kelseyhightower / nocode

The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
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No process entry in ps, top, htop, gnome-system-monitor, ksysmonitor, xfce4-system-monitor, komodo-dragon-the-famous-monitor-lizard, etc... #1414

Open rolandixor opened 6 years ago

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

what this for? comment for what? I'm not from the English country, could anyone help me get started?

rolandixor commented 6 years ago


jushuayan commented 6 years ago


jushuayan commented 6 years ago

so first what i can do

rolandixor commented 6 years ago

OMG! You fixed it! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

I find GetHub in the anaconda .just want learn something i'm new for the programing.i don't know how time is of you ,doesn't mean bother you . I think i know ,i need fix the bug or something like that but for now i don't have able to do that .SORRY hope you fix it soon.

rolandixor commented 6 years ago

I found GotHub in the cobra. How did you find it in the anaconda? Did you have to climb inside?

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

In the anaconda navigator on the left bottom have a little thing that look like a cat .

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

so where you come from? are you there?

rolandixor commented 6 years ago

I am in the ceiling. I am from the floor.

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

Interesting answer ,so you like hacker or some thing like that. Actually I'm not care where you come from . when you say something like that I'm confirm you and me we not from same region ,I just don't want I so hard to spell these words and turned out we are from same country that will be so sad and I hope I'm not spell something wrong, have I?

rolandixor commented 6 years ago

Haha, no you have not. I'm just joking.

By the way, you are the chosen one.

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

I'm not chosen you , I even failed my high school ,I'm not understand to many English words we can actually talk just accident. (your name in the first page )

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

Sorry, is my bad. This morning I misunderstand what you say ,why you say I'm the chosen one.

rolandixor commented 6 years ago

Because it is written in nocode, line 386:

and on line 492:

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

Hello bro I'm hopping your not from the Europe cause If your this will be pretty late for you say I don't mean bother you . So about what you say ,is about the HOLY BIBLE ?(I'm not sure i should using capital letter or small letter ,if I'm wrong don't blame don't be angry. ) Here is the thing I'm from china so you know people around me they don't believe anything. may be have couple of them really believe some thing .I tried read BIBLE few times cause the translate version are to bad ,So in the few mouth ago i start to read English version but i failed cause I don't have enough time . But I think ARE FATHER WHO ART IN HAVEN is told us be kind and use every thing in our life to make every thing is better . And I really have a cross so I'm from china but don't be panic I don't burn flag.

rolandixor commented 6 years ago

Okay, what are you talking about? 😂😂😂

jushuayan commented 6 years ago

So you not talk about religion ? about the chosen one?