key4hep / k4MarlinWrapper

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Error test #82

Closed alexhxia closed 2 years ago

alexhxia commented 2 years ago


There are error when I run :

k4run ../k4MarlinWrapper/examples/

I obtain in the end:

LcioEvent           FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught 
LcioEvent           ERROR /tmp/gitlab-runner/spack-stage/spack-stage-sio-0.1-lqsahnvnrscxf45ule3zco5xt7enge6m/spack-src/source/src/ (l.95) in read_record_info: Record marker not found! [no_marker]
/tmp/gitlab-runner/spack-stage/spack-stage-lcio-2.17-x6tjdlezoync4o5hj6gw3hizyh7wenn2/spack-src/src/cpp/src/MT/ (l.201) in readNextEvent: Couldn't read next event! [no_marker]
ExceptionSvc        DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
ExceptionSvc        DEBUG Handling std:except: "/tmp/gitlab-runner/spack-stage/spack-stage-sio-0.1-lqsahnvnrscxf45ule3zco5xt7enge6m/spack-src/source/src/ (l.95) in read_record_info: Record marker not found! [no_marker]
/tmp/gitlab-runner/spack-stage/spack-stage-lcio-2.17-x6tjdlezoync4o5hj6gw3hizyh7wenn2/spack-src/src/cpp/src/MT/ (l.201) in readNextEvent: Couldn't read next event! [no_marker]" for LcioEvent
EventLoopMgr        FATAL .executeEvent(): Standard std::exception thrown by LcioEvent
EventLoopMgr        ERROR /tmp/gitlab-runner/spack-stage/spack-stage-sio-0.1-lqsahnvnrscxf45ule3zco5xt7enge6m/spack-src/source/src/ (l.95) in read_record_info: Record marker not found! [no_marker]
/tmp/gitlab-runner/spack-stage/spack-stage-lcio-2.17-x6tjdlezoync4o5hj6gw3hizyh7wenn2/spack-src/src/cpp/src/MT/ (l.201) in readNextEvent: Couldn't read next event! [no_marker]
EventLoopMgr      WARNING Execution of algorithm LcioEvent failed
AidaProcessor        INFO Getting the event for AidaProcessor
AidaProcessor       DEBUG Registering conversion EDM4hep to LCIO event in TES
EventNumber          INFO Getting the event for EventNumber
EventNumber         DEBUG LCEvent retrieved successfully
[ MESSAGE "EventNumber"]  ===== Run  :       0  Event:       0
InitDD4hep           INFO Getting the event for InitDD4hep
InitDD4hep          DEBUG LCEvent retrieved successfully
VXDBarrelDigitiser   INFO Getting the event for VXDBarrelDigitiser
VXDBarrelDigitiser  DEBUG LCEvent retrieved successfully
EventLoopMgr        ERROR Error processing event loop.
EventLoopMgr        DEBUG Dumping AlgExecStateSvc status:
  [slot: 0, incident: AlgFail]:

  +         InitDD4hep  e: d f: 1 sc: SUCCESS
  +          LcioEvent  e: e
  +        EventNumber  e: d f: 1 sc: SUCCESS
  +      AidaProcessor  e: d f: 1 sc: SUCCESS
  + VXDBarrelDigitiser  e: d f: 1 sc: SUCCESS

EventLoopMgr        ERROR Terminating event processing loop due to errors
EventLoopMgr        ERROR Terminating event processing loop due to errors
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service EventLoopMgr
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service ExceptionSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service HistogramDataSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service HistogramPersistencySvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service AlgExecStateSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service TimelineSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service AlgContextSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service EventPersistencySvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service IncidentSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service Gaudi::Utils::StopSignalHandler
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service AppMgrRunable
ServiceManager      DEBUG Stopping service EventDataSvc
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service EventLoopMgr
LcioEvent           DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
LcioEvent           DEBUG Tools to release :
LcioEvent           DEBUG Services to release :
AidaProcessor        INFO Finalising VXDBarrelDigitiser
[ MESSAGE "VXDBarrelDigitiser"]  end()  VXDBarrelDigitiser processed 1 events in 0 runs 
EventNumber          INFO Finalising InitDD4hep
InitDD4hep           INFO Finalising EventNumber
[ MESSAGE "EventNumber"] Statusmonitor::end()  EventNumber processed 1 events in 0 runs 
VXDBarrelDigitiser   INFO Finalising AidaProcessor
IncidentSvc         DEBUG Removing [AbortEvent] listener '<unknown>'
EventLoopMgr         INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service ExceptionSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service HistogramDataSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service HistogramPersistencySvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service AlgExecStateSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service TimelineSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service AlgContextSvc
IncidentSvc         DEBUG Removing [EndEvent] listener 'AlgContextSvc'
IncidentSvc         DEBUG Removing [BeginEvent] listener 'AlgContextSvc'
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service EventPersistencySvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc         DEBUG Incident  timing: Mean(+-rms)/Min/Max:0(+-0)/0/0[ms] Total:0[s]
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service Gaudi::Utils::StopSignalHandler
IncidentSvc         DEBUG Removing [BeginEvent] listener 'Gaudi::Utils::StopSignalHandler'
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service AppMgrRunable
ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service EventDataSvc
ServiceManager      DEBUG Looping over all active services...
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- MessageSvc (refCount = 21)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- JobOptionsSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- EventDataSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- AppMgrRunable (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- Gaudi::Utils::StopSignalHandler (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- IncidentSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- EventPersistencySvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- AlgContextSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- TimelineSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- AlgExecStateSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- HistogramPersistencySvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- HistogramDataSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- ExceptionSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager      DEBUG ---- EventLoopMgr (refCount = 3)
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr      ERROR Application Manager Terminated with error code 6

And when I continu, the next test failed:

      1 - simple_processors (Failed)
      3 - clicRec (Failed)
      4 - converter_constants (Failed)
      5 - edm_converters (Failed)
      6 - all_events_bounds (Failed)
      7 - over_total_events (Failed)
      8 - same_num_io (Failed)
      9 - clicRec_lcio_mt (Failed)
fdplacido commented 2 years ago

Hi @alexhxia, can you give us more details on how are you running this? I just tried from a clean shell and it did run fine. Did you check that you have the muons.slcio file that is looking for?

alexhxia commented 2 years ago

Hi, You are right, it is my muons.slcio file. Thank you.

But "5 - edm_converters" failed :

5: python: symbol lookup error: /home/ilc/ahocine/k4MarlinWrapper/install/lib64/ undefined symbol: _Z15collectionExistRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEPN4IMPL11LCEventImplE
1/1 Test #5: edm_converters ...................***Failed    1.82 sec

0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   1.84 sec

The following tests FAILED:
      5 - edm_converters (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
fdplacido commented 2 years ago

This error should be fixed in the nightlies: source /cvmfs/ You may also need the changes in this PR: which I just merged.

alexhxia commented 2 years ago

Indeed, it is the problem. Thank you.