Open rju opened 2 weeks ago
JIRA Issue: KIEKER-1827 Change inclusion mechanism of Oshi and JNA in Java EE Example Original Reporter: Andre van Hoorn
As a response to, we have placed the OSHI and JNA Jars into the lib folder of the JPetsore:
avhAndrè van Hoorn-ThinkPad-T450s:~/Downloads/Kieker-release/kieker-1.14-bin/examples/JavaEEServletContainerExample/jetty $ ll webapps/jpetstore/WEB-INF/lib/ | grep -E "(jna)|(oshi)" -rw-rw-r-- 1 avh avh 1506993 Mai 12 10:27 jna-5.5.0.jar -rw-rw-r-- 1 avh avh 405399 Mai 12 10:21 oshi-core-3.13.5.jar
We should change this to an inclusion of dependencies via Gradle's dependency management.
author rju -- Wed, 24 May 2023 14:24:14 +0200
It this still a thing?
JIRA Issue: KIEKER-1827 Change inclusion mechanism of Oshi and JNA in Java EE Example Original Reporter: Andre van Hoorn
As a response to, we have placed the OSHI and JNA Jars into the lib folder of the JPetsore:
We should change this to an inclusion of dependencies via Gradle's dependency management.