keisentraut / python-comdirect-api

Python scripts to interact with comdirect REST api
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 7 forks source link
comdirect comdirect-api


This is a Python implementation of the new comdirect REST API. This API can be used to interact with the German bank comdirect and view your balances and transactions. The technical specification of the API (in German) is found here.

Currently, only parts of this comdirect API are implemented. Parts which are already implemented and work:

Still to do:

Most likely, I won't implement those soon, this has two reasons:

How to use this

This Python module is currently not yet on PyPi (and given the stalled development, probably never will be). So in order to build it, you need to clone this repository and then package it yourself:

python sdist
pip install dist/comdirect_api-0.1.tar.gz

After installing it, you can run one of the scripts in the bin folder or write your own script.

$ python bin/ 
Please enter Photo-TAN: 123456
Balance of Direct Access Savings-Plus Account (DE012345678901234567890): 0 EUR
Recent transactions:
  2019-09-11 2019-09-11 -3000.15 EUR TRANSFER
     Reference: I2219254G2705657/2
     RemittanceInfo: 01Uebertrag auf Girokonto 02End-to-End-Ref.: 03nicht angegeben 
     EndToEndReference: nicht angegeben

Balance of Checking Account (DE09876543210987654321): 1234.56 EUR
Recent transactions:
  2020-01-03 2020-01-03 -12.34 EUR DIRECT_DEBIT
     Reference: 5012345678901234/12345
     RemittanceInfo: 01Globus TS Forchheim//Forchheim/DE 022020-01-03T20:07:16 KFN 0 VJ 1234
     EndToEndReference: None
[... snip ...]


Use at own risk. I'm not responsible if you lock your account or lose all your money.


Contributions are very welcome. Please open a pull request. Before you commit, run flake8 --max-line-length 120 in order to check for code style. There is also a file tox.ini, but there are no unit tests yet. I can't really create unit tests because there comdirect does not offer any public test accounts.


This module needs the following packages.
