Bing wallpaper of the day application for Gnome desktop
Little utility to browse/download/setting bing's wallpaper of the day to Gnome desktop by @keshavbhatt of and others
Nightly and stable Build on any snapd enabled Linux Distribution can be installed using:
snap install bing-wall
AUR for Arch based distributions
Command Line Mode:
Set wallpaper of the day without opening the GUI with single command. bing-wall --set
Consider Donating if you want this music player grow further
utilises power of the following tools and technologies :
Build requirement
Qt >=5.5.1
Build instructions With all build requirements in place go to project root and execute:
qmake (or qmake-qt5, depending on your distro)
Execute, from build directory run :
ScreenShots: (could be old)