Experimental multi-cluster workload management platform for Kubernetes, built on top of KCP
TMC is a multi-cluster management platform that allows you to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters from a single control plane. TMC should be a plugin of KCP and extend its functionality to support multi-cluster workload management.
# Build CLI binaries
make build
# Copy binaries to PATH
# Either copy the binaries to a directory in your PATH
cp bin/{kubectl-tmc,kubectl-workloads} /usr/local/bin/kubectl-tmc
# Or add the bin directory to your PATH
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/bin
# Start TMC-KCP
go run ./cmd/tmc start
# Create TMC workspace
kubectl tmc workspace create tmc-ws --type tmc --enter
# Create SyncTarget for remote cluster
kubectl tmc workload sync cluster-1 --syncer-image ghcr.io/kcp-dev/contrib-tmc/syncer:latest --output-file cluster-1.yaml
# Login into child cluster
KUBECONFIG=<pcluster-config> kubectl apply -f "cluster-1.yaml"
# Bind compute resources
kubectl tmc bind compute root:tmc-ws
# Create a workload on TMC-KCP cluster
kubectl create deployment kuard --image gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:blue