kevbite / CompaniesHouse.NET

A simple .NET client wrapper for CompaniesHouse API
MIT License
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GetCompanyFilingHistoryAsync() Officers not found #81

Closed JulianGuppy closed 6 years ago

JulianGuppy commented 6 years ago

When using the _companiesHouseClient.GetCompanyFilingHistoryAsync with a company registration number of 0795823 (my old company)

i get the following crash: -

System.AggregateException HResult=0x80131500 Message=One or more errors occurred. Source=mscorlib

Inner Exception 1: JsonSerializationException: Error converting value "officers" to type 'CompaniesHouse.Response.FilingSubcategory'. Path 'items[23].subcategory', line 1, position 13014.

Inner Exception 2: ArgumentException: Requested value 'officers' was not found.

What ever is coming from companies house for this business (new wave capital) is not liked. If you could investigate this I would be very happy!

kevbite commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks for raising the issues.

The API will have been extended to pass back more values and we'll need to update our code to reflect these changes too.

These are small fixes, so I'll try to do them later on today.

kevbite commented 6 years ago

This should be fixed in the latest release 5.0.0 can you update the packages and test this is working and raise another issue if you're still having problems.
