kazupon / vue-validator

:white_check_mark: Validator component for Vue.js
MIT License
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when 3.x will be released? #342

Open cnweibo opened 7 years ago

cnweibo commented 7 years ago

Dear vue-validator author, When 3.x will be released? Since vuej2.0 is officially released for some time, i am finding corresponding vue-validator component which can run on vue2.0.


cezarpretto commented 7 years ago

Me too :)

kazupon commented 7 years ago

sorry, please waiting ... :bow:

chanlito commented 7 years ago

ng2 comes out, meh. vue2 comes out, all go crazy. ;D

imuller commented 7 years ago

Any timeline on this?

oleynikd commented 7 years ago

Ah, was migrating my project to vue v2 and.........💥