPaths:]  (in AppKit) + 2365  [0x7fff929e9c1e]
    +                                             1791 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverNotification) didChangeValueForKey:]  (in Foundation) + 130  [0x7fff93c290fb]
    +                                               1790 NSKeyValueDidChange  (in Foundation) + 486  [0x7fff93c7c99b]
    +                                               ! 1790 NSKeyValueNotifyObserver  (in Foundation) + 387  [0x7fff93c5b862]
    +                                               !   1790 -[NSTreeController observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]  (in AppKit) + 1063  [0x7fff92912a65]
    +                                               !     1790 -[NSController observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]  (in AppKit) + 847  [0x7fff923c6640]
    +                                               !       1790 -[NSController _notifyObserversForKeyPath:change:]  (in AppKit) + 206  [0x7fff922bb27f]
    +                                               !         1790 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingPrivate) _notifyObserversForKeyPath:change:]  (in Foundation) + 756  [0x7fff93c55887]
    +                                               !           1790 NSKeyValueNotifyObserver  (in Foundation) + 387  [0x7fff93c5b862]
    +                                               !             1790 -[NSKeyValueObservance observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]  (in Foundation) + 315  [0x7fff93c7c221]
    +                                               !               1790 -[NSKeyValueObservance observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]  (in Foundation) + 315  [0x7fff93c7c221]
    +                                               !                 1790 -[NSArrayDetailBinder _refreshDetailContentInBackground:]  (in AppKit) + 1251  [0x7fff92529ec4]
    +                                               !                   1790 -[NSArrayController setContent:]  (in AppKit) + 870  [0x7fff9252a431]
    +                                               !                     1381 -[NSArrayController _arrangeObjectsWithSelectedObjects:avoidsEmptySelection:operationsMask:useBasis:]  (in AppKit) + 397  [0x7fff925281b7]
    +                                               !                     : 754 -[_NSModelObservingTracker startObservingModelObjectsAtReferenceIndexes:]  (in AppKit) + 464  [0x7fff9252aafc]
    +                                               !                     : | 599 -[_NSModelObservingTracker _registerOrUnregister:observerNotificationsForModelObject:]  (in AppKit) + 276  [0x7fff922bb151]
    +                                               !                     : | + 421 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 111  [0x7fff93c211e4]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 187 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 413  [0x7fff93c227ff]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 102 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 729  [0x7fff93c22da6]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 99 -[NSHashTable member:]  (in Foundation) + 18  [0x7fff93c1ee6a]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 98 -[NSConcreteHashTable getItem:]  (in Foundation) + 38  [0x7fff93c1ee92]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 88 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 335  [0x7fff93c1eff0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 33 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 356  [0x7fff93d07921]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 31 CFArrayGetValues  (in CoreFoundation) + 139  [0x7fff8d6e52fb]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 10 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 728,663,...  [0x7fff90eafae8,0x7fff90eafaa7,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 8 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 849  [0x7fff90eafb61]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 8 memmove$VARIANT$sse3x  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 31,33,...  [0x7fff897ceedc,0x7fff897ceede,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 4 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 663  [0x7fff90eafaa7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 4 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 -[__NSArrayI getObjects:range:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 43  [0x7fff8d72939b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 -[__NSArrayI count]  (in CoreFoundation) + 0  [0x7fff8d71f2d0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 objc_msgSend_vtable9  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f877240]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 -[__NSArrayI getObjects:range:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 0,349  [0x7fff8d729370,0x7fff8d7294cd]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 615  [0x7fff90eafa77]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 Auto::Zone::block_start(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 101  [0x7fff90ec2d75]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 636  [0x7fff90eafa8c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 Auto::Zone::block_layout(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 150,17  [0x7fff90ec2f86,0x7fff90ec2f01]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 objc_memmove_collectable  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 15  [0x7fff8f87aa05]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 CFArrayGetValues  (in CoreFoundation) + 38  [0x7fff8d6e5296]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 DYLD-STUB$$objc_memmove_collectable  (in CoreFoundation) + 0  [0x7fff8d832b4c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 30 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 298  [0x7fff93d078e7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 27 CFArrayGetValues  (in CoreFoundation) + 139  [0x7fff8d6e52fb]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 9 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 849  [0x7fff90eafb61]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 9 memmove$VARIANT$sse3x  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 31,50,...  [0x7fff897ceedc,0x7fff897ceeef,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 7 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 32  [0x7fff90eaf830]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 5 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 615  [0x7fff90eafa77]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 5 Auto::Zone::block_start(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 101,63,...  [0x7fff90ec2d75,0x7fff90ec2d4f,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 3 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 636  [0x7fff90eafa8c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 3 Auto::Zone::block_layout(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 72,92  [0x7fff90ec2f38,0x7fff90ec2f4c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 -[__NSArrayI getObjects:range:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 43  [0x7fff8d72939b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 objc_msgSend_vtable9  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f877240]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 auto_zone_write_barrier_memmove  (in libauto.dylib) + 663  [0x7fff90eafaa7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 objc_memmove_collectable  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 5  [0x7fff8f87a9fb]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 CFArrayGetValues  (in CoreFoundation) + 86,15,...  [0x7fff8d6e52c6,0x7fff8d6e527f,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 8 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 358,438,...  [0x7fff93d07923,0x7fff93d07973,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 6 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 208  [0x7fff93d0788d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 CFArrayGetCount  (in CoreFoundation) + 118  [0x7fff8d6e20e6]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 3 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 40,16,...  [0x7fff8f875ea8,0x7fff8f875e90,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 CFArrayGetCount  (in CoreFoundation) + 130,38,...  [0x7fff8d6e20f2,0x7fff8d6e2096,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 5 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 511  [0x7fff93d079bc]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 auto_read_weak_reference  (in libauto.dylib) + 307  [0x7fff90eb0ee3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 3 Auto::Thread::enliven_block(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 21  [0x7fff90ec9095]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | +   3 Auto::enliven_do::operator()(Auto::Subzone*, unsigned long)  (in libauto.dylib) + 77,13  [0x7fff90eca77d,0x7fff90eca73d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 auto_read_weak_reference  (in libauto.dylib) + 260,67  [0x7fff90eb0eb4,0x7fff90eb0df3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 4 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 185  [0x7fff93d07876]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 CFArrayGetCount  (in CoreFoundation) + 118  [0x7fff8d6e20e6]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 3 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 35,20,...  [0x7fff8f875ea3,0x7fff8f875e94,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 CFArrayGetCount  (in CoreFoundation) + 21  [0x7fff8d6e2085]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 1 DYLD-STUB$$auto_read_weak_reference  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f88f1b4]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 1 DYLD-STUB$$object_getClass  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93e26326]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 4 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 50  [0x7fff93c1eed3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 2 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTHash  (in Foundation) + 124  [0x7fff93d07c6c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 CFArrayGetCount  (in CoreFoundation) + 118  [0x7fff8d6e20e6]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 40  [0x7fff8f875ea8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 CFArrayGetCount  (in CoreFoundation) + 129  [0x7fff8d6e20f1]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 2 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoNSHTHash  (in Foundation) + 11,72  [0x7fff93d07bfb,0x7fff93d07c38]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 4 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 394  [0x7fff93c1f02b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 2 auto_read_weak_reference  (in libauto.dylib) + 320,67  [0x7fff90eb0ef0,0x7fff90eb0df3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 2 readWeakAtWithSentinel  (in Foundation) + 10  [0x7fff93d325eb]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 2 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 359,324  [0x7fff93c1f008,0x7fff93c1efe5]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 -[NSConcreteHashTable getItem:]  (in Foundation) + 8  [0x7fff93c1ee74]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 3 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 15  [0x7fff8f875e8f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 25 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 629  [0x7fff93c22d42]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 24 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 46  [0x7fff8f880547]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 24 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff90eaf7f7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   16 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 199,97  [0x7fff90eb5897,0x7fff90eb5831]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   8 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 247  [0x7fff90eb58c7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +     7 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::SubzoneBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 391  [0x7fff90eb67a7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +     : 5 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 138  [0x7fff90eb6aca]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +     : | 5 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +     : 2 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 51,138  [0x7fff90eb6a73,0x7fff90eb6aca]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +     1 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::SubzoneBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff90eb662d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 31  [0x7fff8f880538]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 22 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 603  [0x7fff93c22d28]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 21 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 46  [0x7fff8f880547]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 21 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff90eaf7f7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   18 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 247  [0x7fff90eb58c7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! 