kazupon / vue-i18n

:globe_with_meridians: Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
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Docs idea: Make HTML binding with v-html less prevalent #594

Open blimmer opened 5 years ago

blimmer commented 5 years ago

Being a newer user to vue-i18n, I accidentally was using the unsafe v-html binding solution after reading the docs on HTML Formatting. Going back through the docs, I now noticed the big warning at the top suggesting using component interpolation.

What do you think about showing an example of component interpolation under the HTML formatting section (https://kazupon.github.io/vue-i18n/guide/formatting.html#html-formatting) and de-emphasizing the v-html binding option, calling it out as an unsafe solution again before the example?

I think my eyes usually jump right to code examples and I skipped right over the big warning blocks that suggest component interpolation.

I'm happy to create a PR to improve the docs, but wanted feedback on the idea before I took the time to put together a PR.

kissu commented 4 years ago

Or at least use dom-purify-html instead of the unsafe v-html yeah. :smile_cat: