Closed stefandiederich closed 1 year ago
I can not replicate your error, This command line works for me using VCFv4.1 Do you use
okay it is actually VCFv4.2.
I attached to used file here. The alignment was done against HG19.
SURVIVOR unfortunately has no manual that would explain how to use it for different versions of VCF-formats or why exactly it wouldn't work in this case.
I cannot guarantee that this following line is completely correct, However it creates a bedfile for your file
cut -f1,2,8 1332-21.vcf | sed 's/END=|//g' | sed '/#/d' | awk '{print $1 "\t" ($2+1) "\t" ($3+1)}' > 1332-21.bed
Remember that the type of SV (DEL,INS,DUP) has to be stated in the 4th column of your bedfile
Thanks for your help,
I just removed the |
between END=
and //g
so the command is as following:
cut -f1,2,8 1332-21.vcf | sed 's/END=//g' | sed '/#/d' | awk '{print $1 "\t" ($2+1) "\t" ($3+1)}' > 1332-21.bed
and it is working like a charme. Thanks for your help!
Bests Stefan
I am sorry to come back to you again.
Now I am trying to run the analysis with snakemake with the following command:
snakemake --use-conda --configfile config.yml -j 4 -n
and get the following error:
RuleException in line 135 of /media/Berechnungen/CADD-SV/Snakefile:
'OutputFiles' object has no attribute 't1'
File "/BioinfSoftware/Anaconda_new/4.9.2/envs/run.caddsv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snakemake/executors/", line 136, in run_jobs
File "/BioinfSoftware/Anaconda_new/4.9.2/envs/run.caddsv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snakemake/executors/", line 145, in run
File "/BioinfSoftware/Anaconda_new/4.9.2/envs/run.caddsv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snakemake/executors/", line 156, in _run
File "/BioinfSoftware/Anaconda_new/4.9.2/envs/run.caddsv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snakemake/executors/", line 176, in printjob
File "/BioinfSoftware/Anaconda_new/4.9.2/envs/run.caddsv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/snakemake/executors/", line 162, in printjob
Can you see whats going wrong here?
Can you provide the input file? It seems like the annotation files are not complete, Did you download the full set of annotations at:
Please note that you can also use the webservice at: using a tab separated bed file like this: chr1 123 345 DEL Without installing the webservice yourself.
Sorry Stefan, This is a general error that I am about to fix. I will let you know once its working again...
'''RuleException in line 135 of /media/Berechnungen/CADD-SV/Snakefile: 'OutputFiles' object has no attribute 't1''''
This issue should be fixed now
Dear all, thanks for developing a great tool like that. I have CNVs in VCF format from GATK analysis which I am trying to convert to BED like you described in the readme. Unfortunately everything I get is an empty bed file. The command I am using is as following:
I am not getting any error. Do you have any idea what is happening there? Bests Stefan