13 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::SubzoneBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 391  [0x7fff90eb67a7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : 8 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 160  [0x7fff90eb6ae0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : | 8 Auto::SubzoneBlockRef::enliven() const  (in libauto.dylib) + 24,72  [0x7fff90eb36a8,0x7fff90eb36d8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : 4 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 138  [0x7fff90eb6aca]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : | 4 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : 1 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 122  [0x7fff90eb6aba]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! 5 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::SubzoneBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 175,405,...  [0x7fff90eb66cf,0x7fff90eb67b5,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   3 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 97,63  [0x7fff90eb5831,0x7fff90eb580f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 DYLD-STUB$$auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f88f25c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 8 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 581  [0x7fff93c22d12]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 7 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 46  [0x7fff8f880547]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 7 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff90eaf7f7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   5 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 247  [0x7fff90eb58c7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! 2 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_interior_pointer<set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef> >(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 100  [0x7fff90eb6214]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! 2 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::SubzoneBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 391  [0x7fff90eb67a7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : 1 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 138  [0x7fff90eb6aca]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : | 1 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! : 1 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 146  [0x7fff90eb6ad2]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   ! 1 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::SubzoneBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 251  [0x7fff90eb671b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   2 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 161  [0x7fff90eb5871]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 87  [0x7fff8f880570]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 7 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 860  [0x7fff93c22e29]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 7 objc_assign_strongCast_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 31  [0x7fff8f880441]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   6 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff90eaf7f7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   + 4 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 97,226,...  [0x7fff90eb5831,0x7fff90eb58b2,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   + 2 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 247  [0x7fff90eb58c7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   +   2 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_interior_pointer<set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef> >(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 563,0  [0x7fff90eb63e3,0x7fff90eb61b0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   1 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff90eaf803]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 7 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 146,834,...  [0x7fff93c22b5f,0x7fff93c22e0f,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 4 DYLD-STUB$$objc_assign_ivar  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93e2624e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 4 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 848  [0x7fff93c22e1d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 -[__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 33  [0x7fff8d71f911]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 object_getIndexedIvars  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 53  [0x7fff8f879189]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 1 _class_getInstanceSize  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 20  [0x7fff8f879056]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 object_getIndexedIvars  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 60  [0x7fff8f879190]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 -[NSArray lastObject]  (in CoreFoundation) + 28  [0x7fff8d755a1c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f875e80]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 3 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 146  [0x7fff93c22b5f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 3 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 2 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 816  [0x7fff93c22dfd]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 vtable_ignored  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f876f50]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 701  [0x7fff93c22d8a]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 87  [0x7fff8f880570]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 753  [0x7fff93c22dbe]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 9  [0x7fff8f880522]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByAdding  (in Foundation) + 795  [0x7fff93c22de8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! :   1 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8f880526]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 145 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 453  [0x7fff93c22827]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 51 _NSKeyValueReplaceObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 387  [0x7fff93c23d71]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 16 Auto::Zone::set_associative_ref(void*, void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 333,293,...  [0x7fff90ec32ed,0x7fff90ec32c5,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 14 Auto::Zone::set_associative_ref(void*, void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 701  [0x7fff90ec345d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 6 pthread_rwlock_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 428  [0x7fff898318ba]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 6 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff8983b54c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 5 pthread_rwlock_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 417,310,...  [0x7fff898318af,0x7fff89831844,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 pthread_rwlock_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 364  [0x7fff8983187a]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 2 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 6  [0x7fff8983b52a]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 DYLD-STUB$$OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8984e130]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 5 auto_zone_set_associative_ref  (in libauto.dylib) + 415  [0x7fff90eb111f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 3 check_resurrection(Auto::Thread&, Auto::Zone*, void*, bool, void const*, unsigned long)  (in libauto.dylib) + 69  [0x7fff90eb0a05]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 3 Auto::Zone::is_block(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 116  [0x7fff90eb2dd4]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 check_resurrection(Auto::Thread&, Auto::Zone*, void*, bool, void const*, unsigned long)  (in libauto.dylib) + 88  [0x7fff90eb0a18]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 1 Auto::Zone::block_is_garbage(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 1  [0x7fff90eb2c31]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 check_resurrection(Auto::Thread&, Auto::Zone*, void*, bool, void const*, unsigned long)  (in libauto.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff90eb09c0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 4 Auto::Zone::set_associative_ref(void*, void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 313  [0x7fff90ec32d9]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 pthread_rwlock_wrlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 408  [0x7fff89831ba0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 2 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff8983b54c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 DYLD-STUB$$OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8984e13c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 pthread_rwlock_wrlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 408  [0x7fff89831ba0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 3 Auto::Zone::set_associative_ref(void*, void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 262  [0x7fff90ec32a6]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 3 void Auto::Thread::block_escaped<void*>(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 115,146,...  [0x7fff90ec93a3,0x7fff90ec93c2,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 3 auto_zone_set_associative_ref  (in libauto.dylib) + 174,13,...  [0x7fff90eb102e,0x7fff90eb0f8d,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 Auto::Zone::set_associative_ref(void*, void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 273  [0x7fff90ec32b1]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 void Auto::Thread::block_escaped<void*>(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 70  [0x7fff90ec9376]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 Auto::Zone::set_associative_ref(void*, void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 293  [0x7fff90ec32c5]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 Auto::Zone::set_associative_ref(void*, void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 688  [0x7fff90ec3450]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   1 Auto::Thread::enliven_block(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 21  [0x7fff90ec9095]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   ! 1 void Auto::blockDo<Auto::enliven_do>(Auto::Zone*, void*, Auto::enliven_do&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 171  [0x7fff90eca42b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : |   1 Auto::Thread::enliven_block(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff90ec9088]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 45 _NSKeyValueReplaceObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 250  [0x7fff93c23ce8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 34 -[NSConcreteHashTable addObject:]  (in Foundation) + 78  [0x7fff93c1f95e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 25 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 46  [0x7fff8f880547]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 24 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff90eaf7f7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 18 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 247  [0x7fff90eb58c7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 7 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::SubzoneBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 391  [0x7fff90eb67a7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 4 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 138,185,...  [0x7fff90eb6aca,0x7fff90eb6af9,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 160  [0x7fff90eb6ae0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 Auto::SubzoneBlockRef::enliven() const  (in libauto.dylib) + 72  [0x7fff90eb36d8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 138  [0x7fff90eb6aca]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | +   1 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 6 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_interior_pointer<set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef> >(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 607  [0x7fff90eb640f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 5 Auto::Zone::block_start_large(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 69,6,...  [0x7fff90ec2cb5,0x7fff90ec2c76,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 Auto::Zone::block_start_large(void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 101  [0x7fff90ec2cd5]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | +   1 Auto::Bitmap::previous_set(unsigned long) const  (in libauto.dylib) + 261  [0x7fff90ebf4b5]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::LargeBlockRef>(Auto::LargeBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 345  [0x7fff90eb6939]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::LargeBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::LargeBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 88  [0x7fff90eb69c8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::LargeBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::LargeBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 40  [0x7fff90eb6998]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_interior_pointer<set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef> >(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 13,322  [0x7fff90eb61bd,0x7fff90eb62f2]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 6 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 97,247,...  [0x7fff90eb5831,0x7fff90eb58c7,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 1 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff90eaf7d0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 6 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 40,35,...  [0x7fff8f875ea8,0x7fff8f875ea3,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 -[NSConcreteHashTable assign:key:]  (in Foundation) + 58  [0x7fff93c1f9d6]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 2 retainingAcquire  (in Foundation) + 6,0  [0x7fff93c54842,0x7fff93c5483c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 38  [0x7fff8f88053f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 9 -[NSConcreteHashTable addObject:]  (in Foundation) + 50  [0x7fff93c1f942]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 4 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 394  [0x7fff93c1f02b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 4 readStrongAtWithSentinel  (in Foundation) + 10  [0x7fff93d323a3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 4 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 76,37,...  [0x7fff93c1eeed,0x7fff93c1eec6,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 50  [0x7fff93c1eed3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   1 pointerHash  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93c848ed]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 -[NSConcreteHashTable addObject:]  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93c1f910]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 objc_msgSend_vtable14  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f877380]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 45 _NSKeyValueReplaceObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 583  [0x7fff93c23e35]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 28 -[NSConcreteHashTable removeItem:]  (in Foundation) + 180  [0x7fff93c4ea7a]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 17 -[NSConcreteHashTable rehashAround:]  (in Foundation) + 283  [0x7fff93c4ebb1]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 17 objc_assign_ivar_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 46  [0x7fff8f880547]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !   17 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff90eaf7f7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     15 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 247  [0x7fff90eb58c7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     : 14 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::LargeBlockRef>(Auto::LargeBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 345  [0x7fff90eb6939]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     : | 10 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::LargeBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::LargeBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 108  [0x7fff90eb69dc]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     : | + 10 Auto::SubzoneBlockRef::enliven() const  (in libauto.dylib) + 72  [0x7fff90eb36d8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     : | 2 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::LargeBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::LargeBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 88  [0x7fff90eb69c8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     : | + 2 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     : | 2 void Auto::Zone::set_write_barrier<Auto::LargeBlockRef, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>(Auto::Thread&, Auto::LargeBlockRef, void const**, Auto::SubzoneBlockRef, void const*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 88,0  [0x7fff90eb69c8,0x7fff90eb6970]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     : 1 void set_write_barrier_dest_sieve<Auto::SubzoneBlockRef>::processBlock<Auto::LargeBlockRef>(Auto::LargeBlockRef)  (in libauto.dylib) + 15  [0x7fff90eb67ef]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !     2 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 192  [0x7fff90eb5890]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 6 -[NSConcreteHashTable rehashAround:]  (in Foundation) + 6,100,...  [0x7fff93c4ea9c,0x7fff93c4eafa,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 3 -[NSConcreteHashTable rehashAround:]  (in Foundation) + 142  [0x7fff93c4eb24]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 3 readStrongAtWithSentinel  (in Foundation) + 10,0  [0x7fff93d323a3,0x7fff93d32399]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 -[NSConcreteHashTable rehashAround:]  (in Foundation) + 231  [0x7fff93c4eb7d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   1 DYLD-STUB$$auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f88f25c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   1 objc_assign_strongCast_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 31  [0x7fff8f880441]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +     1 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff90eaf7f7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +       1 void Auto::sieve_base::sieve_base_pointer<set_write_barrier_value_sieve>(Auto::Zone*, void const*, set_write_barrier_value_sieve&)  (in libauto.dylib) + 5  [0x7fff90eb57d5]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 12 -[NSConcreteHashTable removeItem:]  (in Foundation) + 54  [0x7fff93c4e9fc]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 6 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 394  [0x7fff93c1f02b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 6 readStrongAtWithSentinel  (in Foundation) + 10  [0x7fff93d323a3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 4 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 359,243,...  [0x7fff93c1f008,0x7fff93c1ef94,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 hashProbe  (in Foundation) + 335  [0x7fff93c1eff0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   2 pointerEqual  (in Foundation) + 7,0  [0x7fff93c587a9,0x7fff93c587a2]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 -[NSConcreteHashTable removeItem:]  (in Foundation) + 109  [0x7fff93c4ea33]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 clearStrongAtWithSentinel  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93d3257e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 objc_assign_strongCast_gc  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 31  [0x7fff8f880441]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   1 auto_zone_set_write_barrier  (in libauto.dylib) + 42  [0x7fff90eaf7fa]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 -[NSConcreteHashTable removeItem:]  (in Foundation) + 163  [0x7fff93c4ea69]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 -[NSHashTable removeObject:]  (in Foundation) + 11  [0x7fff93c4e9be]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 30  [0x7fff8f875e9e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 2 _NSKeyValueReplaceObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 514  [0x7fff93c23df0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingCustomization) setObservationInfo:]  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93c23f4b]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 DYLD-STUB$$objc_collectingEnabled  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93e26284]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 _NSKeyValueReplaceObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 128  [0x7fff93c23c6e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 1 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 _NSKeyValueReplaceObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 13  [0x7fff93c23bfb]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 77 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 342  [0x7fff93c227b8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 72 _NSKeyValueRetainedObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 125  [0x7fff93c22a06]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 69 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingCustomization) observationInfo]  (in Foundation) + 36  [0x7fff93c22aac]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 44 Auto::Zone::get_associative_ref(void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 129,87,...  [0x7fff90ec3641,0x7fff90ec3617,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 20 Auto::Zone::get_associative_ref(void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 230  [0x7fff90ec36a6]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 9 pthread_rwlock_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 571,392,...  [0x7fff89831949,0x7fff89831896,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 5 pthread_rwlock_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 364  [0x7fff8983187a]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 5 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 6  [0x7fff8983b52a]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 4 pthread_rwlock_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 571  [0x7fff89831949]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 4 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff8983b54c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 2 pthread_rwlock_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 428  [0x7fff898318ba]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !   2 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff8983b54c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 4 Auto::Zone::get_associative_ref(void*, void*)  (in libauto.dylib) + 46  [0x7fff90ec35ee]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 3 pthread_rwlock_rdlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 745,365,...  [0x7fff8983224c,0x7fff898320d0,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 1 pthread_rwlock_rdlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 365  [0x7fff898320d0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + !   1 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff8983b54c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 auto_zone_get_associative_ref  (in libauto.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff90eb11a0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 3 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingCustomization) observationInfo]  (in Foundation) + 1,0  [0x7fff93c22a89,0x7fff93c22a88]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 2 _NSKeyValueRetainedObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 95  [0x7fff93c229e8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 _spin_lock$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 13  [0x7fff8984935d]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 DYLD-STUB$$OSSpinLockLock  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93e25708]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 DYLD-STUB$$OSSpinLockUnlock  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93e2570e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 _NSKeyValueRetainedObservationInfoForObject  (in Foundation) + 245  [0x7fff93c22a7e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 4 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 391,345,...  [0x7fff93c227e9,0x7fff93c227bb,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 2 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 498  [0x7fff93c22854]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 -[NSKeyValueUnnestedProperty isaForAutonotifying]  (in Foundation) + 31  [0x7fff93c24133]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 30  [0x7fff8f875e9e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 2 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 40,30  [0x7fff8f875ea8,0x7fff8f875e9e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 1 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 481  [0x7fff93c22843]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 objc_msgSend  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 20  [0x7fff8f875e94]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 1 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 518  [0x7fff93c22868]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 object_getClass  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f875b45]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 1 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) _addObserver:forProperty:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 655  [0x7fff93c228f1]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 vtable_ignored  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8f876f50]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 1 DYLD-STUB$$objc_msgSend  (in Foundation) + 0  [0x7fff93e262d8]
