type TypeFromTo struct {
StartDate string `json:"startDate" url:"startDate" param:"startDate" validate:"required,iso_8601_date"`
EndDate string `json:"endDate" url:"endDate" param:"endDate" validate:"required,iso_8601_date"`
v1.Get("/stats", func(ctx iris.Context) {
var t TypeFromTo
err := ctx.ReadQuery(&t)
// To ignore errors of "required" or when unexpected values are passed to the query,
// use the iris.IsErrPath.
// It can be ignored, e.g:
// if err!=nil && !iris.IsErrPath(err) { ... return }
// To receive an error on EMPTY query when ReadQuery is called
// you should enable the `FireEmptyFormError/WithEmptyFormError` ( see below).
// To check for the empty error you simple compare the error with the ErrEmptyForm, e.g.:
// err == iris.ErrEmptyForm, so, to ignore both path and empty errors, you do:
// if err!=nil && err != iris.ErrEmptyForm && !iris.IsErrPath(err) { ctx.StopWithError(...); return }
if err != nil {
// Handle the error, below you will find the right way to do that...
if errs, ok := err.(validator.ValidationErrors); ok {
// Wrap the errors with JSON format, the underline library returns the errors as interface.
validationErrors := wrapValidationErrors(errs)
// Fire an application/json+problem response and stop the handlers chain.
ctx.StopWithProblem(iris.StatusBadRequest, iris.NewProblem().
Title("Validation error").
Detail("One or more fields failed to be validated").
Key("errors", validationErrors))
// It's probably an internal JSON error, let's dont give more info here.
"demo": true,
call the url /stats without ?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-02-01
Expected behavior
If no query parms are there with the names it shoulf fire the errors
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Describe the bug The Validator dont fire on
I was doing it similar to https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/6776bf0dc9456351a5898fe5299007b19697c8f9/_examples/request-body/read-json-struct-validation/main.go#L2To Reproduce
call the url /stats without
Expected behavior If no query parms are there with the names it shoulf fire the errors
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context