katzer / cordova-plugin-badge

Access and modify badge numbers
Apache License 2.0
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Badge number still exist when re-install application #135

Open SanjanaTailor opened 5 years ago

SanjanaTailor commented 5 years ago

Hi all, I installed my app and do something to add notification. There is a badge number on the icon app as I expected. But when I remove the app and then install it again, I still see the badge number on the icon app until I start the app. As my expectation, I think the badge number must be clear when the application is removed, but here, it is not. How can I fix that? Plugin info "dependencies": { "@ionic-native/badge": "^4.20.0", "cordova-plugin-badge": "0.8.8", } ionic info


ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.1.2 Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.8.0 @ionic/app-scripts : 3.0.1


cordova (Cordova CLI) : 9.0.0 (cordova-lib@9.0.1) Cordova Platforms : android 6.3.0 Cordova Plugins : no whitelisted plugins (14 plugins total)


Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1 ( NodeJS : v8.11.2 npm : 6.9.0 OS : Windows 10

SuperStar518 commented 5 years ago

You could think of force-clear.

SanjanaTailor commented 5 years ago

@alidavid0418 : I am already doing it but this is uninstall the app so by default plugin willl call above function. can it be possible to give an example programmatically

rnng commented 5 years ago

I'm facing this issue. Did you found a solution for this, @SanjanaTailor ?

SanjanaTailor commented 5 years ago

No @rnng

viananicolas commented 5 years ago

Also facing this issue.

Update: Downgraded to 0.8.6 and the error is gone.

SanjanaTailor commented 5 years ago

@viananicolas : Is it resolved for iOS ? After uninstall and install the app shows badge count from cache(old)

viananicolas commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it's gone for me by uninstalling version 0.8.8 and installing an older version, like 0.8.6.

katzer commented 4 years ago

I cannot reproduce that