    +                                               !                     : | + 105 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 82  [0x7fff93c211c7]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 104 NSKeyValuePropertyForIsaAndKeyPath  (in Foundation) + 64  [0x7fff93c213b0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 103 CFSetGetValue  (in CoreFoundation) + 143  [0x7fff8d6fcd6f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 87 CFBasicHashFindBucket  (in CoreFoundation) + 2174  [0x7fff8d6d47ee]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 83 __CFSetEquateKeys  (in CoreFoundation) + 46  [0x7fff8d74f13e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 78 NSKeyValuePropertyIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 102  [0x7fff93c216f1]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 58 -[__NSCFString isEqual:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 221  [0x7fff8d7458dd]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 58 bcmp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 71,16,...  [0x7fff89841f07,0x7fff89841ed0,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 10 -[__NSCFString isEqual:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 78  [0x7fff8d74584e]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 5 look_up_class  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 35,194  [0x7fff8f8759a0,0x7fff8f875a3f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 look_up_class  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 194  [0x7fff8f875a3f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | + 3 OSAtomicAdd32Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 6  [0x7fff8983b562]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 look_up_class  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 146  [0x7fff8f875a0f]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : |   2 NXMapGet  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 30,61  [0x7fff8f871ac9,0x7fff8f871ae8]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 5 -[__NSCFString isEqual:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 0,44,...  [0x7fff8d745800,0x7fff8d74582c,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 2 -[__NSCFString isEqual:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 135  [0x7fff8d745887]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 CFStringGetCStringPtr  (in CoreFoundation) + 218,839  [0x7fff8d6dd69a,0x7fff8d6dd907]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 1 -[__NSCFString isEqual:]  (in CoreFoundation) + 191  [0x7fff8d7458bf]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 _CFStringGetLength2  (in CoreFoundation) + 8  [0x7fff8d727f88]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 1 DYLD-STUB$$memcmp  (in CoreFoundation) + 0  [0x7fff8d832a08]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! : 1 objc_msgSend_vtable12  (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 20  [0x7fff8f877314]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 5 NSKeyValuePropertyIsEqual  (in Foundation) + 41,8,...  [0x7fff93c216b4,0x7fff93c21693,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 3 __CFSetEquateKeys  (in CoreFoundation) + 61,0,...  [0x7fff8d74f14d,0x7fff8d74f110,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 1 __CFSetEquateKeys  (in CoreFoundation) + 18  [0x7fff8d74f122]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | +   1 CFBasicHashGetCallbacks  (in CoreFoundation) + 8  [0x7fff8d6f0968]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 8 CFBasicHashFindBucket  (in CoreFoundation) + 1897  [0x7fff8d6d46d9]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 6 NSKeyValuePropertyHash  (in Foundation) + 36  [0x7fff93c21669]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + ! 6 __CFStringHash  (in CoreFoundation) + 850,738,...  [0x7fff8d6ddf02,0x7fff8d6dde92,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | + 2 __CFSetHashKey  (in CoreFoundation) + 0  [0x7fff8d74f0c0]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 8 CFBasicHashFindBucket  (in CoreFoundation) + 1917,724,...  [0x7fff8d6d46ed,0x7fff8d6d4244,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 CFSetGetValue  (in CoreFoundation) + 26  [0x7fff8d6fccfa]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 1 NSKeyValuePropertyForIsaAndKeyPath  (in Foundation) + 27  [0x7fff93c2138b]
    +                                               !                     : | + !   1 _NSKeyValueContainerClassForIsa  (in Foundation) + 6  [0x7fff93c21441]
    +                                               !                     : | + 41 -[NSRecursiveLock unlock]  (in Foundation) + 247  [0x7fff93c1a4da]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 37 pthread_mutex_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 268  [0x7fff897f46ab]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 31 __mtx_droplock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 430  [0x7fff897f4470]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 31 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff8983b54c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 5 __mtx_droplock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 341,362,...  [0x7fff897f4417,0x7fff897f442c,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 1 DYLD-STUB$$OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff8984e13c]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 4 pthread_mutex_unlock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 280,0,...  [0x7fff897f46b7,0x7fff897f459f,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + 15 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:]  (in Foundation) + 62  [0x7fff93c211b3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 8 -[NSRecursiveLock lock]  (in Foundation) + 25  [0x7fff93c17ecd]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 4 pthread_mutex_lock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 480  [0x7fff897f4160]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 4 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8,0  [0x7fff8983b54c,0x7fff8983b544]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 2 pthread_mutex_lock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 313  [0x7fff897f40b9]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : | 2 pthread_threadid_np  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 131,129  [0x7fff897f6607,0x7fff897f6605]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! : 2 pthread_mutex_lock  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 304,291  [0x7fff897f40b0,0x7fff897f40a3]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 4 -[NSRecursiveLock lock]  (in Foundation) + 1,25,...  [0x7fff93c17eb5,0x7fff93c17ecd,...]
    +                                               !                     : | + ! 2 -[NSRec