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Explore close collaboration with Argo #355

Open AloisReitbauer opened 3 months ago

AloisReitbauer commented 3 months ago

Collaborate closer with Argo

Keptn provides unique obervability and automation capabilities to GitOps environments:

This is functionality which is currently not available at this level in Argo. However, these capabilities are key for enterprise-level production usage. The Keptn project has been heavily focussed on supporting GitOps deployments with Argo (while Keptn also works for plain kubectl-type deployments)

The project team wants to explore closer collaboration with Argo - either by joint innovation or potentially making Keptn a dedicated "observability" subproject of Argo.



thschue commented 3 months ago

I support!

AnaMMedina21 commented 3 months ago

Excited to see this collaboration. Supporting this!

grabnerandi commented 3 months ago

Another use case that Keptn would solve is providing observability and traceability into Argo Workflows. Troubleshooting workflows has been a hot topic this morning at ArgoCon 2024 Europe. As Workflows basically deploy Pods it would be a logical step to extend Keptn to trace those workflow tasks and connect them in a single distributed trace

salaboy commented 3 months ago

I strongly support this idea, let's make Keptn and Argo awesome!