kclyu / rpi-webrtc-streamer

This repo's objective is providing something like Web Cam server on the most popular Raspberry PI hardware. By integrating [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/native-code/) and Raspberry PI, we can stream the Raspberry camera feed to browser or native client which talks WebRTC.
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build problem #8

Closed adrian23 closed 7 years ago

adrian23 commented 7 years ago

HI, I try to build your project using instruction: https://github.com/kclyu/rpi-webrtc-streamer/blob/master/BUILD_ubuntu.md I had to change the part Building WebRTC with GN build into :

cd ~/Workspace/
git clone https://github.com/kclyu/rpi-webrtc-streamer.git
cd ~/Workspace/webrtc/src
mkdir arm_build
cp ~/Workspace/rpi-webrtc-streamer/misc/webrtc_arm_build_args.gn arm_build/args.gn
cd arm_build
gn gen arm_build
mv -v ./arm_build/* .

without these (cd arm_build and mv -v ./arm_build/* .) I had errors.

and when I called make i got : afterMake.txt as i understand WEBRTC_CFLAGS are wrong becasue it has this unrecognize parameters.

Can You Please tell me what i'm doing wrong ? I even change my ubuntu username to kclyu becasue in build there was references to /home/kclyu/Workspace/cross/.build/src/gcc-linaro-4.9-2015.06/configure from rpi_rootfs. I also download gcc-linaro-4.9-2015.06 into home/kclyu/Workspace/cross/.build/src/ so i have the same configuration as You had.

I'm using newest webrtc sources Thank You

PS at your tutorial u mention file : cross_arm_gn.mk i think You meant cross_arm_build.mk

kclyu commented 7 years ago
cp ~/Workspace/rpi-webrtc-streamer/misc/webrtc_arm_build_args.gn arm_build/args.gn
cd arm_build
gn gen arm_build

If you do 'gn gen arm_build' in the arm_build directory, you are making default x86_64 build for ubuntu without args.gn for raspberry arm build.

The first thing to check is the error message that occurred when executing 'gen gen arm_build' in the ~/Workspace/webrtc/src directories. Please let me know the error message.

First of all, it is highly probable that Raspberry PI's root fs (rpi_rootfs) does not have the package needed to build webrtc. Make sure you have installed https://github.com/kclyu/rpi_rootfs#required-package-in-raspberry-pi in the rpi_rootfs repo in raspberry pi.

If the error message related to the gtk3 of the package, then try to install libgtk-3-dev which is added recently on webrtc build on raspiberry pi and recreate rpi_rootfs.

p.s. If the problem is package dependency and you have solved it, please let us know the package list you installed.

adrian23 commented 7 years ago

Thank You very much :), yes I didnt install requires packages at my rasbperry pi I've been doing this at my ubuntu. it solves build problem. So i have built but after put exe into rasbperry pi (I'm using zero W) i got : /webrtc-streamer: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not found (required by ./webrtc-streamer) I tried to updatelibstdc++6` but its telling me I already have nwest version

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description:    Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Release:    8.0
Codename:   jessie

Do You know how to get GLIBCXX_3.4.21 ? I also noticed that my generated webrtc-streamer has 51MB is it normal ? since when I unpacked deb package from You another repo it was much less ?

kclyu commented 7 years ago

First of all, for Raspberry PI Zero W, if you have built RWS using webrtc_arm_build_args.gn, build it using webrtc_armv6_build_args.gn. And if you use ZeroW OS with lite, please change to desktop version.

ps. about the size, you can remove the debugging symbols from the binary by below command

arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip webrtc-streamer  # on ubuntu
# or 
strip webrtc-streamer # on raspberry pi 
adrian23 commented 7 years ago

HI I tried like You wrote to do I did everything the same until step : cp ~/Workspace/rpi-webrtc-streamer/misc/webrtc_arm_build_args.gn arm_build/args.gn I put cp ~/Workspace/rpi-webrtc-streamer/misc/webrtc_armv6_build_args.gn arm_build/args.gn instead

gn gen arm_build run without problem but : ninja -C arm_build return errors : ninja arm_build.txt Can You please tell me waht I'm doing wrong ? Thank You

kclyu commented 7 years ago

There seems to be no problem with the build process ....

kclyu@keunchang2:~/Workspace/webrtc/src$ mv arm_build arm_build.neon
kclyu@keunchang2:~/Workspace/webrtc/src$ mkdir arm_build
kclyu@keunchang2:~/Workspace/webrtc/src$ cp ~/Workspace/rpi-webrtc-streamer/misc/
AppRTCMobile.apk                       webrtc_arm_build_args.gn
WEBRTC_BRANCH.conf                     webrtc_armv6_build_args.gn
nginx-ssl-client-authenticate-example  webrtc_streamer_architecture.png
nginx-ssl-config-example               webrtc_x64_build_args.gn
kclyu@keunchang2:~/Workspace/webrtc/src$ cp ~/Workspace/rpi-webrtc-streamer/misc/webrtc_armv6_build_args.gn arm_build/args.gn
kclyu@keunchang2:~/Workspace/webrtc/src$ ls
AUTHORS              OWNERS         arm_build        check_root_dir.py     out                tools
BUILD.gn             PATENTS        arm_build.neon   cleanup_links.py      pylintrc           tools_webrtc
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md   PRESUBMIT.py   base             codereview.settings   resources          webrtc
DEPS                 README.md      build            data                  sync_chromium.pyc
LICENSE              WATCHLISTS     build_overrides  infra                 testing
LICENSE_THIRD_PARTY  android_build  buildtools       license_template.txt  third_party
kclyu@keunchang2:~/Workspace/webrtc/src$ gn gen arm_build
Done. Made 235 targets from 108 files in 2289ms
kclyu@keunchang2:~/Workspace/webrtc/src$ ninja -C arm_build
ninja: Entering directory `arm_build'
[571/1735] ACTION //third_party/opus:convert_rtcd_assembler(//build/toolchain/linux:arm)
perl /home/kclyu/Workspace/webrtc/src/third_party/opus/src/celt/arm/arm2gnu.pl /home/kclyu/Workspace/webrtc/src/third_party/opus/src/celt/arm/celt_pitch_xcorr_arm.s | sed "s/OPUS_ARM_MAY_HAVE_[A-Z]*/1/g" | sed "/.include/d" > gen/third_party/opus/celt_pitch_xcorr_arm_gnu.S
[858/1735] CXX obj/webrtc/base/rtc_task_queue/task_queue_libevent.o
../webrtc/base/task_queue_libevent.cc: In destructor ‘rtc::TaskQueue::PostAndReplyTask::~PostAndReplyTask()’:
../webrtc/base/task_queue_libevent.cc:182:50: warning: ignoring return value of ‘ssize_t write(int, const void*, size_t)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
     write(reply_pipe_, &message, sizeof(message));
[1735/1735] STAMP obj/default.stamp

First of all,

  1. build again with armv6 args.gn after completely deleting arm_build directory
  2. Check that arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -version appears as shown below.
    Kclyu @ keunchang2: ~ / Workspace / webrtc / src $ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --version
    Arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-248-gdf5a341 - Linaro GCC 2015.06) 4.9.4 20150629 (prerelease)
    Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; See the source for copying conditions. There is NO
  3. I'm wondering if you raspberry pi update after installing raspberry pi os.
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt full-upgrade

    4, I do not think this problem will happen because of the latest os update, but I update the raspberry pi to the latest one so I can rebuild and report the result. ---> As expected, the latest OS is irrelevant.

adrian23 commented 7 years ago

Hi, yes You had right I had wrong arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc after I correct everything works perfect. Thank You very much :)