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Installer does not work on version 2.8.0 with WiFi setup RPi3+ #44

Closed kbabka closed 4 years ago

kbabka commented 4 years ago

Etcher installer frozen by downloading 100% and nothing happen.

When chosen wired configuration, its O.K.

cedricve commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting, is it only when selecting WIFI? Or also with the Static IP? Which OS are you using?


kbabka commented 4 years ago

Windows 10, dynamic IP, yes only by WiFi config

cedricve commented 4 years ago

Interesting just received another ticket about the same issue. Would you have time to quickly verify if you use the combo (ethernet + static IP)?

Can confirm the downloading works, but once you reach 100%, it stops working.

kbabka commented 4 years ago

I tested ethernet + static IP and also installer frozen on 100%.

cedricve commented 4 years ago

Thanks the issue is here:

Will need to have some time to debug, but we will get there. Thank for reporting.

cedricve commented 4 years ago

@kbabka we fixed the issue, can you please retry by downloading the installer again, and execute it.

kbabka commented 4 years ago

Now installer freezes by "Starting ..." see picture


cedricve commented 4 years ago

How long did you wait might take some time before the changed are applied during the starting process.

Kind regards, Verstraeten Cédric

On 7 Jan 2020, at 21:59, Karel Babka wrote:

 Now installer freezes by "Starting ..." see picture

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kbabka commented 4 years ago

I waited about half an hour, maybe longer. Regards Karel

kbabka commented 4 years ago

When I use original Etcher and download image file version 2.8 for RPi3, put it in SD card and then copy the configuration files to the first partition, everything works including WiFi connection

cedricve commented 4 years ago

You are right, the build is not correct. Will come back.

cedricve commented 4 years ago

@kbabka, fixed and tested myself. Please give me your confirmation as well. Thanks!

kbabka commented 4 years ago

Yes, I confirm that the installation is already OK. Thanx.