keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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feat(touch): select default long-press key when no movement detected #8519

Closed MakaraSok closed 8 months ago

MakaraSok commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

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Describe the solution you'd like

Currently in version 16.0.138 of Keyman for Android, long-pressing a particular key shows key(s) as pop-ups to select one.

After focusing the pop-up key using touch, releasing the touch will trigger that key.

If we can make focus to the first key among the pop-up keys set by simply long-pressing only, it will be useful to users to type using keys that have one option under long-press.

Kind attention is invited to this matter to add to a future milestone.

Describe alternatives you've considered

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mcdurdin commented 1 year ago

Closely related to #1025

darcywong00 commented 8 months ago

If we can make focus to the first key among the pop-up keys set by simply long-pressing only, it will be useful to users to type using keys that have one option under long-press.

My concern is if we default the focus to the first key among the pop-up keys, how would the user "cancel" the long-press? I can see a common case where a user is discovering what the longpress on each key is, and likely won't want that output by default.

mcdurdin commented 8 months ago
mcdurdin commented 8 months ago

This is a duplicate of #9416.

mcdurdin commented 8 months ago

Will track in #9416.