keijiro / OscJack

Lightweight C# implementation of OSC server/client
The Unlicense
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Feature Request: Support OSC Send #3

Closed polyrhythmatic closed 5 years ago

polyrhythmatic commented 8 years ago

I really love this library. So firstly - thank you. I've looked at most of the OSC libraries for Unity and I think this one is by far the easiest to implement, and doesn't drop messages like other libraries.

I am using it for a project where I would like to be able to send OSC from Unity. Is this an easy addition to the current code base? I would prefer to continue using OscJack rather than the alternative libraries.

I'd submit a pull request but it looks a bit beyond what I am capable of, and I'm not sure how this works, or if you are interested...

polyrhythmatic commented 8 years ago

Hey @keijiro , I tried incorporating the Osc send from this library.

I'm having issues with getting it to send messages - do you know what is going on here? For some reason I can't get it to make an OscMessage object.

Here is a link to my fork

polyrhythmatic commented 8 years ago

@keijiro got the library to work but it's pretty ugly right now. I can't figure out how to incorporate your OscMessage struct with the OscMessage class I need to use. Would love to hear your thoughts - it works fine for me at the moment and for the project I need it for, but I would be willing to make a pull request if I can clean it up.

keijiro commented 5 years ago

The sender functionality was implemented in the latest version (v2).