When trying to change the settings of an authentication it informs that it already exists.
Error: error sending PUT request to /admin/realms/{my-realm}/authentication/flows/id: 409 Conflict. Response body: {"errorMessage":"Flow alias name already exists"}
When trying to change the settings of an authentication it informs that it already exists. Error: error sending PUT request to /admin/realms/{my-realm}/authentication/flows/id: 409 Conflict. Response body: {"errorMessage":"Flow alias name already exists"}
resource "keycloak_authentication_flow" "flow" { realm_id = keycloak_realm.realm.id alias = "registration" }
resource "keycloak_authentication_execution" "execution_one" { realm_id = "${keycloak_realm.realm.id}" parent_flow_alias = "${keycloak_authentication_flow.flow.alias}" authenticator = "registration-recaptcha-action" requirement = "REQUIRED"