kclyu / rpi-webrtc-streamer-deb

Rpi WebRTC Streamer DEB packages
32 stars 10 forks source link

downloaded via curl, dpkg-deb error: 'rws_0.73.2_armhf.db is not a debian format archive! on RPI Stretch Lite #2

Closed ezrover closed 6 years ago

ezrover commented 6 years ago

Step 1: install Stretch Lite on Raspberry pi Step 2: curl -sLO https://github.com/.........rws_0.73.2_armhf.db Step3: sudo dpk -i rws_0.73.2_armhf.db

Get error" 'rws_0.73.2_armhf.db' is not a debian format archive

Any thoughts?

kclyu commented 6 years ago

Sorry to answer late.

Generally, if you click the corresponding deb file in github, github provides a download button. To download it directly, The URL you are trying to download, such as https://github.com/kclyu/rpi-webrtc-streamer-deb/raw/master/rws_0.73.2_armhf.deb, will have a different URL, such as 'raw / master'.