kblincoe / VisualGit_SE701_2019_1

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[FEATURE] Add functionality to rollback to a certain commit #308

Open Ravid12 opened 5 years ago

Ravid12 commented 5 years ago

Description As an avid coder and a user of the Git VCS, I frequently find myself writing code and making changes to projects that I end up having to throw away. Often times, this results in me having to rollback to a certain commit, before I created my feature-in-vain. This results in me having to go through the laborious process of running the git log command to find the commit hash I want to rollback to, then running git checkout [COMMIT HASH]. It would be a great if visual git made this process easier for me, by allowing me to checkout and rollback to certain commits.

Acceptance criteria Users can roll back to certain commits in their commit history on an open repository. It should be made clear to the user what git command is run when rolling back.

Pointers / Solutions

Suggested solution: image

Jess-Alcantara commented 5 years ago

Good idea - since VisualGit is also about learning Git commands might be good to make it clear that it uses git checkout instead of git revert or git reset because of how differently each command handles undoing commits. Approved!

hhagenson28 commented 5 years ago

Useful feature - approved!

Ravid12 commented 5 years ago

Good Idea @Jess-Alcantara, Will update issue!

rmberriman commented 5 years ago

Approved! Sounds like a helpful feature