When using a RadioSelect the onChange given to Radio doens't take into account the value given by Radio. But Radio keeps anyway an internal state on wether it's checked or not. So if you want click on it, wanting to uncheck it, it will, but the parent won't know about it.
Expected behaviour
Radio souhldn't keep an internal state.
Focus-components: [2.2.0]
Possible fix
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import Translation from '../../../behaviours/translation';
import GridBehaviour from '../../../behaviours/grid';
import MaterialBehaviour from '../../../behaviours/material';
import filterProps from '../../../utils/filter-html-attributes';
import isUndefined from 'lodash/lang/isUndefined';
class Radio extends Component {
static defaultProps = {
value: false
static propTypes = {
label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
name: PropTypes.string,
value: PropTypes.bool,
onChange: PropTypes.func
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
updateCheckedClass() {
const { inputMdl } = this.refs;
const isChecked = this.getValue();
if (inputMdl) {
const { classList } = inputMdl;
if (isChecked === true) classList.add('is-checked');
if (isChecked === false) classList.remove('is-checked');
* Executed actions on change event.
* @param {event} event
_onChange = () => {
if (this.props.onChange) {
* Get the value from the input in the DOM.
* @returns The DOM node value.
getValue() {
return isUndefined(this.props.value) ? false : this.props.value
* Render the Checkbox HTML.
* @return {VirtualDOM} - The virtual DOM of the checkbox.
render() {
const isChecked = this.getValue();
const { label } = this.props;
const validInputProps = filterProps(this.props);
validInputProps.onChange = this._onChange;
validInputProps.checked = isChecked ? 'checked' : undefined;
const inputProps = { ...validInputProps };
return (
<label className='mdl-radio mdl-js-radio mdl-js-ripple-effect' data-focus='input-radio' ref='inputMdl'>
<input className='mdl-radio__button' type='radio' ref='inputRadio' {...inputProps} />
<span className='mdl-radio__label'>{this.i18n(label)}</span>
Radio.displayName = 'InputRadio';
export default Radio;
Current behaviour
When using a RadioSelect the onChange given to Radio doens't take into account the value given by Radio. But Radio keeps anyway an internal state on wether it's checked or not. So if you want click on it, wanting to uncheck it, it will, but the parent won't know about it.
Expected behaviour
Radio souhldn't keep an internal state.
Focus-components: [2.2.0]
Possible fix