For myself usage of keepassxc-cli was not so straight forward and looking for this in SO or other SE pages didn't turn up many results.
A few examples would have helped me.
The question is, where to locate this, as the manpage seems not to foresee this.
is also discussed in this issue #6752 (and was kindly adressed in a personal email thanks
I would be willing to take a crack at it, but would like to know before, if this should become part of the manpage or if this should go in a different documentation section?
For myself usage of keepassxc-cli was not so straight forward and looking for this in SO or other SE pages didn't turn up many results. A few examples would have helped me.
The question is, where to locate this, as the manpage seems not to foresee this.
This context (using
echo MyDBpa33word|keepassxc-cli ...
) also discussed in this issue #6752 (and was kindly adressed in a personal email thanks
I would be willing to take a crack at it, but would like to know before, if this should become part of the manpage or if this should go in a different documentation section?