kfix / MacPin

a webapp container & site specific browser made from WebKit.swift and JavaScriptCore
GNU General Public License v3.0
331 stars 27 forks source link

Will not compile on Big Sur #37

Closed StarPlayrX closed 2 years ago

StarPlayrX commented 3 years ago

If you could update for big sur that'd be great! Also an option for Xcode build projects were also be good.

kfix commented 3 years ago

Sorry, it's been on NO-maintenance mode for a bit. Not sure when I'll be updating to the latest as I've kept my own workstation back on Catalina until I've got some off time to mess it up :-)

kfix commented 2 years ago

main branch compiles now on BS - YMMV as far as bugginess goes.

I might add an xcodeproj for MacPin.app but the issue is that it doesn't really handle "app generation" for all the sites/*, but I suppose custom build scripts could be hooked in (using the uuuugly makefiles, at first)