karlcow / webarch

How to explain in simple terms Web Architecture and HTTP for UX, marketing, front-end developers, etc.
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Things, pages, states #8

Open olivierthereaux opened 13 years ago

olivierthereaux commented 13 years ago

So @tomcoates says it's "the age of pointing at things" (http://www.plasticbag.org/archives/2005/04/the_age_of_pointatthings/) which I guess is true if you are in the community of talking-about-thing-on-the-web.

Wondering how we could craft a common language of hypertext (hyperstuff) for other communities whose units are differents: states and flows (interaction designers), pages (publishers, print world diaspora), units of information, interaction, etc. Surely the vocabulary of linking, referencing, etc. is different for each group?