keokilee / makahiki

An open source framework for creating dorm energy competitions using Django and Pinax.
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Fix missing T&C scroll bar in first-login on mobile #335

Closed rbrewer closed 13 years ago

rbrewer commented 13 years ago

It appears that when going through the desktop version of the first login process on a mobile device, the Terms & Conditions step doesn't have a scrollbar, preventing the user from reading them. This is not good, as this is our informed consent, among other things.

We need to investigate why the scrollbar doesn't appear, and what we can do to fix it or work around it.

keokilee commented 13 years ago

Turns out it can be done if you use 2 fingers. They also suggest a JS hack called iScroll.

keokilee commented 13 years ago

Since this doesn't work in Android, the solution may be to use a link that pops up the T&C in a separate window.

gregorylburgess commented 13 years ago

please verify once jenkins is back up

gregorylburgess commented 13 years ago

fixed. please verify