kimai / Paid-plugins

Support for paid Kimai plugins: Discussions and feature requests
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Geolocation for Projects #169

Closed markus7777777 closed 3 weeks ago

markus7777777 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello everyone. I would like to request a feature for the Kimai MetaFieldsBundle that allows users to assign a project location via a geotag during project selection. This geotag could include the address with street and house number.

Suggestions: Address Input: Allows users to input the city, street and house number. Map Integration: Integrate with a mapping service (e.g., OSM) to visually select the location or verify the address.

Example Workflow: User selects or creates a new project. User is prompted to enter the project location with street and house number. The geotag is saved and can be viewed or edited inside the project mask.

Further, it would be very advantageous to view all projects in a map view and see project-details.