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Can't enter airdrop - ERROR CODE 4207 #20264

Closed maple3142 closed 4 years ago

maple3142 commented 4 years ago

Like this: But in the previous page, it said that I am qualified.

joaoqueroiz commented 4 years ago


CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

The exact same issue for several hours now. VPN did not appear related to the issue. Reregistering the device under non-VPN IP made no difference. ERROR CODE 4207, not the 4206 that people used to get up until a few hours ago. I hope someone with the right expertise will be kind enough to come to the rescue, I really want in on this one and as I imagine, the others too.

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Now, 2 hours later, it says I'm qualified to join and when I click I get "sorry, you are not qualified to join." this time without an errpor message but still obviously in error.

Is it being worked on? I wasn't ditched, was I?

dylanbuchi commented 4 years ago

Now, 2 hours later, it says I'm qualified to join and when I click I get "sorry, you are not qualified to join." this time without an errpor message but still obviously in error.

Is it being worked on? I wasn't ditched, was I?

No I have the same issue too now

BlueDemon1854 commented 4 years ago

I also have the same issue says I qualify then the error code pops up and says I don't

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

I wouldnt be surprised if a bunch of bad actors were pommeling the service with a flock of bot attempts to join. I myself have registered in more than ample wasys demonstrating I'm not a bot.

I hope hey're working on it. We're real people!

skyphyr commented 4 years ago

Same issue for days, and after I added information I was not comfortable adding to hit their criteria. Bait and switch? The lack of response to bug reports (filed in app as well as this one) about this certainly leads one to be suspicious.

gclmbaqtvw commented 4 years ago

Even after update, i still get this error

skyphyr commented 4 years ago

gclmbaqtvw. Same here, across windows, android, and Linux.

gclmbaqtvw commented 4 years ago

This is a copy of issue #20219

No, it has another error code

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Not exactly, they get an Error 4206, we get an Error 4207.

m-faccin commented 4 years ago

So, before update the error was 4206 after update I have error 4207. Different name, same results.

gclmbaqtvw commented 4 years ago

So, before update the error was 4206 after update I have error 4207. Different name, same results.

I had error 4206 approximately till this issue record was created, then error 4207 began to appear. Then I updated, but it didn't change anything

BlueDemon1854 commented 4 years ago

Now the airdrop doesn't appear in my app anymore does that mean I'm in?

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Do you have the gold logo by your name?

Its still in mine.

BlueDemon1854 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately no. still the same error code 4207 when I try to join

BlueDemon1854 commented 4 years ago

From what I understand it pretty much means for 1 reason or another I've been banned. Not exactly sure why. I went on a FB page and everyone there is posting pics of them getting in 2 hrs ago

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Still not getting in either.

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

Yes , same issue..... oh my. Help us mighty stellar

MuuJian commented 4 years ago

same issus.....

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Do you guys have Keybase installed on multiple devices?

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

Yes, ios, android, same issue

MuuJian commented 4 years ago

Do you guys have Keybase installed on multiple devices?

mac ios

Gumwars commented 4 years ago

Identical issue here with the same error codes being spit out. Any updates as to why this is happening?

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

still not getting in >_<

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

is this still an open and common error? because i have just checked the airdrop page and the participant number is going up. which means this error is uncommon...... right? or not...

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Its still an issue for me and the participant number kept going up all through this issue.

gclmbaqtvw commented 4 years ago

This number behaviour is really strange, because after changing of criteria of airdrop qualification on 16.09 (there were something like 70k participants), it didn't fall down and kept going up. But at the same time, all new users who registered after 09.09 lost their "lucky airdropee" status

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

I think stellar lumens keybase is under some sort of social - attack, and people are trying to instal/verify XXXXXXX of accounts, and verification is now offline... just as it was a problem after first registration era...

skateman12 commented 4 years ago

They should tell something about the issue ...

barbara commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. I wish someone would at least acknowledge

Nicooo27 commented 4 years ago

ami tmb me pasa lo mismo

Nphox commented 4 years ago

шо за херня, проверяет три пункта и по всем ОК а в итоге "сорян вы не прошли проверку" WTF

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

WTF впрямь

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

Дмитрий, мы тут все в одной лодке, старайтесь без лишних эмоций. Заодно просмотрите страны что допустимы к эйрдропу. Вероятно это причина

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Не совсем! Я нахожусь в стране, которая находится в списке ОК, и я все еще не вхожу.

(not exactly, I'm in a country on the OK List and I too cannot enter)

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Its frustrating! I have used more identifiers than is required, I'm obviously not a bot, and nada! Also, the issue is 9 days old. If it were Brie we'd have to chuck it. Please respond :)

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

probably app dev is somewhere on a vacation 💃

mfarahat2002 commented 4 years ago

Same here...

juliandewit commented 4 years ago

Same here

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

Strange things.. meanwhile on an airdrop page numbers go up: 110,437 registered so far. Updt; 110,911 - 474 users in 9 hours... Looks like registration is working fine, this means a bug is not common.

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

Okay, so the app got an update, i enter airdrop, every check mark is ok, and text - you are qualified to join. then after i press the button it say "you are not qualified to join" 8585

gclmbaqtvw commented 4 years ago

The same to me

JanGroot commented 4 years ago

same here

bossmanpl commented 4 years ago

I think someone needs to be notified about that. What is a reason ? How to contact main DEV's ?

Z86-tech commented 4 years ago

i think they read this thread. i asked a friend of mine, he has the same issue, he has iphone, i have android, so its a both platform issue.

CyberClouseau commented 4 years ago

Not just on iPhone and Android, on a PC as well.

mag669 commented 4 years ago

Is there any Keybase support somewhere?

latticegold commented 4 years ago

same issue...seems there is no solution, and no official reason why

MuuJian commented 4 years ago

the registered is increase