Few weeks ago, I forked your code to add twitter trends, I end up with a different architecture (wanted something more robust), anyway, I use postgres and sqlalchemy to record twitter stream.
I also have the same thing (sqlalchemy) set-up for arxiv (authors/papers/tags) if you are interested (I just need to do small work before open-sourcing it).
Hi @karpathy,
Few weeks ago, I forked your code to add twitter trends, I end up with a different architecture (wanted something more robust), anyway, I use postgres and sqlalchemy to record twitter stream.
I just open-sourced it so you can use if you want to use it! It's pretty straightforward if you have a postgres db. => https://github.com/BenderV/twitter_stream/tree/arxiv
I also have the same thing (sqlalchemy) set-up for arxiv (authors/papers/tags) if you are interested (I just need to do small work before open-sourcing it).