keokilee / makahiki

An open source framework for creating dorm energy competitions using Django and Pinax.
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Add energy goal history to Go Low scoreboard #388

Closed rbrewer closed 13 years ago

rbrewer commented 13 years ago

Add an additional display to the scoreboard on the Go Low page that displays the number of days each lounge has made its energy goal. So something like this:

Round 1 Energy Goal Score Board

Rank    Lounge  # days met goal
1       Lehua-C        6
2       Lehua-A        5
3       Lehua-B        5
4       Lehua-D        4
5       Lehua-E        1
6       Ilima-A        0
7       Ilima-B        0
8       Ilima-C        0
9       Ilima-D        0
10    Ilima-E        0
11   Mokihana-A      0
12   Mokihana-B      0
13   Mokihana-C      0
14   Mokihana-D      0
15   Mokihana-E      0
keokilee commented 13 years ago

This is just for the current round, right? We could show previous rounds, but a) it adds more scores to the cycle and b) previous rounds are probably less interesting since it is not a "competition".

rbrewer commented 13 years ago

I was thinking it was overall (just one screen that shows the total through the whole competition). However, Philip says "whatever is easiest" and I agree.