kellnerd / harmony

Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer
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Some digital releases reuse the physical release's GTIN #42

Closed kellnerd closed 6 days ago

kellnerd commented 1 week ago

Originally reported on the forums:

It seems for Bandcamp Harmony is lacking the check if a barcode is used for another edition like the userscript does:

According to the listing at Apple Music it should be 3617389461901

I would say this is a data error and it should be sufficient to unset the digital release GTIN only in case of a reused GTIN. If it is different from all physical release GTINs on the Bandcamp page (or when there are no physical packages) it should still be fine to use it.

kellnerd commented 6 days ago

The reused physical GTIN will not be used, instead it is shown in a warning message (