keithclark / selectivizr

selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8.
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IE7 blank page if using font-face #30

Open thasmo opened 12 years ago

thasmo commented 12 years ago


When using a font-face CSS definition, selectivizr has a bug which results in IE7 not showing any page elements. It seems like they're invisible.

The following CSS is triggering the bug:

@font-face { font-family: 'Colaborate-Thin'; src: url('colaborate-thin.eot'); src: url('colaborate-thin.eot?iefix') format('eot'), url('colaborate-thin.woff') format('woff'), url('colaborate-thin.ttf') format('truetype'), url('colaborate-thin.svg#webfont8nzqAfDm') format('svg'); }

It seems it has to do something with the functions parseStyleSheet() or resolveUrl(), but I'm not sure.

Regards, Thasmo

thasmo commented 12 years ago

K, can't reproduce this anymore. Probably 1.0.3b fixed this already.

ryfy commented 12 years ago

I can reproduce the exact same thing with 1.0.3b and it's not just IE7 for me. IE8 as well. @Thasmo try clearing your cache and reloading the page and it'll likely turn "invisible" again. Problem seems to only be on initial load before stylesheet is cached.

FlyingDR commented 12 years ago

Here is some more details about this problem that I dig during my attempts to find out a reason of blank screen in IE8:

Also I found a way to workaround this problem until it will (hopefully) be fixed in code: Moving @font-face declarations directly into HTML page solves the problem of blank screen

kevinkneifel commented 12 years ago

I used the solution suggested above (@font-face declarations in the HTML head) and it seems to have corrected the issue for me as well. I am using 1.0.3b and was serving fonts from a separate stylesheet.

mjcampagna commented 12 years ago

Also experiencing this issue with real IE8 (not IE9 in IE8 dev mode) and 1.0.3b. Hoping to see this fixed in the next build.

Thanks, Matt

natedillon commented 12 years ago

I'm having this issue right now, but only with IE8. I'm using selectivizr with Drupal, and the problem only happens when I use Drupal's "Aggregate JavaScript files" feature. The only fix I've found is moving the @font-face styles to the head as mentioned above.

rickard2 commented 11 years ago

I can also confirm this bug and that the workaround fixes it for me. Tested with IE8 on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 2003 server.

rphair commented 11 years ago

I have also confirmed this bug, on a CMS running a soup of Javascript: Modernizr, Repond.js, Selectivizr, Mootools (for Joomla) and jQuery (for MBP3.0).

Symptom the same on all Windows XP machines with IE8 that we could get our hands on: on IE8 would crash whenever reloading the page: the screen would freeze and smear the content vertically if the scrollbar was used, or display solid white if in the middle of redrawing the page or responding to a change in screen width.

I tried disabling every one of the above javascripts, and some in groups. I also tried the working versions distributed together on and back-revved versions working together on other sites. Nothing worked until we moved the @font-face rules into the <head>... thank you for not closing this issue!

Since then I've realised the working sites I saw that use custom fonts are using Google Web Fonts style sheets which are not evaluated due to selectivizr's cross-domain restriction. That would be another workaround I think: to host a font stylesheet on a related domain (like the web designer's).

For now we think the <head> workaround is cleaner but still hope this problem will be fixed soon. The win for us would be in our mobile CMS designs, to which this workaround adds about 600 uncacheable bytes that have to be reloaded with every page click. Nevertheless I am cheering selectivizr and the developer for having made our responsive design possible in the first place; we are already deeply in your debt.

rctneil commented 11 years ago

I too hope this can be fixed.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I'm also pretty keen to see this fixed. I'm using the head workaround for now but am also concerned about how much extra weight this is adding in terms of un-cached CSS as well as how it's affecting workflow (not being able to declare @font-face in existing stylesheets / Sass partials).

zeorin commented 11 years ago

Also an issue for me. Please fix :)

doits commented 11 years ago

got this problem too, even in IE8. fix seems to work.

jglovier commented 11 years ago

We are having this issue (or a similar variant) in IE7. Doesn't happen when testing on IE8 for us, but happens on IE7 only, until Selectivizr is removed.

The reason I say it may be a similar variant because what happens for our team most of the time is that the page loads with the fonts rendered as normal, but after a few seconds the page flashes blank, then re-renders without the fonts using only the local fallback fonts.

Also, the repo we are working on is using a font-face service like Typekit (but not Typekit), rather than straight local CSS font-face calls, FWIW.

michaelthorne commented 11 years ago

Just had the same issue. 1.0.3 didn't help, so I'm still declaring my font face in a block before my linked stylesheets and selectivizr include.

Great plugin, but disappointing that this issue is occurring in IE8.

adamwaite commented 11 years ago

Same issue here.

JeroenDelbroek commented 11 years ago

I'm having the same issue in IE8 with the Omega 4 theme for Drupal. It uses the selectivizr v1.0.3b version.

tymn commented 11 years ago

I'm also using the Omega 4 theme for Drupal and having the same issue in IE7 and 8.

jakob-e commented 11 years ago

In order to prevent @font-faces to disappear on ie8 (please die soon) I found that if using respond.js - selectivizr.1.0.3b must be included before. Also CSS and JS aggregation settings can cause problems.

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="js/selectivizr.1.0.3b.js"></script>
<script src="js/respond.js"></script>
ghost commented 11 years ago

Loading all web fonts via JS rather than CSS seems to side step this bug entirely.

For any Drupal folks reading this thread, see my comment here for a more detailed solution (it's in the Omega theme issue queue but can apply to any theme, Drupal 6, 7 or 8):

For a tidy, CMS agnostic approach to loading web fonts from various sources via JS, see this library:

jarodtaylor commented 10 years ago

So, I guess this bug was just abandoned all together. I still get this screen in IE7 and IE8 when using @font-face. We're using 1.0.3b.

bensaufley commented 10 years ago

It looks like everybody else got this fixed by using inline styles in the head, but that didn't solve it for me (using 1.0.3b). This may be because I included the google font stylesheets in a [if gte IE 9 | !IE] block for compliant browsers? But Google serves different content to different browsers - I didn't have the option of embedding all possible browsers' content into an inline style.

The only thing that stopped the white screen from appearing at times was removing Selectivizr altogether.

tiroxis commented 10 years ago


getStyleSheets called in ContentLoad - work for me ( if cache empty also work )

ghost commented 10 years ago

Reading around the referenced issue posted by AlxMedia above it seems that this may only be an issue when viewing IE8 via developer tools and not necessarily an issue when viewing a site in "native" IE8. Can anyone else confirm this to be the case? I thought I'd tested this but it's been a while and currently don't have access to native IE8.

joeyhoer commented 10 years ago

I can confirm that native IE8 in Windows XP does suffer from the issue, but I believe it to be related to @import not @font-face, at least in my case. My @import was using an unquoted URL; quoting the URL seemed to resolve the issue.

OlofFredriksson commented 10 years ago

Had same problem as described in earlier comments, but managed to fix this to have the font includes directly in the html page.

kamranayub commented 10 years ago

We just ran into this issue. Interesting fix @joeyhoer, we didn't try that. We had font-face directives in a LESS file, so it was all included into a master LESS.

We fixed it as well by moving those declarations outside into the <head> of the layout.

@dixhuit we were having regular business users (non developers) running into the blank page in their IE8, on Windows 7 machines. I ran into it myself several times. It was especially bad for people that were farther away from our data center, like South Africa or other remote locations.