kittykatattack / hexi

Make games the fun way!
MIT License
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Towards version 0.0.1 #32

Open kittykatattack opened 7 years ago

kittykatattack commented 7 years ago

Hi Everyone!

To my surprise, other people besides myself have started to use Hexi! I'm extremely happy about that, but, until now, Hexi has been really nothing more than an elaborate "experiment" that I could not in good faith actually advise anyone to use in production. Yes, people have been using it production - especially me. But Hexi was always just a labour-of-love by one inconsistent maintainer (me!) who likes to take long holidays in remote parts of the world without internet access. 😟 πŸ˜„ ✨ (As an aside: I can highly recommend doing that!!) And, as much fun as Hexi is to work on (it's my baby!) I pretty much have to turn all my attention to paying gigs when they come up to keep the lights on. And, unfortuanly, I'm drowning in paying work at the moment. πŸ˜’ 😭 πŸ€‘

So, my goal is now to put all my efforts into stabilizing Hexi's source (core.js) and dependent modules so that we all have a solid foundation to build on. The first step is to lock down the current version of Hexi on the master branch at version 0.0.1. And, do the same thing for its dependent modules:

Once that's done.... Hexi will have it's first official "release!" We can then delve into squashing the last of its bugs and thinking about it's future. (I've currently suspended work on using Pixi v4.x as the renderer but will resume that work when 0.0.1 is done.)

Also, it's become obvious that Hexi needs more maintainers. Volunteers welcome!!! The only thing I ask is that we agree to agree on following guidelines:

If you're good with that, just request to be added as a collaborator in this thread.

Cheers, kk.

kittykatattack commented 7 years ago

Here are the goals for 0.0.1:

Once we've done we'll tag all the libraries as 0.0.1 and work through squashing the last few remaining bugs.

Please let us know if there's anything more we should add to this list.

Nicholaiii commented 6 years ago

I can help you with the last three goals of 0.0.1; and am able to do so autonomously; but I would like to suggest Webpack over Gulp or Grunt, for simplicity and maintainability. Having worked a lot with both Gulp and Webpack, I think Gulp is more suited for larger multi-part frontend applications, whereas webpack is perfect for libraries. A full config that will cover building Hexi.js is a /mere/ 7 lines of code. (10 with uglifying) The strength of Webpack lies in its integration with the NPM eco system. You can require() everything you need; All dependencies are declared in package.json and installed and bundled upon build.

Nicholaiii commented 6 years ago

Another issue to discuss is package naming - A lot of the packages like dust, smoothie, bump et al are already taken. I think pixi-* is a good approach tho? It seems to be the convention for libraries targeting other libraries pixi-dust pixi-smoothie eg

Qriva commented 6 years ago

Question: Can we expect modules like utils, charm etc in version compatabile with pixi 4.* ? and if yes - then when?

kittykatattack commented 6 years ago

@Qriva That will happen eventually once v4 stabilizes - which could take a while. At the moment v4 is in too much flux with arbitrary API changes and is too buggy to risk in production (at least for me.) And, v4 doesn't offer any significant features or performance improvements over late v3, which is incredibly stable and bug free. I'll see how things play out - there's a distinct possibility that I might skip v4 completely wait till v5. Let's see! πŸ˜„

But, if any volunteers would like to work on v4 branches of those utilities, please do!