JIL throws a "Stackoverflow Exception" while deserializing this class, in both asp.net core project and in asp.net 4.6.1. Both projects in the repo are not touched anymore than to add JIL and the test classes.
Open the project in visual studio (Make sure .NET 4.6.1 is installed prior to this)
Press the "Debug" button (for asp.net core project, will throw exception)
Change the startup project to "JilBugExampleNET"
Press the "Debug" button (for asp.net 4.6.1, will throw exception)
You can change the startup project to the other and do that same. The exception below is thrown.
JIL had worked well for us, but this issue popped up when we added some extra members to a class. If there is a workaround, please provide that so that we can make this work meanwhile.
In the real world scenario, these are the classes that we want to deserialize: https://github.com/hkothoju/JilBugExample/blob/master/TestClasses/TestClasses.cs
JIL throws a "Stackoverflow Exception" while deserializing this class, in both asp.net core project and in asp.net 4.6.1. Both projects in the repo are not touched anymore than to add JIL and the test classes.
Steps to run locally and reproduce:
You can change the startup project to the other and do that same. The exception below is thrown.
JIL had worked well for us, but this issue popped up when we added some extra members to a class. If there is a workaround, please provide that so that we can make this work meanwhile.