kazupon / vue-cli-plugin-p11n

:electric_plug: Vue CLI 3 plugin to pluginize your Vue project
MIT License
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Rollup and external dependencies #21

Closed chopfitzroy closed 5 years ago

chopfitzroy commented 5 years ago

Using 0.2.1 as per #19 and it works brilliantly for rolling up .vue files.

Unfortunately I have now run into an issue where Rollup is trying to package up some external dependencies I am using (axios & is-object).

In an ideal world I would just like these to be installed into node_modules and the plugin use them from there.

#2357 on the official Rollup repo has some discussion surrounding this, it might be useful in helping to make a decision moving forward.

Not really sure what the best option is moving forward?


chopfitzroy commented 5 years ago

Another option may be to resolve the modules directly: https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-node-resolve

chopfitzroy commented 5 years ago

Looking to submit a PR, based on this article I believe we need to define external dependencies in rollup's external config (as opposed to globals).

Official documentation here, this example uses externals as well as the rollup-plugin-node-resolve plugin:

plugins: [resolve({
    // pass custom options to the resolve plugin
    customResolveOptions: {
        moduleDirectory: 'node_modules'
// indicate which modules should be treated as external
external: ['lodash']

If anyone know's anymore about this feel free to correct me before I start going down the wrong track.

chopfitzroy commented 5 years ago

Just noting down my progress here, more as a reference for myself than anything else.

I was able to build plugins by adding the following to the plugins array in buildinPlugins in lib/build/entry.js:

    // pass custom options to the resolve plugin
    customResolveOptions: {
        moduleDirectory: 'node_modules'

I also added external: ['axios', 'is-object'] to generateConfig in lib/build/entry.js.

I did run into an issue where I was importing isObject like so:

import * as isObject from "is-object";

Instead I had to change it to:

import isObject from "is-object";

This appears to be related to #1267.

This builds with the following output:

Building for production mode as plugin ...
📦  dist/module-search.common.js 33.44kb
📦  dist/module-search.esm.js 33.27kb
No name was provided for external module 'axios' in output.globals – guessing 'axios'
No name was provided for external module 'is-object' in output.globals – guessing 'isObject'
📦  dist/module-search.umd.min.js 10.02kb (gzipped: 3.81kb)
No name was provided for external module 'axios' in output.globals – guessing 'axios'
No name was provided for external module 'is-object' in output.globals – guessing 'isObject'
📦  dist/module-search.umd.js 35.45kb

✅  Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.

As you can see rollup is guessing the externals currently (I am not sure why), but based on this issue I think we can read from the dependencies section of the package.json which may fix the issue as well as making the list dynamic (instead of hardcoded like it is currently).


#1169 has more information on externals vs globals and helps to explain why rollup is guessing.

kazupon commented 5 years ago

commented at https://github.com/kazupon/vue-cli-plugin-p11n/pull/22#issuecomment-487974739

kazupon commented 5 years ago

I've released v0.3.0 :)